Author Topic: Ive gone over to the left.  (Read 11706 times)

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2007, 08:32:09 AM »
"Some of the aggressive drivers on the road are women, lotta them driving bigazz suv's."

Former boss of mine was the most aggressive driver I've ever seen. She was a complete and total nut case behind the wheel.

I flatly refused to travel with her.
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Perd Hapley

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2007, 09:15:07 AM »
Let me see if I understand what most of you seem to be saying.  I have no particular obligation to make way for those who would like to merge into the right lane, although I should try to make room if I can.  However, drivers who are already on the road, and who want to drive faster, have the right of way and we must leave the left lane clear for them.  Is that accurate?

If you are in the front of the pack in the left lane, it is your obligation to get over or pass. 

I know that's the current dogma.  Why? 

Blocking people from passing you makes the road much less safe than just driving fast.  As one defensive driving instructor told us once; if someone is tailgating you, your attention is focused on him and his on you.  Neither of you is putting as much attention as you should to just driving.  It doesn't matter whose fault you think it is.
Why do you get to say it's my fault, but then tell me that my opinion on that subject doesn't matter?  Why is the person in the left lane considered to be blocking?  Why can't we all just drive in whatever lane is available?  Why am I responsible to allow someone to drive faster, when I am simply obeying the law?  If you want to drive faster than the speed limit, it is up to you to find a way around me.  I have no desire to hold you back, but I don't understand why the burden falls on me to accommodate you.

64 in a 60 in Houston would piss of about 60% of all drivers on the road.  Stop being stubborn and selfish.  Show a little common courtesy and stay to right.
Again, I am blamed for other drivers impatience and bad judgment.  Courtesy involves clogging up the right lane, to make it more difficult and dangerous to enter the highway?  Perhaps the speeders should demonstrate common courtesy by respecting the fact that I am also using the road, that I'm driving the speed that won't get me pulled over and up my insurance rates, and simply go around me when they get the chance.  If they're that upset by the speed limit, perhaps they should contact their representatives, rather than blaming me. 

IMHO, if you have to drive the speed limit to feel safe, then you really aren't one of those really good drivers...or else you just aren't paying attention.  Cheesy
I think most speed limits are too low.  But I'm tired of getting pulled over and paying tickets. 
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Perd Hapley

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2007, 09:17:17 AM »
"I was speaking of what would make sense for safe driving, not about law."

God almighty.

Here you are coming in with this pack of self-serving crap, which essentially breaks down into "I'll make my own rules for the highway, and screw everyone else," then you try to don the saintly garb of Mr. Highway Safety advocate.

 laugh  The irony.  You would know a lot about being self-serving.   laugh
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Parker Dean

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2007, 09:35:24 AM »

I notice you blame those who are calmly driving at the legal speed limit, rather than those who wish to break the speed limit.

Yes, and I notice that you are exonerating those breaking the law to keep right when not passing. Why would that be?


 Yesterday, I was driving 64 in a 60 mph zone, in the far left lane of a six-lane highway (three lanes each way).  One of my "victims" passed me in the middle lane, extending a middle finger of friendship.  He then pulled into my lane, with only a foot or so of clearance, and quickly decelerated to about forty miles per hour.  I'm fairly certain I was not at fault for his potentially lethal behavior.   

Yet at the same time if you had not been where you shouldn't have been you might not have received the other persons gesture of appreciation. I seem to recall something about responsible firearm owners trying to disengage from potentially dangerous situations. Apparently this does not apply to driving.


Holier-than-thou - How do you know that they're thinking? 

How do I know? Heck, you're doing it here. You're portraying yourself as the saint because you try to maintain the posted speed limit, regardless of actual road conditions, and that everyone else is a sinner. AKA speed demons.

If both lanes are traveling at the speed limit, then please explain how safety is enhanced by clearing the left lane for those who choose to go faster than the posted speed?  Especially when this will often dangerously clog the right lane for those attempting to exit or enter the road? 

Already covered by other posts

  Let them learn some patience. 

And you're the one that's gonna teach it to 'em, right? Those eeeeeevvviiilll speed demons...


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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2007, 09:37:18 AM »
However, drivers who are already on the road, and who want to drive faster, have the right of way and we must leave the left lane clear for them.  Is that accurate?
This question got my curiosity (about what the legal requirement is).  Sure enough, per the California Vehicle code says "21650.  Upon all highways, a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows:"  then it goes on with exceptions, like passing.  So there is a requirement to remain in the right lane (except when passing, etc.)  I didn't know that because it's never, and I mean never enforced here.

