Author Topic: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act  (Read 4829 times)


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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2017, 08:59:44 PM »
Listening to NPR today, basically this bill was only polling at 17% favorable. In townhall meetings citizens were bombarding politions with things they liked in Obamacare. Like preexisting conditions and keeping children on until they were 26, etc.

Obamacare isn't going anywhere for a while because they want to be reelected.

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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2017, 10:04:03 PM »
Listening to NPR today, basically this bill was only polling at 17% favorable. In townhall meetings citizens were bombarding politions with things they liked in Obamacare. Like preexisting conditions and keeping children on until they were 26, etc.

Obamacare isn't going anywhere for a while because they want to be reelected.

That's kind of what I expected.  It's like Congress and gun control.

People on average hate congress, but like their own representative.  By the same token, you get a lot of people who will poll for "more gun control", but when you ask them about specific measures they mostly want the situation as current.

People on average actually like a lot of the provisions in Obamacare, not recognizing that it's the same provisions that make it so expensive.


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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2017, 10:37:07 PM »
What was in the repeal Obamacare bill the Republicans passed every year for the past six years?

I like this one:

Simple, right to the point -- "Off with its head."
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2017, 10:52:21 PM »
Simple, right to the point -- "Off with its head."

Now factor in the townhalls and concerned citizens speaking up that they don't want to lose their insurance.

Suddenly they aren't pandering with repeal attempts that were sure to fail, they have to avoid pissing off too many people and thus losing their seats in the midterms.

So they need to come up with a repeal&replace that doesn't piss off too many people.


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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2017, 11:20:23 PM »
Well, what they need to take into account is that the people they should worry about keeping happy are the people who voted for them, not the loud-mouthed professional whiners who show up at "town halls."
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2017, 11:26:30 PM »
Well, what they need to take into account is that the people they should worry about keeping happy are the people who voted for them, not the loud-mouthed professional whiners who show up at "town halls."

There's some differences in perception of reality here.

Personally, I think that "professional whiners" are probably also voters, and I disagree that most of them are "professional" IE paid, at whining. 

I'm not going to say that all of them voted for the politician who held the town hall, but many of them probably did.


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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2017, 12:43:19 PM »
The state of healthcare BEFORE Obamacare was equally unacceptable as Obamacare, just in different ways.

I'm not sure about equally, but still this is something I'm amazed people forget. Obamacare didn't come out of nowhere - a large segment of the country felt something needed to be done to address lack of access & cost of medical care. I'm not saying Obamacare is what the country wanted at all, but they definitely wanted something to change. It would appear we're back in a similar state - no agreement on what to do but a widespread sentiment that what we have is not working great.

Turns out Boehner was pretty accurate in his predictions a month ago:
"In the 25 years that I served in the United States Congress, Republicans never, ever, one time agreed on what a health care proposal should look like. Not once,” Boehner said. “And all this happy talk that went on in November and December and January about repeal, repeal, repeal—yeah, we'll do replace, replace—I started laughing, because if you pass repeal without replace, first, anything that happens is your fault. You broke it.”

"And secondly, as I told some of the Republican leaders when they asked, I said, if you pass repeal without replace you'll never pass replace, because they will never ever agree on what the bill should be. Perfect always becomes the enemy of the good,” Boehner said.

"Most of the Affordable Care Act, in the framework, is going to stay there: coverage for kids up to age 26, covering those with preexisting conditions. All of that's going to be there. Subsidies for those who can't afford it, who aren't on Medicaid, who I call the working poor, subsidies for them will be there," Boehner said.
I'd be willing to bet he's enjoying not having his old job right now.
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2017, 12:50:14 PM »
A major factor in the cost of health care that DIDN'T get addressed by Obamacare is tort reform. From what I understand, a big chunk of the cost of doing business for doctors is professional malpractice insurance. The cost of such insurance is driven up by feel-good juries who award "pain and suffereing" damages for medical slip-ups that are far out of line with the actual damages suffered by the patients, and the rationale is that "the insurance will cover it." Well, yes, it will ... but that money has to come from somewhere.

Health care reform without tort reform is an oxymoron.
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2017, 01:09:33 PM »
A major factor in the cost of health care that DIDN'T get addressed by Obamacare is tort reform. From what I understand, a big chunk of the cost of doing business for doctors is professional malpractice insurance. The cost of such insurance is driven up by feel-good juries who award "pain and suffereing" damages for medical slip-ups that are far out of line with the actual damages suffered by the patients, and the rationale is that "the insurance will cover it." Well, yes, it will ... but that money has to come from somewhere.

