Author Topic: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...  (Read 6594 times)


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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2024, 11:51:07 AM »
I read recently that a significant cause of senior citizen driver accidents was misjudging the speed of oncoming traffic. Well, it's sure hard to judge this when the the oncoming traffic is doing 80+ mph.

I don't know about non-seniors.

I've been appalled lately by the ridiculous driving shown in car ads. 
Believe me, I have nothing against testosterone, but do you have to prove you have it by shitty, stupid, ahole, fuckheaded driving?

Go get laid, g-dammit.

Terry, 230RN

ETA:  Heh.  I've been bragging about not having a traffic ticket for 25 years and I recently had occasion to have that checked out  officially as part of an "844" scam that was tried on me.  My last ticket was in 1990.  Heh-heh.

Heh-heh-heh. Pardon my braggadocio.  I guess it takes balls to be a good driver nowadays.  Just about anybody can be an ahole driver --that's real easy.  <outright laugh>

« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 01:16:00 PM by 230RN »


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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2024, 12:37:29 PM »
Last ticket I got, and it was only my 2nd, was in 1995 going up I-65 in Indiana and was because apparently I missed the construction zone speed drop sign. I'm thinking a semi blocked my view of it. As he was writing the ticket I asked where's the construction zone? Give me a dirty look as he handed me the ticket. There wasn't an actual construction zone just a sign saying slow down for one. Going back the other way on the way back I checked, yep there was a sign but no actual construction.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2024, 02:11:54 PM »
The body shop folks here have been doing a gangbuster business... Sideswipes, mirrors torn off, etc., etc.
The car that gets stolen is usually a total. Newer cars get jacked, and they get the key.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2024, 06:37:59 PM »
Last ticket I got, and it was only my 2nd, was in 1995 going up I-65 in Indiana and was because apparently I missed the construction zone speed drop sign. I'm thinking a semi blocked my view of it. As he was writing the ticket I asked where's the construction zone? Give me a dirty look as he handed me the ticket. There wasn't an actual construction zone just a sign saying slow down for one. Going back the other way on the way back I checked, yep there was a sign but no actual construction.

My 1990 ticket was the result of having to slow down from 55 to 25 northbound at a little dippy town on Route 85, Denver to the Grasslands.  The sign was pretty much hidden by trees and bushes and just past a 55mph highway sign.  Plead not guilty, the Magistrate listened to me very carefully, then offhandedly said "Guilty." Classic speed trap.  Fine was $35, translates to around  $100 in today's dollars.

A man's gotta know when the fix is in.  Bendova and take it, or protest and then bendova and take it.

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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2024, 07:43:38 PM »
My last ticket, about 3 years ago, was on the same stretch of road.

I wasn't paying attention, was late for work, and was clocked doing 52 in the 35.

Just today I noticed that new signs have gone up notifying drivers that the school zone will be photo speed enforced starting 29 April.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2024, 12:25:45 AM »
My commute takes me past an elementary school.

On my way TO work, there's a white sign with black letters that says "School Zone Ahead." A short distance beyond that is a yellow sign with flashing lights that says "School Zone - Speed Limit 25 MPH when flashing." A short distance past the school drive way is a sign that says "End of School Zone."

On my way FROM work, there's a white sign with black letters that says "School Zone Ahead."  A short distance past the school drive way is a sign that says "End of School Zone."

Anybody see the difference?
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2024, 07:26:12 AM »
I read recently that a significant cause of senior citizen driver accidents was misjudging the speed of oncoming traffic. Well, it's sure hard to judge this when the the oncoming traffic is doing 80+ mph.

I don't know about non-seniors.

I've been appalled lately by the ridiculous driving shown in car ads. 
Believe me, I have nothing against testosterone, but do you have to prove you have it by shitty, stupid, ahole, fuckheaded driving?

Go get laid, g-dammit.

Terry, 230RN

ETA:  Heh.  I've been bragging about not having a traffic ticket for 25 years and I recently had occasion to have that checked out  officially as part of an "844" scam that was tried on me.  My last ticket was in 1990.  Heh-heh.

Heh-heh-heh. Pardon my braggadocio.  I guess it takes balls to be a good driver nowadays.  Just about anybody can be an ahole driver --that's real easy.  <outright laugh>

The driving in car commercials is tame compared to how the idiots drive out in the real world.