If there is no such requirement in your state (and there might as well not be if it's not enforced), think of it this way.  Courtesy just makes life easier.  It costs nothing to pull over and let somebody pass.  An analogy might be walking around a crowded public place.  Do you continue to walk in a straight line to your destination oblivious of everyone around you?  Or do you step around some, stop for some, etc.?

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2007, 11:10:20 AM »
fistful, what alternate universe do you live in where everyone drives the speed limit or even comes close to diving at the same speed?  It is pointless to use that as your answer to any and all traffic problems since it doesn't happen and never will.  Most of the highways I use in Texas have 60 to 70 MPH speed limits.  You see cars driving anywhere from 55 to 85.  You have to adjust driving to fit that.  Demanding that everyone drive the speed limit because you think they should is foolish.

Well, speaking of alternate 'verses, where did I say that?  Huh?

Let other drivers drive the speed they are comfortable with just don't hog the road.  If others want to risk traffic tickets, that is their business. 

Fine.  It's also their business to find a way around me. 

If you are going to drive slow in the left lane just because you want to, don't be surprised when people get upset with you.  You brought it on yourself.
1.  I'm not driving slowly, I'm driving slightly above the speed limit.
2.  I'm not in the left lane just because I want to be, but because it is safer for everyone that I drive there, in many cases.
3.  I did not bring it on myself.  They are upset because they have the mistaken notion that the left lane is for passing.   
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #56 on: July 15, 2007, 11:14:31 AM »

I notice you blame those who are calmly driving at the legal speed limit, rather than those who wish to break the speed limit.

Yes, and I notice that you are exonerating those breaking the law to keep right when not passing. Why would that be?

That should be pretty obvious.  It is because I believe that the passing lane superstition makes for dangerous road conditions.

Yet at the same time if you had not been where you shouldn't have been you might not have received the other persons gesture of appreciation.
Incorrect.  The other driver was angry because he has been indoctrinated with silly ideas about the left lane.  I was obviously not slowing him down, as he was able to pass me. 

I don't know where some of you get the idea that I'm trying to make other people stay within the speed limit.  I really don't mind if others speed.  What I object to is being made to accommodate them. 
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #57 on: July 15, 2007, 11:20:22 AM »

Courtesy is all I'm asking for.  Demanding that I stay to the right isn't courteous at all.  It's just senseless.
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #58 on: July 15, 2007, 11:28:07 AM »
Illinois is also a right lane state. If you're not passing, you are required to get over.

Also, I remember being taught in driver's ed that the interstate driver has a responsibility to help merge the on ramp vehicle. You can't and shouldn't force these guys to drive on the shoulder cause no one will let them merge. Of course, they have a responsibility to achieve highway speeds at the end of the acceleration lanes.

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #59 on: July 15, 2007, 11:44:27 AM »
That should be pretty obvious.  It is because I believe that the passing lane superstition makes for dangerous road conditions.

I'm pretty sure I have seen a few people mention laws in their state that require drivers to stay right unless passing.  My state, New Jersey, is another.  So, um, what part of "it's the law" makes you think it's superstition?
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #60 on: July 15, 2007, 12:22:58 PM »
Uh, the superstition crack is mainly a joke.  The question is why there is any such custom or law of staying to the right.  I just use "superstition" as a way of suggesting that the practice is ill-founded.
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #61 on: July 15, 2007, 12:23:46 PM »

Courtesy is all I'm asking for.  Demanding that I stay to the right isn't courteous at all.  It's just senseless.
Why do you ask for courtesy when you obviously give none?  That is just plain arrogance. 
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #62 on: July 15, 2007, 12:25:17 PM »
Uh, the superstition crack is mainly a joke.  The question is why there is any such custom or law of staying to the right.  I just use "superstition" as a way of suggesting that the practice is ill-founded.
Fistful, the reason for the law was explained on the last page.  And do note that the Texas law on the subject mentioned the "normal speed of other vehicles".  It did not mention the speed limit at all. 
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2007, 12:38:06 PM »
Why do you get to say it's my fault, but then tell me that my opinion on that subject doesn't matter?  Why is the person in the left lane considered to be blocking?  Why can't we all just drive in whatever lane is available?  Why am I responsible to allow someone to drive faster, when I am simply obeying the law?  If you want to drive faster than the speed limit, it is up to you to find a way around me.  I have no desire to hold you back, but I don't understand why the burden falls on me to accommodate you.
If you are blocking the only passing route (normally the left lane) then it IS your fault.  The road is much safer if everyone can go their own speed.  It is much more dangerous when 20 cars are piled up behind you because you are driving in the left lane and not allowing them to pass.

