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Gun Control Advocates Introduce 'Microstamping' Bill (for all USA)

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--- Quote ---one gun manufacturer, STI International, stopped selling firearms in California as soon as Gov. Schwarzenegger signed the state's microstamping bill into law
From a liberal point of view, it's working.


--- Quote ---one gun manufacturer, STI International, stopped selling firearms in California as soon as Gov. Schwarzenegger signed the state's microstamping bill into lawInstead of stopping sales in California, they should have a 50% to 75% sale in California until the stamping is required.

Before this November, I'll be competition for Rabbi and take bets this won't go anywhere (still doesn't mean I won't email the critters about it).

After November, depending on who is in office and the makeup of the Senate and Congress, I won't be taking any bets.

One more proof that whatever happens in "Kommiefornia" does not affect the "free states". 


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