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Lucifer's Hammer

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Just finished Lucifer's Hammer.  Great read and highly recommended to any and all independent-minded folks concerned about surviving any sort of catastrophy.  It was written in the late seventies so you'll have to get over references to older technology.


I read that book back in high school (15 years ago!).  It was so good I reread it again a few years later.  It's one book I need to add to my library.  It and The Stand are among my favorite books.


Parker Dean:
Yep, a definite recommended read.

I haven't read it in years myself, and I think I loaned out my copy which hasn't made it's way back yet.

Alas Babylon! by Pat Frank   along the same vein but deals with post atomic attack and survivors in Florida.  I've read it 25 times in the last 42 years.

One of my favorites that I have to keep buying over again. Its a viscious cycle with good books. You loan them out cause you want people to read them, but they never want to give it back.


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