Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: K Frame on November 24, 2005, 06:26:05 AM

Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: K Frame on November 24, 2005, 06:26:05 AM
I'm in Central Pennsylvania right now.

It started snowing last night, and is continuing on and off. Not much accumulation, but even a little snow makes this ugly mill town pretty.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: 280plus on November 24, 2005, 07:00:59 AM
We got 3" now the sun is out.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: jefnvk on November 24, 2005, 08:19:19 AM
I don't even want to know how much we have back up at school.

Here in Midland, a few inches.  Just a dusting.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: mtnbkr on November 24, 2005, 09:22:55 AM
We got a little bit last night in SW Va.  By morning, it was gone in the valley, but there was still patches on the ground up in the mountains while I was hunting around noon.

Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: El Tejon on November 24, 2005, 10:55:59 AM
Snowed yesterday, but melted off.  It will be sunny and in the mid-50s.

^%$$#@ goofy weather in this state.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Art Eatman on November 24, 2005, 01:19:31 PM
Gosh.  Gee.  We topped out at 82 degrees.  Mostly sunny.  Really nice day.

That's the way it goes.  Just another shitty day in Paradise...

Smiley, Art
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: grampster on November 24, 2005, 02:32:25 PM
5 degrees at 8 AM this morning.  Wind howled and blew all night.  Not much snow, maybe an inch.  Still cold as Wildalaska's big toe at 7:30PM.  

PS Happy Thanksgiving all.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: K Frame on November 24, 2005, 06:09:23 PM
It's about 10 degrees here right now, with a stiff wind moving. Not pleasant.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Seymour Skinner on November 25, 2005, 12:35:45 AM
What I dare you to post, is a pic of your gas bill **shudders**.  Runaway inflation sure is a wonderful thing 'aint it.

Here in northern Utah, it should have dun snowed 3 times by now, but so far, the only flakes were my in laws yesterday, who discussed every detail of the new Hairy Potty movie during thanksgiving dinner.  

When I was a kid, a snowstorm was only slightly below Christmas morning itself, but after driving in it for a decade, I prefer what the dog leaves on the lawn.

What would go good with the weather reports and make this thread complete, are those HELPFUL traffic reports every ten minutes on morning radio:  "Lookout for brake lights...blah blah...slow and go out there...pocket of heavy slowing around...blah blah...a mattress in a lane, lookout for that...blah...overturned semi, broccoli ALL over the road...keep it here on the Z Morning Zoo for all your traffic and weather on the and traffic on the 4s...blah blah blah...lookout for brake lights...pocket of heavy slowing due to some rubbernecking...blaaaaaaaaaa."  God I love the internet Smiley
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: K Frame on November 25, 2005, 05:57:23 AM
Parents have heating oil with a 750 gallon tank in the front yard.

You want a traffic report?

"There's heavy traffic on Ort Valley Road this morning. Three cars are going slowly behind Jacob Yoder's milk wagon. It looks like one of his horses has thrown a shoe. The situation isn't much better on Hayvice Valley Road, where there's traffic as far as the eye can see [note, sight distances on Hayvice Valley Road are around 200 feet in most places] as the Amish head to Friday market at Peachy's..."

Yep, my parents live in Amish country, just not the over commercialized Amish country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: grampster on November 25, 2005, 10:23:10 AM
Ma and Pa's on the table and half 'et already.  (A little Pennsyvania Dutch for yer eatin pleasure.  My gramma used to chuckle about that one.  She was from Pittsburgh.)

Back to the weather:  What is starting to rot my socks is the fact all the local tv channels are now in competition with each other to see how many Cometologists or Meteorologists or whatever they go by.  Now, I live in Michigan.  Around November 15 or so, it starts to get cold and it usually snows.  For the last week these morons on all three local channels have been predicting the Storm of the Cenury.  Winter Storm Warning, Wind Warning, Blowing Snow, Drifiting, Life Threatening Snow and Cold. ad nauseum for Thanksgiving day.  They managed to screw up everybodies holiday because families cancelled trips by air, car, cart and wagon as a result.

Now the wind blew all night Wednesday, it was 5 degrees, and it snowed, maybe an inch, maybe 3.  I woke up yesterday and the SUN WAS SHINING.  Was it cold? yes.  Was there some snow? yes.   IT'S WINTER IN MICHIGAN, FOR CRAPS SAKE.  I went out into the driveway and actually started to snowblow my drive until the neighborhood kids started coming around and pointing at me and laughing.  I was humiliated.  I think I'm going to sue the tv stations for battering my self esteem.

