Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Sindawe on May 10, 2008, 07:25:54 AM

Title: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Sindawe on May 10, 2008, 07:25:54 AM
Seeing red because I'm green
Posted: May 10, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

By Patrice Lewis
© 2008 

Hey, here's a newsflash: My family and I are green. Whoa!

Why do we qualify? We work at home (no commuting). We grow or raise a large portion of our own food (ooh, organic). We don't use a clothes dryer; we heat with wood we cut ourselves (no heating oil, gas, or electrical heat); we buy almost everything (clothes, furniture, household items) second-hand. We don't have cell phones or television reception. We don't have air conditioning or central heating. The list goes on … and it's a long list (available upon request).

Our greenness came about when we decided to do something bold and daring, something most people only dream about. Fourteen years ago, we chucked our urban, two-income, professional lifestyle in the city and bought a fixer-upper on four acres in the country. No jobs, no income. No kidding.

So there we were – poor. That was our first step toward greenness.

Unable to find a job, we decided to start our own woodcraft business so we could work at home. If we had known that we were embarking on a decade of being really poor, we may have taken a different path. But ignorance was bliss, so we continued. Now we were well on our way toward environmental consciousness.

We chugged along without health insurance through the birth of our two daughters. (We departed from true greenness by insisting that we pay our own hospital bills, however.) I worked nights outside the home and my husband worked days in the shop because we couldn't afford (nor did we want) day care. We used cloth diapers and I breastfed because we couldn't afford disposable diapers and formula. See the greenery building up?

I learned to can fruits and vegetables. We had a cow/calf and chickens, so we milked and butchered and gathered eggs and made cheese. (Oops, we're not vegans. Strike one.) Our business slowly stabilized until I could stop working outside the home and could split the hours in the shop with my husband. (Oops, a stay-at-home mom. Strike two.)

We homeschooled because we couldn't afford private schools. We figured our kids, in the long run, couldn't "afford" government schools either. If my kids are going to get propagandized, they may as well get it from me.

Fast-forward to today. Because we work at home and are not dependent on proximity to a city, we had the freedom to relocate to an area where property prices are low. Now we have 40 acres, more cows, more chickens and a bigger garden.

But we try to stay frugal. To save on propane, we never use our dryer (line-dry in the summer, rack-dry in the winter). We still heat with wood from our own woodlot. We produce our own fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt and butter (wheat is next on our list of things to try). We buy in bulk. We drive a small car. We buy all our clothes (except socks and underwear), furniture and most of our household goods at thrift stores.

The funny thing is we moved to an area where most people are greener than we are. They out-green just about everyone I know – living off-grid, building their own homes with no mortgage, making their own soap, grinding their own grain, making their own pasta. …

We're still pretty low income – but that's "green" too, isn't it? After all, most environmentalists love poor folk. They must, or they wouldn't be so interested in making everyone uniformly poor by taking our money away to equalize the misery.

Recently, I got curious about the extent of our carbon footprint and logged onto to see just how bad we are. According to this website, the average footprint for people in the U.S. is 20 tons of carbon per year. The average for the industrialized nations is about 11 tons/year. The average worldwide footprint is about four tons/year. To combat climate change (wait, wasn't it "global warming" last week?), the worldwide average needs to reduce to two tons/year, approximately cave man status.

Our results: 4.165 tons/year. I also learned that I could offset my evil capitalistic consumerist lifestyle by planting six trees in Kenya, planting six trees in another "approved" country of my choice, or contributing toward "VCS verified carbon reduction projects around the world which reduce carbon emissions through the displacement of fossil fuels through clean / renewable energy generation." But wait, we're too poor to purchase these indulgences, so I guess we'll have to keep spewing out carbon unabated through our evil capitalistic consumerist lifestyle. The 48 trees we've planted so far on our property probably don't count because we're not in Kenya.

Nonetheless, because we're walking the walk but not talking the talk, I've been accused on various forums of not being green. That makes me see red. What will it take? Reducing our standard of living to cave man status?

Probably. I think the greenies won't be satisfied until their advanced socialism has reduced everyone to stark poverty (except the environmentalist leaders, of course – they get to live in 10,000 square foot homes they tell us are "green").

If your belief is that it's impossible to be environmentally conscious without supporting the extreme left, socialistic philosophy, then you're mistaken. Some of the greenest people in this country are those with a fierce love of independence and a wish to be left alone.

Remember, greenies don't really care if you walk the walk. They only want you to talk the talk. The purpose of today's environmentalism is not to get people to live a green lifestyle; otherwise our neighbors and we would be their heroes. No, the purpose, the scheme, the agenda of the greenies is to get us all to knuckle under to socialism. Pure and simple. "Saving the planet" is just their excuse.

