Main Forums > The Roundtable

Christmas is for fun.

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And what would the Mommies think if they knew you had a  GUH-UH-UN on you?

I had one freak out, and call mall management, because I had a Daisy Red Ryder, still in the box, that I had purchased in the mall, as one of the "presents" on the photo set.
After that, when they told me it had to go, I gave it to the first "little boy" (he was about 6'4") who asked for it using the proper verbiage...

Bogie said,

"I had one freak out, and call mall management, because I had a Daisy Red Ryder, still in the box, that I had purchased in the mall, as one of the "presents" on the photo set."

And they have the nerve to call us paranoid.


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