Are any other of you'ens getting sick and tired of the weather dolts making mountains out of molehills with regard to the weather?  They must all be Democrats.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Guest on November 25, 2005, 10:38:58 AM
I hear that, Grampster. I drove to Chicago Wednesday night and momentarily considered not making the trip due to the FOOT OF SNOW predicted in South Bend. As it turns out, South Bend had NO SNOW.

Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: El Tejon on November 25, 2005, 02:33:56 PM
Barbara, come now, it's Indiana.  When has the weather EVER behaved here?Cheesy

Besides, dated a young lady at a local television station.  She told me that weather is intentionally misreported in order to generate ratings.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Guest on November 25, 2005, 04:34:31 PM
Bah. I'm from Michigan. Your trifling weather fluctuations don't scare me! Cheesy

Michigan's tourism motto: Don't like the weather? Wait ten minutes.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: K Frame on November 25, 2005, 09:08:45 PM

Come to Washington, DC, metro, where our "trifiling weather fluctuations" come with about 100,000 drivers who hail from regions of the world where they have about 700 native language words for sand, high temperatures, monsoons, etc., but not a single word for snow...
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Guest on November 26, 2005, 03:39:59 AM
I've only been there once, but it seemed like at least 50k of them must be driving cabs there.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Art Eatman on November 26, 2005, 11:31:19 AM
Gas bill?  About 200 gallons of propane a year keeps the water hot, gets the food cooked, and warms the house...

Smiley, Art
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: grampster on November 26, 2005, 12:37:25 PM

Now you quit pickin' on them northren folk.  It's cold up there and you need to be charitable about their feelings.

Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: DrAmazon on November 26, 2005, 03:56:11 PM
I grew up in Ohio and worked in a grocery store through high school and college.  As soon as the weather forcasters started talking snow I got ready to be called in to run register because we'd get utterly slammed.  

During that time a newspaper columnist (don't remember for sure if it was Mike Hardin or Dave Barry) questioned why everyone craved french toast during a blizzard-why else would we all run out and buy eggs, milk and bread!

I'm looking forward to my first winter in VA.  Over the holiday I got reminded that humid cold cuts to the bone more than the dry cold in CO.  I love telling people here about the blizzard we had when I still lived in Denver (April of 02 if I remember right).  I still have photos of the 48 inches in the backyard!
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Art Eatman on November 26, 2005, 04:02:24 PM
Well, grampster, I spent thirty years in Detroit, one winter.  You know what?  Those people don't know how to drive on snow!  Aw, well, I figured that anyplace that the snow comes down gray just ain"t where I wanna be.

So I ain't there.

Smiley, Art
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: grampster on November 26, 2005, 07:26:07 PM
One Winter in Detroit  =  30 years.  You got that Art.  I live on the other side of the state where the snow comes down white.  It's actually pretty sometimes.  Shudder.
Your right about those Detroiters.  An inch of snow and it's a natural disaster and they shut the town down.  Too bad they don't leave it down.  We have a saying in Michigan about our taxes.  "The dollars we send to Lansing don't stop till they get to Detroit."  The re-elected mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick was behind by 15% the day before the election and won by 10% the next day.  Dawn of the Dead is a movie title they should resurrect for election day over there. heh.

I'm sitting here right now, listening to the whine of snowmobiles in the woods.  The lake only froze over Thanksgiving morn, so it'll be a week if it stays cold and the shanty's will start popping up on the ice.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: jefnvk on November 26, 2005, 07:45:34 PM
Well, grampster, I spent thirty years in Detroit, one winter.  You know what?  Those people don't know how to drive on snow!
Correction.  Those people don't know how to drive, period.

Every single person I know from that big yellow blob on the map I like to call Detroit (much to their annoyance, because non are actually from the City of Detroit) exhibits the same driving tendencies.  Riding people's asses, driving everywhere in a hurry, using the left-turn lane as a way to jump across a bunch of lanes of traffic then complain when someone is actually using it to turn, etc.

I'm glad to live somewhere where snowmobiles outnumber cars in most parking lots.
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Modifiedbrowning on November 27, 2005, 06:40:29 PM
We've got over a foot of snow (pushing two) since Friday here in MT. I hate shoveling but hopefully it will be a good winter for snowboarding (last year blew).
Title: Snowing like crazy here...
Post by: Harold Tuttle on November 27, 2005, 09:57:26 PM
i remember watching a nigerian cab driver in NW DC smoke his tires on the ice one winter

Several of us came out and pushed him off of our block

We were confinced he would catch some traction and achieve ludicrous speed right into our parked cars