Good stewardship of the earth just makes sense. My family does it because it keeps our expenses low and our independence high.

By looking at green issues through the lens of intelligence rather than blind worship or political power-grabbing, people can make sound choices and decisions that can protect the environment … without the hype that can lead to dangerous and socialistic trends.


Just for grins, I linked into the carbon footprint page and ran my numbers.  Even though I don't take a lot of pains to "be green" and live surrounded by electronic toys, my calculated footprint is only 7.5 tons of carbon/year.  I could offset that by planting 11 trees (per the noted web site), but only in Kenya or the UK. rolleyes
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: K Frame on May 10, 2008, 07:30:34 AM
"We departed from true greenness by insisting that we pay our own hospital bills, however."


8.2 tons of carbon per year.

What I want to know is why using a bank or credit union adds to my carbon footprint. That's the stupidest goddamned thing I've ever heard.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Sindawe on May 10, 2008, 07:35:04 AM
Being "truly green" would require:

1: Home birth

2: Socialized medicine paying the cost (favored option of those who spout "green" only for control of others)
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: K Frame on May 10, 2008, 07:39:37 AM
Wow. Letting the government take over health care would reduce the carbon footprint...

I bet I know how. Very limited and highly rationed services.

I'm more than willing to send some of this asswipes to Kenya...

You know what? I think I've discovered a flaw in the carbon calculator...

A good chunk of my electricity comes from nuclear power, not the burning of fossil fuels...
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: roo_ster on May 10, 2008, 09:22:03 AM
The green tree has red roots.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Silver Bullet on May 10, 2008, 10:53:52 AM
(except the environmentalist leaders, of course  they get to live in 10,000 square foot homes they tell us are "green").

Im gratified he recognized that particular dirty little secret of socialism.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 10, 2008, 11:04:36 AM
That calculator needs some work.  The Secondary page really doesn't offer options that normal people could choose.  How about options that say, "I don't consider packaging when I buy something," or "I buy SOME of my clothes at second hand"? 

I would tell it what kind of car my wife drives, but it has no listing for Buick Century.  Huh?  I could enter the annual milage but how would I even have that information?  Who tracks that, anyway? 
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Werewolf on May 10, 2008, 11:23:38 AM
19.996 tons - Yeehah! Stupid greenies - you suckers want'a freeze in the dark and eat food grown in poop - knock yourselves out.

Try and make me live the way that website seems to think ideal and there's gonna be a problem. I guarantee it won't be me suffering from your solutions.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Bigjake on May 10, 2008, 11:24:47 AM
The calculator is a joke, they don't have a field for any truck bigger than a friggin half ton.  My diesel 1 ton would surely put me at the top of the carbon footprint heap if the bastiges would make it an option.  How the hell am I supposed to rack up points if they don't give better options??
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: freakazoid on May 10, 2008, 11:34:45 AM
How the hell am I supposed to rack up points if they don't give better options??

lol, I think your playing it wrong. It is kind of like golf. You know you the lower the score the better... and really boring, :p
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: grislyatoms on May 10, 2008, 12:34:10 PM
This is the first time I really ever looked into the whole "carbon footprint" thing.

What a magical pile of feel-good quackery.

Actually, let me rephrase that.

What a magical pile of sanctimonious, feel-good quackery.

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: anygunanywhere on May 10, 2008, 02:53:44 PM
Heh heh!

29.61 and they did not even count my diesel superduty.

Written as I sit by the pool grillin' some angus ribeyes, slurpin' down a Jack Daniels, listening to the two AC's cool my two story (ahem) bungalow, gazing longingly at my darling wife soaking rays in the 90+ degree Texas heat.

Oops. The ash fell off of my Cohiba onto the keyboard.

THe queen palms are green. Does that count??

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Manedwolf on May 10, 2008, 02:56:56 PM
But they just want you to buy some Ponzi carbon credits!
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: grampster on May 10, 2008, 03:29:54 PM
My carbon footprint is the dark smear on the ass of my liberal socialist neighbor.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Scout26 on May 10, 2008, 05:51:30 PM
I think I melted it...... How much carbon does it use to run its server  ??

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Nick1911 on May 10, 2008, 07:37:06 PM
I think it's funny there's no place to enter "I own 5 acres of woods, filled with mature trees."

