Author Topic: Cold laser therapy devices  (Read 6896 times)


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Re: Cold laser therapy devices
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2024, 10:42:01 AM »
Of note, the same is also true for sugar pills.

AFAIK, sugar pills don't work on dogs because they have no expectation that they'll do anything except taste sweet.

For humans, if you think a treatment works but it's all you're imagination, indirectly it's still working, right?

K Frame's knee feeling better might just be because he's gullible and/or stupid, but he still feels better so it's a win.  Seren walking and standing better is a lot harder to dismiss even if the science seems dubious.  It could be his imagination again but that's less likely than with his own knee.

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Re: Cold laser therapy devices
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2024, 11:37:01 AM »
And yet, here you are.

Love you, too, Nick.

If I'm a rude and crass individual for calling out one of the most retarded flights of logical fancy posted to this board in quite some time, well so be it.

And, another situational report on Seren, after several days of treatments with the red light device she is standing FAR higher on her pastern than she was at the start. This morning she's back to probably 80% of normal stance, where was before she was at probably 50% or less.

So, if continuing to use this device when there is actual medical support for the results I'm seeing makes me a Commie-loving COVID sucking tool of Anthony Falci and his evil NIH minions... so be it, because my girl is more comfortable. At that is the only think that matters to me.

I see.  My perspective on this matter is such a egregious retarded flights of logical fancy that you're only able to address it via dripping sarcasm, personal attacks and verbal abuse. 

To your first point, well... Why am I here?  I'll do my best to refrain from polluting your future threads with my idiocy.


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Re: Cold laser therapy devices
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2024, 11:47:26 AM »
AFAIK, sugar pills don't work on dogs because they have no expectation that they'll do anything except taste sweet.
No argument about that, I was specifically addressing his claim that there were studies showing that this particular treatment was "proven, effective, and virtually without side effects..."  This may be true, but the fact is that there are other treatments which have no possible physical impact which meet the same standard.
Seren walking and standing better is a lot harder to dismiss even if the science seems dubious.  It could be his imagination again but that's less likely than with his own knee.
It could easily be Mike's imagination/wishful thinking.  It might be entirely unrelated improvements, possibly even caused by some kind of increased physical manipulation of the joint to apply the light.  Or it could be that the light treatment is legitimately working.

I'm not making claims either way about the effectiveness of the treatment, although I do tend to agree with Nick that if a particular wavelength is effective at promoting healing or reducing pain, simply being in sunlight or other broad-spectrum light source seems like should theoretically give the same kind of benefit.  Potentially far greater benefits if there are other wavelengths that have undiscovered benefits.


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Re: Cold laser therapy devices
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2024, 01:34:20 PM »
Your "question" wasn't a question.

It was an associative accusation designed to sow doubt and, by extension, invalidate the whole of the body.
I see - to your way of thinking, a simple question that sheds doubt on the infallibility of an agency whose expertise you cited to support your assertions isn't a question, but a blanket condemnation of everything that agency has ever done.

Got it.  :facepalm:

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Re: Cold laser therapy devices
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2024, 03:24:06 PM »

I'm not making claims either way about the effectiveness of the treatment, although I do tend to agree with Nick that if a particular wavelength is effective at promoting healing or reducing pain, simply being in sunlight or other broad-spectrum light source seems like should theoretically give the same kind of benefit.  Potentially far greater benefits if there are other wavelengths that have undiscovered benefits.

I wondered if there was any difference between agitating "knee molecules" by a laser or by a heating pad.  And you can look directly at a heating pad.  <puzzled>