Author Topic: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.  (Read 20860 times)


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2007, 12:20:13 PM »
Nah, that was meant to be sardonic.  After all, you did offer... smiley
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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2007, 12:24:06 PM »
Oh, okay.  I like sardonics, especially with a little hot sauce and some crackers...

It's all about the pancakes, people.
"And he thought cops wouldn't chase... a STOLEN DONUT TRUCK???? That would be like Willie Nelson ignoring a pickup full of weed."


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2007, 12:28:03 PM »
How about some support for those fighting from the inside?

Well, you have to realize that the calls for you to get out are coming from the standpoint of fellow free Americans and also gun owners' concern for your welfare. Because we see you as a puddle on a beach with a big wave crashing down on it.

Yeah, it's noble, but at this point, I think that:

1. One of these days, you're going to come on here shouting "THEY TOOK ALL OUR GUNS!!!!"
2. California won't come to its senses until it undergoes a complete socioeconomic implosion and social revolution as a result.

It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better, just as a matter of necessity. The socialism, the gang problem, the illegals, all of that has to reach critical mass and explode before people can go back in and start rebuilding. If The Big One hits, as an earthquake, the result of of decades of liberalism teaching helpless victimhood and empowering predators will become clear, and it won't be very pleasant to be there at all.


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2007, 01:09:23 PM »
Quite so, but the problem of the teaching of helpless victimhood is hardly restricted to California.  Katrina, anyone?  I would further venture to say that any major metropolitan area in the United States hit with a disaster will look to gummit for a bail-out.  And, is likely to be a dangerous place to live for a while in the aftermath of that disaster.

I may not post here often but I do read.  The point that I was trying to make (badly) was that there is good reason why some of us are in California.  And yes, California is one of the worlds largest economies and drives many of the trends in all the United States (for good or ill  I used to work in Hollywood, in the belly of the beast itself&Paramount Pictures&).

The bad jokes about Mr. Richter just get old.  Some of us are working from within and are unwilling to write the state off just yet.  My contribution?  I am in the middle of a Masters of Education program with the ultimate goal of also earning a California teaching credential.  Well see&
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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2007, 01:34:37 PM »
The point about California is that the worst of our regs are promoted by a small cabal of crazies who have somehow managed to grab an inordinate amount of power in a short amount of time.  Yes, we have a lot of yuppie liberal types, but ours aren't that different from those in any urban and suburban  area in the rest of America.  What's different here is we can already see the ravages of unchecked illegal immigration combined with a lack of responsive and representative government.  We have here in Los Angeles a Mayor who might as well be be an Alcalde and a police chief who is now famous for telling a talk radio caller to leave California if he didn't like illegal immigration.  We have already seen our "coup d'etat," and what's happening here is happening elsewhere in America, including right at the top.

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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2007, 03:31:44 PM »
The most profound criticism of the LA area itself I can think of is that Blade Runner no longer looks bleak, it now looks like a bright future that never will be. The actual future will look more like Mexico City, with disease, sprawling third-world slums and all. Blade Runner at least had black-market biotechnology, the real thing is just going to have black tar heroin.


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2007, 03:38:36 PM »
The calls to evacuate from the Occupied Territories comes from folks like me who spent a decade or more languishing there.  I wasn't about to register the majority of my firearms collection with the Kalifornia DOJ.  Before SB23 went into effect, I worked a reassignment, and went to Florida.  My current wife's family still lives in Orange County, PRK, and I've offered many times to help relocate them.

My youngest stepson went back to the Aliso Viejo area this summer to help his buddy with a hot tub business.  He came home a few weeks ago and said he doesn't want to go back there, either.  The little booger's a textbook liberal, and he has no desire to return.  Go figure. 
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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2007, 03:48:17 PM »
FYI Texas is a damn sight better than most but we still have some draconic RKBA restrictions here.


Aside from the regs governing CHL, Texas is refreshingly free from gun-related regs.  In terms of simple ownership, Texas has no regs other than those imposed at the federal level.


Let's see here.

~ We have DAs who do whatever the hell they want.  Remember when they changed the definition of traveling to make it clear you could have a gun in your car?  Several jurisdictions said outright they were not going to stop prosecuting people for car carry.  They changed it again, and some DAs are still saying they're going to prosecute if they get the chance.