I wanna see some negative numbers!  smiley
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: BridgeRunner on May 11, 2008, 03:36:17 AM
No place to enter the age of one's vehicle. Over the course of twenty years, one truck is more efficient that ten Priuses.  Cost of operation needs to be balanced against cost of manufacturing and marketing. 
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Jamisjockey on May 11, 2008, 03:47:32 AM
Total 23.722
It'd have been more if we actually had to commute in the behemouth Escalade the wife drives.
I love how it immediately directs you to offset your footprint with credits.  I can't wait to see Joe Slickhair on the Environmental healing the environment and promising to assuage white guilt if you call in and buy credits.....
This whole thing is starting to smack of the televangelists of the 80's and 90's.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Tallpine on May 11, 2008, 03:59:29 AM
No place to enter the age of one's vehicle. Over the course of twenty years, one truck is more efficient that ten Priuses.

Until we got a 2 yr old vehicle (30mpg) last month, the combined age of our other two trucks totalled 49 years  cool
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Declaration Day on May 11, 2008, 04:00:03 AM
What I want to know is why using a bank or credit union adds to my carbon footprint. That's the stupidest goddamned thing I've ever heard.

By using a bank / credit union, you contribute to their energy consumption, everything from the electricity they use to the fossil fuels burned in the production of their paper and other supplies.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: stevelyn on May 11, 2008, 04:03:34 AM
The calculator IS a joke. I probably pay more per kwh for electricity than most as with heating oil and gasoline. It doesn't mean I'm using more, it's just higher priced due to my location. And as far as planting trees to offset my "carbon footprint", that'll be cancelled out or put in the negative by the ones I cut down and burn as firewood.

Screw the greenies.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Glock Glockler on May 11, 2008, 04:34:43 AM
The purpose of today's environmentalism is not to get people to live a green lifestyle; otherwise our neighbors and we would be their heroes. No, the purpose, the scheme, the agenda of the greenies is to get us all to knuckle under to socialism. Pure and simple. "Saving the planet" is just their excuse

We have a winner!  That's why they're called watermelons, green on the outside and red on the inside. 
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Jamisjockey on May 11, 2008, 04:38:38 AM
What I want to know is why using a bank or credit union adds to my carbon footprint. That's the stupidest goddamned thing I've ever heard.

By using a bank / credit union, you contribute to their energy consumption, everything from the electricity they use to the fossil fuels burned in the production of their paper and other supplies.

But without using a bank, how can I use my debit card to assuage my white guilt save mother earth by investing in carbon credits?!?!?!?
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: wmenorr67 on May 11, 2008, 04:43:48 AM
What I want to know is why using a bank or credit union adds to my carbon footprint. That's the stupidest goddamned thing I've ever heard.

By using a bank / credit union, you contribute to their energy consumption, everything from the electricity they use to the fossil fuels burned in the production of their paper and other supplies.

But without using a bank, how can I use my debit card to assuage my white guilt save mother earth by investing in carbon credits?!?!?!?

Oh the never ending circle of life and death.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Bigjake on May 11, 2008, 05:00:27 AM
I wonder if Enviro-Weenies would burn better than the slabwood I'm using now.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: grislyatoms on May 11, 2008, 05:05:46 AM
I wonder if Enviro-Weenies would burn better than the slabwood I'm using now.

They burn just fine, you just gotta watch out for the patchouli stench. It'll run you right out of the house!
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: grislyatoms on May 11, 2008, 06:28:49 AM
But they just want you to buy some Ponzi carbon credits!

Ahh, I see.

"I threw my money away on this nebulous scheme so you should, too..."

Still seems to be a self-righteous element there, too, though.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: The Annoyed Man on May 11, 2008, 07:01:52 AM
I wonder if Enviro-Weenies would burn better than the slabwood I'm using now.
Better solution: Make Soylent Green out of them. Not that I would eat them that it anyway, made of enviro-commies or not, but we would get rid of them.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: RocketMan on May 11, 2008, 07:09:52 AM
I wonder if Enviro-Weenies would burn better than the slabwood I'm using now.
Better solution: Make Soylent Green out of them. Not that I would eat them that it anyway, made of enviro-commies or not, but we would get rid of them.

Hey, Soylent Greenies!  I coined a new term.

We can donate the Soylent Greenies to the starving masses in various Third World pits.  That way, we can reduce world hunger, and at the same time, further assuage our feelings of Liberal White Guilt.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: The Annoyed Man on May 11, 2008, 07:42:29 AM
I wonder if Enviro-Weenies would burn better than the slabwood I'm using now.
Better solution: Make Soylent Green out of them. Not that I would eat them that it anyway, made of enviro-commies or not, but we would get rid of them.

Hey, Soylent Greenies!  I coined a new term.