My favorite is when they whip between lanes cutting everybody off. Saw a retard try his next whip change too quick and he broke loose and shot across five lanes sideways.

Called 911 for the dumb *expletive deleted*ck and then 911 dispatch wanted to act like I was an idiot for not suicide diving across five lanes of traffic at night to assist him (I was in the fast lane) and then didn’t want to believe me that it had actually happened when I didn’t have sight of what happened to him as he went off the road
Quote from: Ben
Holy hell. It's like giving a loaded gun to a chimpanzee...

Quote from: bluestarlizzard
the last thing you need is rabies. You're already angry enough as it is.

OTOH, there wouldn't be a tweeker left in Georgia...

Quote from: Balog

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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2024, 08:12:21 AM »
My commute takes me past an elementary school.

On my way TO work, there's a white sign with black letters that says "School Zone Ahead." A short distance beyond that is a yellow sign with flashing lights that says "School Zone - Speed Limit 25 MPH when flashing." A short distance past the school drive way is a sign that says "End of School Zone."

On my way FROM work, there's a white sign with black letters that says "School Zone Ahead."  A short distance past the school drive way is a sign that says "End of School Zone."

Anybody see the difference?

Yep, that may have to do with the prevailing flow of traffic into and out of the school entrance, how the road is used, etc. It's likely that the traffic engineers who did the study on that intersection didn't believe that the flashing yellow light system was necessary for the other side of the road.

The school across the street from me recently cut in a bus entrance on the street into my community.

There's no plan to put up flashing lights, speed limit signs, etc. outside of the general "school student crossing" signs even though there are a lot of walking students on that road.


Because that road is low traffic volume, has a 25 mph speed limit already (residential) has multiple stop signs along its length, and terminates in my community in a dead-end round about. And the school provides crossing guards at the intersections who are, often, county police officers.

Oddly enough, though, the main intersection for the high school (on the road where the accident occurred), didn't have those flashing yellow school zone signs until fairly recently, and that one I never understood because there are a lot of walkers on that route who cross that main road. And that's a primary bus entrance.

My guess is that it wasn't seen to be necessary because the light at that intersection has pedestrian crossing controls on it.

My other guess is that the school system around here, the 11th largest in the United States, is a bunch of cheap, lying, sack of *expletive deleted*it idiots. My community went hammer and tong with them over the renovations to the school across from my place (for which the new bus entrance was cut).

The lies the told the community to drum up support for the major reconstruction project they've engaged on were stunning.

For years we demanded that they deal with parents who were using our narrow street as a kiss in ride for their whelps. Parking in our private community, block our entrance, completely blocking the road, and more.

"We've sent out messages and e-mails, we've done everything we can! It's just too much trouble to have a teacher down there during beginning and end of school day!"

Their tune changed when they wanted community support for the building project. They finally agreed to a written in proffer that at least one teacher would be at that entrance every day to deal with parents. They're doing it, but everything else that they "promised" but which wasn't written into the proffers?

So sorry, we can't do that!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 08:27:42 AM by K Frame »
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2024, 02:26:40 PM »
Back about 2012, when I was driving expedited freight runs, I was up in northern indhio, and it was about midnight. I'm doing 62 mph, cruise control, which was the truck's sweet spot. I see lights coming to pass me. It is two cars.  They pass, and I dialed 911...
"Hey, I'm on I-whatever at about milemarker... 90, and I have a moron alert for  you."
"Yessir, what is the problem?"
"I just got passed by two cars doing around 75, and here's the fun part..."
"Yessir, speeding is bad..."
"They were about ten feet apart."
"That doesn't sound safe."
"Because that's how long the tow rope was... hang on... hang on... Okay... You need to send someone to the bridge at mile 92 - looks like the rear car pitted the front car when they tried to take the exit... One of them is off the road, and the other one is under the bridge. I cannot tell if anyone was injured."
"Thanks for the help."
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2024, 04:37:07 PM »
""Because that's how long the tow rope was... hang on... hang on... Okay... You need to send someone to the bridge at mile 92 - looks like the rear car pitted the front car when they tried to take the exit... One of them is off the road, and the other one is under the bridge. I cannot tell if anyone was injured."

I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or laugh until I cry...

Maybe I'll just give Seren her dinner and start mine instead.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2024, 03:07:23 PM »
I thought "civilian" towing on interstates (and probably other places) was illegal ITFP.  Main thing about vehicle towing and water skiing is never let the line go slack.


