Author Topic: Romney bounces from race  (Read 18354 times)


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2008, 03:44:56 AM »
big surprise. republican leaders support the republican nominee.

the primary is about selecting a nominee. the election is about defeating democrats.

is the nominee perfect? no. is any human being perfect?

its time to put the acrimony aside and do what we can to improve things rather than pretending McCain is evil, when we know just who actually is evil incarnate in the upcoming election.

I know there are a few whiners who will hold out for a perfect candidate to appear, but it ain't gonna happen. If you feel the need to not vote for mccain because of his imperfections, thats fine. you have a right to do things that are counterproductive.

the real issue this time around is the house and senate.


Disclaimers: I am not a lawyer, cop, soldier, gunsmith, politician, plumber, electrician, or a professional practitioner of many of the other things I comment on in this forum.

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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2008, 03:53:04 AM »
Anyone been listening to "conservative" talk radio since Mitt's "suspension"?......

No.  Why?

In a 18-hr span, everyone from Rush to Savage has gone from "Vote Romney--he's the only conservative" to "Vote McCain--he can unite the party".  And they're saying McCain will appoint conservative justices to SCOTUS.....just like they said about Bush in 2004 just before he nominated Harriet Myers......

Turned my stomach.....

Big-Tent GOP's Failure to Uphold Conservatism Caused This Mess
Rush sets down a marker: The McCain debacle is not our fault. It's the fault of the Republican establishment which abandoned conservatism.

McCain Banks on Fear and Loathing
February 7, 2008

But what will they do if Obama is the opponent?

We're you listening to a different Rush than I was? Rush Schmortz maybe? grin
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2008, 04:28:06 AM »
is the nominee perfect? no. is any human being perfect?

First of all, this does not outline a candidate who will promote our cause.  We may be looking at four years of stagnation: which we all agree is better than the alternative.

Or, we may be looking at four years of watching him "reach across the aisle" by selling us out.  Isn't that what true conservatives hate about this man?  And isn't this issue the reason we all come here to argue with each other?

I am not expecting someone who is perfect.  What I am expecting is people like you, who obviously read and become informed on the issues, to realize that this race is far from over and there's still an opportunity to advance either of the other guys, both of whom are much better at gun issues.

Of course, if guns really were the main issue, it would be a good idea to promote the guy who would leave Iraq faster than the democrats and steal all their votes, who would then do more to protect the 2nd Amendment than anyone in the last 100 years.  But I guess that would make too much sense.


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2008, 07:40:01 AM »
Or, we may be looking at four years of watching him "reach across the aisle" by selling us out.  Isn't that what true conservatives hate about this man?  And isn't this issue the reason we all come here to argue with each other?
That's me.  I'm feeling like I'm stuck between choosing to get shot in the front or stabbed in the back.

Of course, if guns really were the main issue, it would be a good idea to promote the guy who would leave Iraq faster than the democrats and steal all their votes, who would then do more to protect the 2nd Amendment than anyone in the last 100 years.  But I guess that would make too much sense.
Did you forget that anyone who wants to leave Iraq is a cowardly "blame-America" pinko?
He never brought you an unbalanced budget, which is a perennial joke. He never voted himself a wage increase and, to this day, gives back part of his salary every year. He has always voted to preserve the Constitution, cut government spending, lower healthcare costs, end the war on drugs, secure our borders with immigration reform and protect our civil liberties.


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #54 on: February 10, 2008, 03:02:42 PM »
Yes, the Ron Paul campaign is a DEMOCRATIC PLOT.

He's been a sleeper agent since 1978.

We don't want them to know.  Even though we were just waiting for Al Gore to invent the internet so we could spam polls.


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #55 on: February 10, 2008, 03:08:24 PM »
Did you forget that anyone who wants to leave Iraq is a cowardly "blame-America" pinko?
DUH!  rolleyes

I mean, the Idea that you make enemies when you go around F$#*ing with the internal affairs of other nations that don't want you there is a preposterous one. And the notion that some of the inhabitants of those nations/regions may get pissed off when you do it is ever more ridiculous.

Everyone knows that they hate us for our freedoms. Guiliani says it so it must be true -- he was there on 9/11 -- he knows.

I just feel so bad for Switzerland. They are more free than we are so I can only imagine what is coming their way.... rolleyes
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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #56 on: February 10, 2008, 11:04:25 PM »
Well, Finch, the idea that you can make war without gaining a few extra enemies is also a preposterous one, so...
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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #57 on: February 11, 2008, 08:29:56 AM »
Did you forget that anyone who wants to leave Iraq is a cowardly "blame-America" pinko?
DUH!  rolleyes

I mean, the Idea that you make enemies when you go around F$#*ing with the internal affairs of other nations that don't want you there is a preposterous one. And the notion that some of the inhabitants of those nations/regions may get pissed off when you do it is ever more ridiculous.