We can donate the Soylent Greenies to the starving masses in various Third World pits.  That way, we can reduce world hunger, and at the same time, further assuage our feelings of Liberal White Guilt.
Let's give it to the junta of Myanmar Burma. Tell them it's a delicacy. They'll keep that for themselves.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 11, 2008, 08:22:28 AM
further assuage our feelings of Liberal White Guilt. 

People burdened by White Guilt should just blame me. 

This calculator could be a very useful tool in identifying godless commies.  Anything under a ten, and you're an obvious communist.  And right now I'm looking at you, Sindawe.   angry
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Bigjake on May 11, 2008, 08:42:43 AM
further assuage our feelings of Liberal White Guilt. 

People burdened by White Guilt should just blame me. 

This calculator could be a very useful tool in identifying godless commies.  Anything under a ten, and you're an obvious communist.  And right now I'm looking at you, Sindawe.   angry

No, that makes him a Pagan Commie  laugh

Soylent Greenies sounds like some kind of twisted breakfast cereal.

I wonder if Enviro-Weenies would burn better than the slabwood I'm using now.

They burn just fine, you just gotta watch out for the patchouli stench. It'll run you right out of the house!

Didn't think of that..... still, it would be "green" energy right?  thats how they want it, and we kill 2 birds with one shot.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Sindawe on May 11, 2008, 08:52:19 AM
This calculator could be a very useful tool in identifying godless commies.  Anything under a ten, and you're an obvious communist.  And right now I'm looking at you, Sindawe.

So I'm a communist because rather than spending my hard earned money on gasoline for a huge SUV and heating/cooling/lighting a 3500+ sq. foot mansion for myself and the cats, I live in a modest condo, drive a fuel efficient car and spend my earnings on stuff that REALLY matters like guns, ammo, cats, computers, booze and porn?

You really are a sad little man fistful.  No wonder everybody hates you and blames you for all the evils of the world. : neener :
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Art Eatman on May 11, 2008, 08:55:08 AM
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Bigjake on May 11, 2008, 08:57:00 AM
This calculator could be a very useful tool in identifying godless commies.  Anything under a ten, and you're an obvious communist.  And right now I'm looking at you, Sindawe.

So I'm a communist because rather than spending my hard earned money on gasoline for a huge SUV and heating/cooling/lighting a 3500+ sq. foot mansion for myself and the cats, I live in a modest condo, drive a fuel efficient car and spend my earnings on stuff that REALLY matters like guns, ammo, cats, computers, booze and porn?

Take away the miserable cats and add a pickup truck, and I could adopt that as a mission statement.....
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Silver Bullet on May 11, 2008, 10:53:10 AM
Hi-larious link, Art.   grin
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 11, 2008, 01:08:52 PM
This calculator could be a very useful tool in identifying godless commies.  Anything under a ten, and you're an obvious communist.  And right now I'm looking at you, Sindawe.

So I'm a communist because rather than spending my hard earned money on gasoline for a huge SUV and heating/cooling/lighting a 3500+ sq. foot mansion for myself and the cats, I live in a modest condo, drive a fuel efficient car and spend my earnings on stuff that REALLY matters like guns, ammo, cats, computers, booze and porn?

You really are a sad little man fistful.  No wonder everybody hates you and blames you for all the evils of the world. : neener :

No, it is YOU who should be neenered!  Neenered because you are a commie!  Commie! 

But just go club some baby seals, and I think we can all be friends again. 
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: HankB on May 11, 2008, 02:09:46 PM
I also learned that I could offset my evil capitalistic consumerist lifestyle by planting six trees in Kenya, planting six trees in another "approved" country of my choice, or contributing toward "VCS verified carbon reduction projects around the world which reduce carbon emissions through the displacement of fossil fuels through clean / renewable energy generation."
Bingo - the purpose is to transfer YOUR $$$ to turd world dungheaps. Unless only trees in "approved" nations absorb CO2, planting six trees anywhere would be a good offset . . . and common sense would suggest the closer to the source, the better, so as to absorb the CO2 faster.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on May 11, 2008, 02:39:54 PM
ok they could at least try to hide there profit mongering. its a .com and they have a store. they're not even trying anymore. its sad.

oh, yeah. i was a little over 15. but i couldn't get the second car in the list (it loaded screwy). the only reson is 'cause i poor. if i had more money i could get a much bigger footprint.

its funny how being green (in the eyes of the envro weenies) and how being not green, is both expensive.

things not counted, which i'm sure add up.
dogs, we have three.
cats, thats three more.
magizines, books and newspapers (me and dad are junkys of the written word)
ciggerettes. yep, bet that would have gotten us slamed.
not to mention my tolietries. my one splerg is fancy shampoos and conditioners and soaps and lotions. i like to smell pretty.  grin not to mention dad. he uses so much of that Axe body spray in the morning that i can taste it in the air all the way out in the living room.  rolleyes

and what they hell does planting trees in kenya do?Huh? isn't kenya in a drought. won't the trees just die?
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Boomhauer on May 11, 2008, 03:49:46 PM
62 tons.