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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2024, 08:45:41 PM »

Yep, that may have to do with the prevailing flow of traffic into and out of the school entrance, how the road is used, etc. It's likely that the traffic engineers who did the study on that intersection didn't believe that the flashing yellow light system was necessary for the other side of the road.

The way I view it, if one sign says "School zone ahead" and the next sign says "End of school zone," there's no school zone and they can't (legally) ticket me for doing 35 instead of 25. There's no sign that says anything like "School zone starts here."
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2024, 06:45:44 AM »
I thought "civilian" towing on interstates (and probably other places) was illegal ITFP.  Main thing about vehicle towing and water skiing is never let the line go slack.

LOL doesn’t stop the Mexican convoys

Picture a ratty vehicle flattowing two other shitboxes using some slapped together towbars, usually all with body damage, no taillights, at night on the interstate, and usually about 3-5 of these in a line, all leaving a car auction bound for the border. Sometimes you’ll see it with old school buses as well. You’ll also see them towing three Toyota tacomas but instead of towbars the beds are removed from two trucks and they are “decked” with the second and third ones lashed to the frame rails with rear tires on ground and the two beds precariously stacked in the bed of the third one.

Laws don’t do *expletive deleted*it if not enforced and the cops don’t do anything to a non commercial vehicle.

Quote from: Ben
Holy hell. It's like giving a loaded gun to a chimpanzee...

Quote from: bluestarlizzard
the last thing you need is rabies. You're already angry enough as it is.

OTOH, there wouldn't be a tweeker left in Georgia...

Quote from: Balog


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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2024, 11:14:27 PM »
Many years ago, I learned a "trick" that let me win 50%-75% of any traffic ticket I was issued.  Show up in court.  You may have to do it twice as, despite the tickets having a form on the back to "avoid multiple appearances", there isn't a single judge that follows that and you will have to go twice.
Usually, the cases are dismissed on that second visit as the cops don't show up.

That being said, I haven't gotten a ticket in over 20 years and only pulled over once.  The cop liked my "pro-2A" plates and just gave me a warning for not using my turn signal.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2024, 08:07:00 AM »
Many years ago, I learned a "trick" that let me win 50%-75% of any traffic ticket I was issued.  Show up in court.  You may have to do it twice as, despite the tickets having a form on the back to "avoid multiple appearances", there isn't a single judge that follows that and you will have to go twice.
Usually, the cases are dismissed on that second visit as the cops don't show up.

I went to court once for a traffic ticket that I got in a totally corrupt speed trap in I think like 1982. I took photos of the reduced speed sign blocked by a tree where the cops set up and had a whole defense setup. When it was my turn to go before the judge, I think I got to talk for like ten seconds before he stopped me and said "guilty as charged".

About six months later, a local attorney sued the city over the speed trap (which was an ongoing thing) and won. Too late for me, but at least others didn't get caught in the corrupt money making scheme by the city.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2024, 08:13:46 AM »
I half won a ticket at a speed trap in DC a couple of weeks after I moved down here from Pennsylvania.

Took photo evidence of the sign... it was badly faded, twisted partially so it couldn't really be seen, and was also badly stained.

Judge cut the fine in half and no points. Fine with me.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2024, 01:04:02 PM »
I went to court once for a traffic ticket that I got in a totally corrupt speed trap in I think like 1982. I took photos of the reduced speed sign blocked by a tree where the cops set up and had a whole defense setup. When it was my turn to go before the judge, I think I got to talk for like ten seconds before he stopped me and said "guilty as charged".

About six months later, a local attorney sued the city over the speed trap (which was an ongoing thing) and won. Too late for me, but at least others didn't get caught in the corrupt money making scheme by the city.
I think that is how some of the famous speed traps were shut down in Texas.  Someone eventually sued or appealed the conviction high enough to get more notice.  Plus, the state department of transportation adjusted the rules to make it harder for small towns to put stop lights or speed limit changes on state highways.
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Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2024, 01:05:58 PM »
The only time I showed up in court for a speeding ticket, the ticketing officer was telling everyone to go to court and ask for deferred adjudication.  They "fee" was the same as the ticket, but the speeding ticket went away after a few months.  The city of Pasadena, TX just wanted the money.
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