Your statements are a good example of the self-serving arrogant attitude of some drivers on the road.  You think that just because you are driving legally, that you have no obligation to be courteous to other drivers.  You think that you are driving fast enough so everyone else can just sit behind you and "be patient".   

I am comfortable with the way I drive and know what safety concerns I normally need to worry about.  However, I don't presume to think that everyone else should drive just like me.  They can drive slower or faster, I don't care.  I appreciate slower drivers who make an effort to get out of the way and I try to pass on that courtesy to drivers who want to go faster than me. 

Please pardon me if my comments are getting too heated.  This type of thing is something I speculate on while driving.  It is seldom I get to argue with someone directly about it. 
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Sergeant Bob

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #64 on: July 15, 2007, 02:57:10 PM »
If you are blocking the only passing route (normally the left lane) then it IS your fault.  The road is much safer if everyone can go their own speed.  It is much more dangerous when 20 cars are piled up behind you because you are driving in the left lane and not allowing them to pass.

Werd! I have over a million accident free miles in an 18 wheeler, and one of reasons is because I almost never go the same speed as the rest of the traffic. About the only time I run with a pack of other vehicles is when Fistful is out there in the hammer lane going 55 mph (because he can, and he knows better than everyone else on the road) and causes a humongous clustertrucking traffic jam when everyone has to hit the brakes to keep from slamming him in the a$$ or running over the top of him and flattening him like a pancake (that was very long sentence).

Yeah, it might be legal and you might be "right", but then again, you might be "dead right".

I've seen it happen many, many times.

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2007, 04:03:17 PM »
This is entertaining!
I read somewhere that all Americans think their the best drivers
in the world and other drivers should take lessons from them.
I fall in there somewhere.
My 2 cents:
The person on the highway has the right of way BUT it is
a ticket able offense to prevent/interfere with someone  merging.
I sometime like to drive in the left lane where the air is rarefied,
but after a  short while somebody is on my a$$.I move over,not that hard
Driving in the SF bay area is stressful to say the least.I don't like to
get to work/home all pissed off.I try to take it easy. grin


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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #66 on: July 16, 2007, 03:12:51 AM »
If you are blocking the only passing route (normally the left lane) then it IS your fault.  The road is much safer if everyone can go their own speed.  It is much more dangerous when 20 cars are piled up behind you because you are driving in the left lane and not allowing them to pass.

Just out of curiousity, what is your reasoning behind this? 

I tend to think that everyone travelling at the same speed is a safer environment since it leads to more predictability, less lane changing, and fewer speed changes.
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2007, 03:21:30 AM »
Just drive the Merrit Pkwy for a little while. 55 mph limit and if you do 70 you get passed like you're standing still. You'll learn to stay right quick!

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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #68 on: July 17, 2007, 06:48:28 PM »
Being just back from LA (again) today and driving for about 150 freeway miles in the last few days, I feel the need to comment. On the freeways some exits are from the right lane(s) and some are from the left lane(s). Some, 3 lanes split this way and 3 other lanes split the other way. If you don't know the freeway you almost have to drive in center lane because you will get notice of the proper lane way too late. If you use your turn signal, some gangbanger in a pimped up ride or a soccer mom in a minivan will accelerate to block you from being in front of them. A turn signal means "I am not willing to take you out if you get in my way". In bad traffic it can take huge amounts of time to change lanes. Using your turn signal virtually guarantees you will miss your exit. And the LEO cars and motorcycles are the most aggressive drivers I have seen. Speeding sometimes 90-100mph, weaving in and out of traffic, no flashing lights, normal drivers slamming on brakes (to avoid tickets if the driver/car indicate employment) and causing all kinds of evasive maneuvers from those behind. LA is clearly NOT an armed, polite society.
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #69 on: August 16, 2007, 01:55:00 PM »
I'm just back from a short (24 mi round trip) jaunt up to Paso Robles, and the left laners are a PITA.  If you wanna drive in the left lane DON'T just go the SAME speed as the right lane, get moving, get outta my way, or get back where you belong.  angry

Thank you.