Health care reform without tort reform is an oxymoron.

Speaking as the guy who does medical malpractice insurance, this is generally not nearly as big a factor as Big Liability would have you believe.  For the typical physician and looking at the nation as a whole, the cost of malpractice insurance works out to around 3% or so of total revenue and around 1% of their income.  The average physician spends way more as a percentage of total revenue/income on wages/salaries, taxes, rent and office supplies.  The cost of insurance has dropped significantly over the past decade primarily due to lower numbers of claims and better investment performance for the insurers. I am paying way less than I used to to buy malpractice insurance for my facilities and providers. 

The Republicans have talked a lot about tort reform over the years if they ever gained control of the Congress and White House, but I will be interested to see if they actually deliver anything meaningful.
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2017, 07:56:37 PM »
Trump has been taking enormous heat for tweeting that the Freedom Club Republicans and the Dems should be defeated in 2018. But now the Freedom Club Republicans are presenting ideas to improve the bill and help it move forward. Was his tweet a way to push the Freedom Club into working with him on the bill?

Every time Trump tweets something that makes everyone scream that he's insane, his tweets either work or are proven true: Obama administration spying on the Trump team, Sweden having immigrant problems, his complaint about the cost of the new Air Force One, his criticisms of various companies considering moving outside the US, etc.  


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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #35 on: April 01, 2017, 01:24:25 AM »
It would be nice to go back to the hmo plan we had for years but on the other hand, when my wife's company got bought out last year, fourth time in five years, I would have no coverage now without this crap put me in debt ocare.

I think true competition would help more then tort reform to lower the prices, but until you can get the lobby's out of D.C. It is not going to happen.

They call the NRA the 800 pound gorilla in the room these guys are the size of the fing Death Star.

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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2017, 10:15:45 AM »
It would be nice to go back to the hmo plan we had for years but on the other hand, when my wife's company got bought out last year, fourth time in five years, I would have no coverage now without this crap put me in debt ocare.

I think true competition would help more then tort reform to lower the prices, but until you can get the lobby's out of D.C. It is not going to happen.

They call the NRA the 800 pound gorilla in the room these guys are the size of the fing Death Star.

Competition of low co-pays, zero/low deductible and health care facility can't bill clients directly with health insurance would lower prices a lot.
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2017, 02:19:40 PM »
Trump has been taking enormous heat for tweeting that the Freedom Club Republicans and the Dems should be defeated in 2018. But now the Freedom Club Republicans are presenting ideas to improve the bill and help it move forward. Was his tweet a way to push the Freedom Club into working with him on the bill?

Every time Trump tweets something that makes everyone scream that he's insane, his tweets either work or are proven true: Obama administration spying on the Trump team, Sweden having immigrant problems, his complaint about the cost of the new Air Force One, his criticisms of various companies considering moving outside the US, etc.  
I understood changes were proposed before the bill was pulled, but Ryan wasn't allowing any of them.  It could be the Freedom Caucus is just publicizing their own ideas more widely in response to Trump. 
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2017, 05:27:26 PM »
Trump has been taking enormous heat for tweeting that the Freedom Club Republicans and the Dems should be defeated in 2018. But now the Freedom Club Republicans are presenting ideas to improve the bill and help it move forward. Was his tweet a way to push the Freedom Club into working with him on the bill?

Every time Trump tweets something that makes everyone scream that he's insane, his tweets either work or are proven true: Obama administration spying on the Trump team, Sweden having immigrant problems, his complaint about the cost of the new Air Force One, his criticisms of various companies considering moving outside the US, etc.  
IMO one area he excels is in not letting the media control the conversation and trying to appease them. Instead he plays the game right back, and usually works damn well.

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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2017, 11:47:29 PM »
IMO one area he excels is in not letting the media control the conversation and trying to appease them. Instead he plays the game right back, and usually works damn well.

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The sad thing is how few Republicans even attempt to do that.
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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2017, 12:25:39 PM »
There is a serious problem with inflated medical billing and prices... no surprise since most patients don't even look at a bill.  This should be addressed... no charging people different prices based on insurance or lack thereof.


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Re: GOP pulls bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2017, 05:16:58 PM »
There is a serious problem with inflated medical billing and prices... no surprise since most patients don't even look at a bill.  This should be addressed... no charging people different prices based on insurance or lack thereof.

That's pretty much what I've proposed - price sheets need to be public and up front.  None of this "We'll figure out what to charge you a couple weeks after providing services"