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--- Quote from: AZRedhawk44 on March 10, 2021, 04:29:57 PM ---Another one trending like this is "Super Straight." 

It's intended to be a vehicle for plain old normal people that don't want to have to worry if the person they're sitting across the table from on a date, is really the gender they profess to be.  All the trans-advocates argue that transitioning to a gender means you really are that gender, regardless of birth biology, and are raving their points at dating websites and the like that insist that trans people indicate such on their profiles.

So someone came up with "Super Straight" as a distinct addition to the LGBTQ+ pantheon, meaning a person that is distinctly only attracted to people of the opposite birth sex that retain their birth sex and organs.  Get that sexual identity "protected" rather than just marginalized into "cis" whatever.  Because evidently all cis-people have to accept trans people as whatever they identify as.

The subreddit for it has already been banned in less than a week of existence.

What's hilarious is evidently the lesbians love SS and the implications of it.  There's been lots of mtf transexuals trying to pass themselves off as lesbian, guilt-browbeating lesbians into accepting relationships with them.  They coined a term SuperLesbian in response, meaning woman by birth who identify as women, attracted to women by birth who identify as women.

Me?  Have whatever holes you want, have whatever appendages you want, do whatever you want with people that want to do that with you.  You're an ahole and a narcissist if you need to use guilt, or rules, or law, to get laid.

--- End quote ---

There is too much stupid in the world,  and it needs purged.  And by purged I mean gassed.

Since that isn't realistic,  can we bring back lunatic asylums and house these people in them?  Trannies should be given mental help, not encouraged to further psychosis and genital mutilation.

Hope springs eternal

Darned plague fizzled right out. :facepalm:


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