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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #70 on: August 16, 2007, 02:37:12 PM »
I drive in the #1 lane and set my cruise control to keep up with the flow of traffic.

maybe back East somewhere that's a "passing" lane, but that ain't the case out here.  It's just another lane.


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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #71 on: August 16, 2007, 03:25:00 PM »
I used to drive pretty fast. Now I tend to do the limit or just over (no legal reason, it's just that now I'm usually on the clock while driving). Now I stick to the limit or limit+5. Much less stressful, but it's still almost impossible to maintain one speed without passing in Dallas/Ft. Worth. My pet peeves mostly relate to schmucks who wait until the last possible second to merge out of a closing lane (when everyone else was doing it two miles back).

I-35 in Texas is the absolute worst. I've been making a run from Ft. Worth to Llano (about 70 miles NW of Austin) lately and will be making it many many more times over the coming months. Doing the limit is impossible, even on relatively deserted stretches. You're either stuck behind Grandma doing ten under or you've got to do 80 to keep in the passing lane. (Come to think of it, 20 west to El Paso is almost as bad... but I've never really encountered this in other states - NM, AZ, etc., people know how to drive.)
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #72 on: August 17, 2007, 06:39:07 AM »
I don't do the silly traffic behaviour rules and BS. I keep some basic tenets and so far they've covered my butt.

1. Stay in the bubble. If I emerge from a pack of traffic going 60 and a couple hundred yards ahead is another pack going 62, I won't at 65 and try to climb through them... I'll slow to 61 and "stay in the bubble".

#1 there saved my ass in my *one* lone accident. I was toodling along the interstate at about 60 when my right front rapidly deflated. Trouble was, the road was wet and oily and I couldn't steer fast enough to keep the drag from stealing my stability; ended up overcorrecting and nailing the divider head on, bouncing off, then I took it off the highway. Point is, there was nobody beside me to bounce off of, and everyone behind me was far enough back that I didn't cause a big pile-up.

2. Remember that changing lanes is the SINGLE MOST HAZARDOUS thing you can done while driving.
3. Mirrors don't cut it, turn your head.
4. Plan to the horizon.
5. Remember your place. IF I'm merging I try to remember that the oncoming traffic doesn't have to do a damn thing for me, and I won't expect them to. If there's no hole, I'll drag my feet while scoping one out if the ramp is long enough, then floor it and merge at speed. There is no stopping at the end of the ramp PERIOD; if you do that, you've failed to plan.

When I'm driving on the highway, I'll follow the midspeed pack unless my exit is a couple miles ahead, then I'll assume the easiest lane to get there far early and assume that lane's speed. No pressure, no problems. Doing things at the last minute will get you creamed.

Oh, and if you expect everyone else to be an inattentive doof or a screaming lunatic, then there are no surprises when they are :-D


PS I've also been called the ninja driver. I've gotten exceedingly good at timing the lights on my route and picking the lane that's empty at the light early. There's one stretch of road where I've passed 10-15 cars driving 10mph under the limit because I'm driving 25mph and get to the light *just* as it turns green for everyone else to try and scramble up to 35. It's all about planning.


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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #73 on: August 17, 2007, 07:50:22 AM »
If you are blocking the only passing route (normally the left lane) then it IS your fault.  The road is much safer if everyone can go their own speed.  It is much more dangerous when 20 cars are piled up behind you because you are driving in the left lane and not allowing them to pass.

Just out of curiousity, what is your reasoning behind this? 

I tend to think that everyone travelling at the same speed is a safer environment since it leads to more predictability, less lane changing, and fewer speed changes.
Sort of adapted from a defensive driving class.  If one driver is tailing another because he wants to go faster, what are those two driver thinking about?  Each other.  They aren't thinking about what is ahead or around them.  It is safer if the slow guy gets out of the way (if possible) and lets the fast guy go his own way.  Then they can both get back to just driving. 

There is no such thing as everyone driving the same speed unless everyone is driving slow.  At least that is the case around Houston.  Someone always wants to go faster.  Sometimes that is me.  Smiley

Personally, I can live with most people who go slow as long as they are consistent.  I'll pass them one way or another.  I get more irritated by people who speed up when you try to pass them. 
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Re: Ive gone over to the left.
« Reply #74 on: August 17, 2007, 07:51:32 AM »
IMHO, changing lanes without a head check is not safe.  It only takes a split second. 

Also, I try not to assume I am an above average driver (very difficult).  I just drive well the way I drive.  If I slow down or speed up I am out of my norm and have to pay more attention.
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