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Rabbit recipes??

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I've got 3 fresh rabbits, bought from the 4H auction.  I've never cooled a rabbit, any of you have ideas?  As of now, they're going in the smoker and we'll see what happens but I'm open to trying a recipe someone can vouch for as good.

Braise, stew or fry but I have never thought of smoking. I think they may dry out pretty bad when smoked. Maybe do them on a pellet grill if you have one.


French G.:
Hassenpfeffer! I want to try this, just need a donor rabbit.

I think there is not enough fat in a wabbit to make the smoker be the choice.

I’ve got an awesome recipe if I can find it. Pan fry with onion and butter to brown and then put in slow cooker with mushrooms leeks and a cheesy cream sauce.

Same as any chicken recipe.

I like bunny pot pie and rabbit cacciatore


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