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How much emergency cash to keep on hand?

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K Frame:
Interesting, short article.

I've always kept some cash on hand, but I'm way guilty of dipping into it and not replacing it. I've not looked in awhile, but I wouldn't be surprised if I were under $300.


--- Quote --- even as little as $200 can be useful. More than that is probably overkill—the money would be better off in a bank where it will be insured and earn interest.
--- End quote ---

 A couple tenths of a percent bank interest is essentially useless, and FDIC just barely survived the crash 15 years ago and currently has 1.3percent of the funds needed to cover what they think will happen this year.

Enough for a couple fillups at the gas pump and some groceries
IOW about $6000. That’s $1k in cash at home and $5k cash in the bank safe deposit box.

At least several thousand dollars.

I also keep a couple grand in a second wallet I can grab when I'm on my way to a gun show, "just in case" I come across something I really want.

French G.:
Before my little one arrived I had finally managed to keep a grand in the safe. Long time to get to that. I have lots of other readily convertibles as in I can pay the house note awhile by selling ammo or other shiny stuff. My emergency cash is low now but the coffee cans of change are probably at least 300.


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