~ No carry in 51% establishments.  Why?  I've never drunk a drop of alky hall in my life.  Hand to God.  If I want to go inside a liquor store carrying, why shouldn't I be able to?  For that matter why shouldn't anyone since it's already illegal to be drunk in public or to consume alcohol on the grounds of a liquor store, gas station, Wal-Mart, etc.?

~ We lack several key pieces of legislation.  We've gotten a few of them passed, but some of the ones we're still lacking is that your employer can't search your car for guns, and we also lack a state law against localities passing laws more restrictive than the state law (like they have in AZ).

~ No open carry.

~ Stupid permit system.  It costs more than other state's permits, and if you pass your shooting qual with a .454 Cassull snubnose you aren't qualified to carry a 9mm semiautomatic.  Other states either don't require permits, have cheaper permits, or have greater reciprocity with other states.

~ Have you looked at the Texas Penal Code concerning other arms besides guns?   Also, are you not struck by the irony that Texans can carry pistols but not automatic knives?  Heck, have you heard about the silliness in San Antonio?

~ If you do CCW, you could get in trouble for printing.

~ A CHL permit holder has to tell any peace officer he is a CCW permit holder and/or is armed.  A non CHL holder is under no such compulsion.

~ CHL holders in Houston are forced to violate the state law in certain buildings by being required to wear red badges.

I could go on, but the point is there is ground to be gained.  Arizona and Alaska are well ahead of us.

Now I admit it's nice that we're worried about these problems and not the problems others face, but just because Texas looks a lot better than some other states doesn't mean we're set.  We do make meaningful, incremental improvements every year which is cause for optimism but we can never get lax.  In fact next year, I'm so mad at the GoA for misrepresenting the so called "Veterans Disarmament Act" (a piece of legislation I have mixed feelings about) I'm donating the GoA money to the TSRA instead.  

How do you block the influence of Anti RKBA Kalifornia legislators in Congress?  A big part of the answer is you make sure those damn Texans vote against their nonsense every time.  Texas needs to become the anti California in this regard.


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #58 on: October 16, 2007, 04:06:48 PM »
~ Have you looked at the Texas Penal Code concerning other arms besides guns?   Also, are you not struck by the irony that Texans can carry pistols but not automatic knives?  Heck, have you heard about the silliness in San Antonio?

Yeah, you need to register lab glassware there, too. WTF is with that? The assumption is you're going to MAKE A METH LAB OH NOES.  rolleyes

As for open carry, that's a big one. Why do they not have open carry? A flap holster on the backpack belt doesn't get a second glance when hiking here.


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #59 on: October 16, 2007, 04:55:30 PM »
My current wife's family still lives in Orange County, PRK, and I've offered many times to help relocate them.

Orange County is a good place to live IMO.  Plenty of business and industry and everything you could possibly want on the face of the earth. Not too many pantywetting libs there, either. It is definitely a red county.

As for the rest of the state, do you know all the lefties are on the coast (LA, SF & Santa Barbara) surrounded by rural red counties?  And do you know California has the highest per capita gun ownership in the U.S.?

Combine those two facts and you'll understand why I'm not really worried when the balloon goes up.  grin

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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2007, 10:37:26 AM »
Quote from: Euclidean
~ We have DAs who do whatever the hell they want.  Remember when they changed the definition of traveling to make it clear you could have a gun in your car?  Several jurisdictions said outright they were not going to stop prosecuting people for car carry.  They changed it again, and some DAs are still saying they're going to prosecute if they get the chance.

That's unique to the DA in question.  Has nothing to do with a state restriction.

Quote from: Euclidean
~ No carry in 51% establishments.  Why?  I've never drunk a drop of alky hall in my life.  Hand to God.  If I want to go inside a liquor store carrying, why shouldn't I be able to?  For that matter why shouldn't anyone since it's already illegal to be drunk in public or to consume alcohol on the grounds of a liquor store, gas station, Wal-Mart, etc.?

Is unique to the concealed-carry regulations, which I specifically exempted.

Quote from: Euclidean
~ We lack several key pieces of legislation.  We've gotten a few of them passed, but some of the ones we're still lacking is that your employer can't search your car for guns, and we also lack a state law against localities passing laws more restrictive than the state law (like they have in AZ).