Everyone knows that they hate us for our freedoms. Guiliani says it so it must be true -- he was there on 9/11 -- he knows.

I just feel so bad for Switzerland. They are more free than we are so I can only imagine what is coming their way.... rolleyes

Why do so many people think that the USA should be allowed to meddle in the affairs of other nations?  Who cares if South America gets another dictator?  Or Iraq takes over Kuwait?  Why should we care about what happens in the Middle East? Let them do their thing and we will do ours.  We are not the worlds police.  But it seems the current administration and the leading candidates think we are.

If we want to nationbuild then lets nation build.  Africa, South East Asia, and some parts of Central and South America can use our help.  I believe Iraq had a nation before we came and it seemed to work.


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #58 on: February 12, 2008, 02:43:08 PM »
Why do so many people think that the USA should be allowed to meddle in the affairs of other nations?  Who cares if South America gets another dictator?  Or Iraq takes over Kuwait?  Why should we care about what happens in the Middle East? Let them do their thing and we will do ours.  We are not the worlds police.  But it seems the current administration and the leading candidates think we are.

If we want to nationbuild then lets nation build.  Africa, South East Asia, and some parts of Central and South America can use our help.  I believe Iraq had a nation before we came and it seemed to work.

A brief excursion in history:

We need oil to survive. Certain despots in the Middle East are willing to sell it to us at "reasonable prices" and use dollars in their oil deals, so long as we keep them in power, even when the dollar is dropping. We made that deal back when Reagan was fighting the Cold War and asked them to drop the price to bankrupt the USSR which chiefly counted on oil and gas exports to gain western currency. They did and Reagan won the Cold War by a bankrupting arms race with the USSR.

Then Saddam decided to mess with the status quo by invading Quweit. The local dictators got scared, chiefly Saudi Arabia, so they let us station more troops and use them as a local base to oust Saddam and restore the status quo. Some said we should also depose him, but Bush Senior judged correctly that the local despots would withdraw their support then. So we let him fester until he decided to switch away from petrodollars, which would break the deal above. So he had to be smacked down as an example, even though he had nothing to do with Al Qaida. Now the he was deposed, Iraq has to be rebuilt to an agreeable state with limited democracy and pro-western stance.

Why do we have to do all this? Because our civilization and standard of living are extremely dependent on oil, and will likely remain so for the near future. Also, our currency is largely propped by its use for oil deals, so we have become hostages to fat dictators in the middle east.

The solution? Alternative energy sources, chiefly nuclear and eventually fusion, while trimming down the military spending, the ludicrous porkbarrel for old farts, political entitlements, etc., as well as increasing productivity through technology and a cultural change, until both the budget and the trade deficit are in control. But, so long as babyboomers can vote, that aint gonna happen. And that is why we are collectively screwed.

So, study hard, get smart, start a good business or a career, earn well, and prepare for the inevitable "adjustment".  laugh And when the adjustment comes, that cold painful feeling in your colon will be Riley's finger rummaging for his social security, medicare, and medicaid checks. Enjoy!  angel


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #59 on: February 12, 2008, 02:58:00 PM »
And when the adjustment comes, that cold painful feeling in your colon will be Riley's finger rummaging for his social security, medicare, and medicaid checks. Enjoy!  angel

He doesn't need to rummage, he knows exactly where we live.  He'll take what he needs while we sleep.
He never brought you an unbalanced budget, which is a perennial joke. He never voted himself a wage increase and, to this day, gives back part of his salary every year. He has always voted to preserve the Constitution, cut government spending, lower healthcare costs, end the war on drugs, secure our borders with immigration reform and protect our civil liberties.


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #60 on: February 12, 2008, 03:20:04 PM »
And when the adjustment comes, that cold painful feeling in your colon will be Riley's finger rummaging for his social security, medicare, and medicaid checks. Enjoy!

I got a bad rap there.  I currently pay for my own health insurance at the rate of $300/mo for a high deductible policy.  And I have no intention of taking ss or medicare for at least several more years. 


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #61 on: February 12, 2008, 04:15:44 PM »
Sorry, Riley. I am just busting your balls.  grin Or, am I?  angel

You are a babyboomer, who has got the habit of repeating to us youngsters that we should STFU and pay our taxes. So, you become the natural butt of proctological jokes for the younger generations who will actually have to pay for LBJ's and others' faux pas. Or, will we?  angel


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Re: Romney bounces from race
« Reply #62 on: February 13, 2008, 01:44:20 AM »
And when the adjustment comes, that cold painful feeling in your colon will be Riley's finger rummaging for his social security, medicare, and medicaid checks. Enjoy!

I got a bad rap there.  I currently pay for my own health insurance at the rate of $300/mo for a high deductible policy.  And I have no intention of taking ss or medicare for at least several more years. 

You say that now........but when Hillbama Care comes, will you be in line?......
Impressed yet befogged, they grasped at his vivid leading phrases, seeing only their surface meaning, and missing the deeper current of his thought.