Our freakin secondary footprint alone is 18 tons!

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on May 11, 2008, 07:30:14 PM
I was 20.5 tons.  Or was it tonnes?  Probably tonnes.  They are commies, after all.  I don't remember... I tried to scrub my brain after diving in there and I think I came out okay.  If not, I'll dump the remaining contaminants into Fistful's PM box.  It was his fault anyways.

I'm envious of all you guys with your neat toys taking you to 30, 40 and 60 tons.

I need more toys.  Heck, my Dodge Ram 1500 2WD 4.7L was half my foot print.  Sounds like I need to augment it with a weekend cruiser running a 5.7L hemi and 4WD.  And I don't even have a motorcycle.  An entire page to fill out in the future!  I'm excited at what I have to look forward to.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: wmenorr67 on May 11, 2008, 08:11:54 PM
Sindawe lose the cats and you could be on to something.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: BridgeRunner on May 11, 2008, 08:26:50 PM
I was trying hard not to think about cats and porn.  Please tell those aren't at the same time, alright?
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: wmenorr67 on May 11, 2008, 08:33:18 PM
Whatever floats your boat BW.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: BridgeRunner on May 11, 2008, 08:36:03 PM
Whatever floats your boat BW.

So many obscene comments come to mind, and all of them would get me booted :-/

I was just thinking of Sindawe, or rather trying not to...

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: wmenorr67 on May 11, 2008, 09:00:04 PM
Could always PM them.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Sindawe on May 11, 2008, 09:18:22 PM
Take away the miserable cats...Sindawe lose the cats...

Whats the matter with you guys?  Is your sense of masculinity so weak as to be challenged by a small furry animal that has daggers for teeth and knives in its feet?

Think what you will, but at least cats have enough sense to not eat scat.  Unlike another popular household pet I can think of.  rolleyes

But just go club some baby seals..

Sorry fistful, it is my belief that baby seals have no place in clubs.

I was trying hard not to think about cats and porn.  Please tell those aren't at the same time, alright?

Nope, no Furry here.  Even if female felinoids are sometimes quite fetching, I don't think that would qualify as rishathra.

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: wmenorr67 on May 11, 2008, 09:21:47 PM
I have known a cat or two to eat its own scat.

I don't have a fear of cats, just don't like them.
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: LAK on May 11, 2008, 10:37:25 PM
Probably. I think the greenies won't be satisfied until their advanced socialism has reduced everyone to stark poverty (except the environmentalist leaders, of course  they get to live in 10,000 square foot homes they tell us are "green").
This is what is behind trendy green; another ball and chain for the middle class, to help them along into the grovelling class. Green, independent, and prospering does not fit in with the socialist trendy green agenda. Unless you are one of the lieutenants, managers, change agents, conducting a funded never-ending "wolf study", etc. It's OK for them.

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: Perd Hapley on May 12, 2008, 02:13:45 AM
Whats the matter with you guys?  Is your sense of masculinity so weak as to be challenged by a small furry animal that has daggers for teeth and knives in its feet?

So, does it make you feel manly to be scratched?   undecided  Is your masculinity so weak as to be challenged by an animal that's so much cuter than a cat?  Tongue


Think what you will, but at least cats have enough sense to not eat scat.  Unlike another popular household pet I can think of.  rolleyes
  My dog don't eat scat, nor drink from the toilet.  Our cat eats and drinks anything and everything.  Lost some good phone chargers that way. 

Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: LadySmith on May 12, 2008, 02:56:29 AM
I live in a modest condo, drive a fuel efficient car and spend my earnings on stuff that REALLY matters like guns, ammo, cats, computers, booze and porn?
Similar situation, except for the computers, booze and porn. I looped at "guns, ammo, animals". smiley 
Now my desire is not merely to expand my carbon footprint, but to leave a freakin' crater!  grin

62 tons.
My hero!  cheesy

Let's please not turn this into a cat vs dog bashing thread.  sad
Or a "rish" thread.  shocked
And let me know how eco it would be to feed my critters Soylent Greenies.  grin
Title: Re: Being green annoys the Eco-Nazis
Post by: grampster on May 12, 2008, 05:15:32 AM
24.653 tonnes.  I think Art's cartoon should be the poster child for the moonbats at that website.  It ought to be published on the front page of every newspaper.