Such as?  Just as I like the fed keeping it's nose out of state's business, I happen to like keeping the state staying out of local politics unless intervention is absolutely necessary.  I also like that Texas has always recognized the business owner's right to do business on their property the way they see fit.  I wouldn't want someone telling me what to do in my establishment and I don't see why it's any of my business telling others what to do in theirs.  Texas is funny that way.  By the way, don't even pull the "infringe rights" card on this one.  If you agree to work somewhere, you agree to abide by their rules.  If you don't like the rules, work somewhere else.

Quote from: Euclidean
~ No open carry.

We could only wish, but that has nothing to do with Texas regs concerning general ownership.

Quote from: Euclidean
~ Stupid permit system.  It costs more than other state's permits, and if you pass your shooting qual with a .454 Cassull snubnose you aren't qualified to carry a 9mm semiautomatic.  Other states either don't require permits, have cheaper permits, or have greater reciprocity with other states.

Again, specific to concealed carry.  Has nothing to do with general ownership.  You would prefer no concealed carry at all?

Quote from: Euclidean
~ Have you looked at the Texas Penal Code concerning other arms besides guns?   Also, are you not struck by the irony that Texans can carry pistols but not automatic knives?  Heck, have you heard about the silliness in San Antonio?

Again, a concealed-carry issue.  Plus, any San Antonio stupidity is local, not state.

Quote from: Euclidean
~ If you do CCW, you could get in trouble for printing.

Far as I know, that goes for all states with concealed-carry laws.

Quote from: Euclidean
~ A CHL permit holder has to tell any peace officer he is a CCW permit holder and/or is armed.  A non CHL holder is under no such compulsion.

You might want to check on that.

Quote from: Euclidean
~ CHL holders in Houston are forced to violate the state law in certain buildings by being required to wear red badges.

And that's a state issue how?  Again, municipality specific.  Has nothing to do with general Texas gun ownership law.  The CHL holders in Houston are free to file against the city and force the issue judicially.

Quote from: Euclidean
I could go on, but the point is there is ground to be gained.  Arizona and Alaska are well ahead of us.

Which puts us ahead of 47 other states.  I'd call that a pretty good place to be.  I can live with that for now.

Quote from: Euclidean
In fact next year, I'm so mad at the GoA for misrepresenting the so called "Veterans Disarmament Act" (a piece of legislation I have mixed feelings about) I'm donating the GoA money to the TSRA instead.  

I figured that out a long time ago.  The TSRA follows the NRA's lead of incremental net gains instead of GOA's inherently self-defeating "all or nothing" mentality.  One works for positive change.  The other makes people think you're an extremist wacko gun nut.

Quote from: Euclidean
How do you block the influence of Anti RKBA Kalifornia legislators in Congress?  A big part of the answer is you make sure those damn Texans vote against their nonsense every time.  Texas needs to become the anti California in this regard.

"Those damn Texans?"  Referring to Texas residents in the third party and sounding like you would have no trouble forcing others to your will does not particularly endear you to anyone.  Especially us Texans.

It's all about the pancakes, people.
"And he thought cops wouldn't chase... a STOLEN DONUT TRUCK???? That would be like Willie Nelson ignoring a pickup full of weed."


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2007, 12:36:13 PM »
Plus, the San Antonio stupidity is local, not state.

I grew up in San Antonio, graduated HS there. Haven't been back since I left it in 1970.

Still, I have a lingering fondness for the place that makes me ask just what SA does that is so stupid re CCW?
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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #62 on: October 17, 2007, 12:52:10 PM »
Still, I have a lingering fondness for the place that makes me ask just what SA does that is so stupid re CCW?

Ooops, my reply reads incorrectly.  Should have been "any stupidity", denoting a general context.  Corrected.

It's all about the pancakes, people.
"And he thought cops wouldn't chase... a STOLEN DONUT TRUCK???? That would be like Willie Nelson ignoring a pickup full of weed."


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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2007, 01:26:04 PM »
I think the reference is to SA's "no switchblade/auto knife ordinance", which, in my experience, is selectively enforced by SAPD.
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Re: AB 1471 - Microstamping, signed. A pox on the governator.
« Reply #64 on: October 17, 2007, 08:52:06 PM »
Here is a wild idea: Move back, help make changes.