Author Topic: Nugent Rocks Perry Ball with Confederate Flag Shirt  (Read 12609 times)


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Re: Nugent Rocks Perry Ball with Confederate Flag Shirt
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2007, 10:17:21 AM »
Guys, you're NOT GETTING IT.

I don't care about history. I don't care about 150 years ago, and who was doing what to whom (or vice versa...).

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
What matters is NOW. And tomorrow.

Ah, yes.  "The Power of Now".

The plain and simple truth is that the rebel flag is viewed by the vast majority of the population as being the flag of the racist bigots.

Not that it should matter, even it it were true, but what's your source on this?  What is the exact percentage, and how does that vary by region.  More importantly, why is it ok for people to display the portraits of Che Guevera, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the flags of the IRA and the SAC, various other commie flags....but NOT this one?  BTW, Ted is from that bastion of redneck segregationism known as... Detroit.

Sure, you can say over and over again that that isn't the case, but guess what? What you say about it doesn't matter. The stars and bars = backwoods southern racists in the minds of probably over 75% of the population. And that is NOT going to change.

"Probably" Huh?  So you are just guessing?  Or projecting YOUR feelings on everyone?
One should pick one's fights wisely, and being a flaggot is pretty much guaranteed to ensure that any OTHER message you convey is also viewed in the same light - associated with racism and bigotry.

Like the Rolling Stones said, any publicity is good publicity.  Sometimes you have to shock to get their attention.  Not to mention the fact that Texas * WAS * a Confederate state - this for you, the person that "...don't care about history".


When you have your flaggot sticker next to your NRA sticker, you are polluting my NRA.

Funny - my issue of "American Rifleman" had nothing in it about you BUYING THE WHOLE THING OUT.

Or to put it another way, the NRA is just as much mine as you'rn, and * I * think:

1.  the Confederate Battle Flag is only appropriate to be displayed next to the emblem af an organization, however noble, that was in fact started by a bunch of dang yankees so they could be more effidient at killing Southern boys next time.


2.  We (gun owners) aren't ever going to get anywhere if we pussy-foot around afraid to "offend" the delicate sensibilities of those who already hate us, and feel perfectly free to offend us.  Poop on them.  Say what you want, fly what you want, and act like a free man with a pair of stones.
Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't...

Hugh Damright

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Re: Nugent Rocks Perry Ball with Confederate Flag Shirt
« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2007, 10:43:54 AM »
I reckon that in my region 99% of the people think very highly of the Confederate Flag. It's about the only flag you are going to see flying here except over some federal building like a Post Office or something. Some folks would probably fly both flags, but then you have to fly the US flag on top. I remember after 9/11 the local store sold US Flags and some people flew them ... but pretty soon that faded away and the store had to mark the US Flags down to half price in an attempt to get rid of them.