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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: MicroBalrog on June 30, 2009, 05:44:14 PM

Title: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: MicroBalrog on June 30, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
 Minnesota senate win for Franken

Democrat Al Franken has won the disputed 2008 Minnesota Senate race, after his Republican opponent Norm Coleman conceded victory.

On election night last November, voting machines gave Mr Coleman a narrow 215-vote lead, triggering a recount.

Mr Franken won the recount, prompting an appeal from Mr Coleman. Earlier on Tuesday, however, Minnesota's Supreme Court rejected Mr Coleman's arguments.

Mr Franken will now become the Democrats' 60th vote in the US Senate.

Sixty votes are needed to overturn attempts by the Senate minority to block legislation using a technique known as a filibuster.


Mr Coleman fought a long legal battle to overturn the results of the recount.

His legal team argued that a number of absentee ballots had been unfairly rejected by local officials.

But the Minnesota Supreme Court rejected Mr Coleman's arguments.

"The Supreme Court has made its decision and I will abide by the results," Mr Coleman told reporters.

Mr Franken first came to prominence as a comedian, appearing on Saturday Night Live.

He later became a best-selling author and a host on the liberal Air America radio station.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid issued a statement to "congratulate Senator-elect Al Franken, the next senator from the state of Minnesota".

He added: "The people of Minnesota will now finally get the brilliant and hardworking new senator they elected in November and the full representation they deserve."
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2009/06/30 20:44:00 GMT


Micro Sez: So... we have a 60-40 Democrat majority now. It can only get uphill from here.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on June 30, 2009, 05:49:48 PM
Saw that coming.  Let a Democrat count the votes enough times and eventually he'll come up with a tally that wins for him.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Fly320s on June 30, 2009, 06:41:22 PM
Saw that coming.  Let a Democrat count the votes enough times and eventually he'll come up with a tally that wins for him.
Just like every other politician.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: makattak on June 30, 2009, 06:48:38 PM
I won't be defeatist, I won't be defeatist, I won't be defeatist...

<Anyone know where I can get a good sailboat capable of travel to and living in the Bahamas?>
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: HankB on June 30, 2009, 07:35:54 PM
And let me guess . . . in Franken's "win" they counted the votes from those couple of dozen precincts that turned in totals that exceeded the number of voters, correct?

So stuffing ballot boxes is now an acceptable way to carry an election in Minnesota. (GOP take note.)
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on June 30, 2009, 08:17:30 PM

that's all.  just $)@#.

so we've got a leftist majority in the house, a supermajority in the senate, and a socialist nutjob in the white house....

These next couple of years are gonna be rough..........
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Nitrogen on June 30, 2009, 08:23:30 PM
#include <bush_did_it_first.h>
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: MechAg94 on June 30, 2009, 08:25:52 PM
#include <bush_did_it_first.h>
BS.  If you haven't gotten over that after 8 years you need to get help. 
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: lupinus on June 30, 2009, 08:38:57 PM
Heh, with the RINO's they had it in everything but paper anyhow
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on June 30, 2009, 08:40:49 PM
#include <bush_did_it_first.h>
The Florida 2000 thing is a prime example.  If Gore had gotten his way, he would have demanded selective, arbitrary recounts until one showed him as the victor.  
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Standing Wolf on June 30, 2009, 08:57:13 PM
I'm surprised it took the DFL this long to steal that election during fake "recounts."
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: longeyes on June 30, 2009, 09:33:25 PM
It's not going to change the future, just hasten it.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Matthew Carberry on July 01, 2009, 04:26:09 AM
They have 60 Dems, not 60 votes on any given issue.

That has already been demonstrated.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: longeyes on July 01, 2009, 10:52:16 AM
That's true, but how many "Republicans" can be counted on?

The real issue is how many conservatives are there, of either party, on any issue.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 01, 2009, 12:26:50 PM
They have 60 Dems, not 60 votes on any given issue.

That has already been demonstrated.
Until Democrats start crossing party lines as often as Republicans do, the Dems will have 60+ votes.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: longeyes on July 02, 2009, 09:56:05 AM
In the land of the Unserious the unfunny comic is king.

Franken represents the ascendancy of a culture that can't think straight and prefers easy entertainments to reason and sober truths, the fundaments of a sound republic.

We've had clowns in office for a long time; now we have a professional, admitted one.  When Stuart Smalley and Air America converge and actually reach political power we have reached the edge of the precipice in America's political history.

Maybe, just maybe, we are reaching the nadir, though.  I'd like to believe that.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Balog on July 02, 2009, 11:16:26 AM
Until Democrats start crossing party lines as often as Republicans do, the Dems will have 60+ votes.

Exactly. While it's true Dems are not a monolithic voting block all the time, neither are the 'pubbies. I'm looking at you Maine.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Matthew Carberry on July 02, 2009, 08:07:26 PM
We're not talking about RINO's here, we are talking about Dems.  They are not a monolith, they do not automatically have 60 Democrat votes on any given issue.

Repubs crossing the line is a different problem and is an issue for their constituents and party.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 02, 2009, 08:51:41 PM
I dunno.  The last instance of a serious split between a Democrat and his party was Lieberman, and they ran him out of the party for it.  Democrats are remarkably monolithic.  Maybe that'll change in the future, but I'm not willing to depend upon it.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Matthew Carberry on July 02, 2009, 08:59:36 PM
Um, Sen. Begich (D-AK) will not vote for gun control.

There are a dozen or more others.

I'd call that a pretty serious split on an issue by issue basis.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 02, 2009, 09:35:07 PM
Sorry, carebear, I just don't see it the way you do.  There are lots of RINOs, but there never seems to be any DINOs.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Matthew Carberry on July 02, 2009, 10:11:49 PM
I think I get your take.

But, why would you want an automaton who votes the party line 100%?

I want my representatives to reflect me on individual issues, not support something simply because it has an "R" or "D" sponsoring it.

There are too many statist idiots in both parties to trust the party line of either.

I'll take a pro-development, pro-gun Dem, like Begich, over an authoritarian Repub. like Snowe every day.  Our system wasn't intended to be a power struggle between two teams.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 03, 2009, 12:43:13 PM
The Democrat party line is abysmal.  There's value in having our party not cross party lines to support that.  Just take a look at what's happening now.

The Republican party line is generally tolerable.  Our country can survive that, and even thrive under it in most ways.  We could certainly do a lot worse.

And besides, history shows that it is possible to pull the Republican party to the right and use it as a vehicle to implement strong conservative policies.  If we can achieve that then we'd all benefit from Republicans holding to the party line.

Our system wasn't intended to be a power struggle between two teams.
Maybe that wasn't what they intended, but that is the system that they built for us.  Best to make peace with that fact and start working with it.

Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: longeyes on July 04, 2009, 11:31:51 AM
Tell me why the GOP is honoring this "victory."

Nice to know they are good sports.  What time's the next cricket match in the gulag?
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Gewehr98 on July 04, 2009, 01:44:57 PM
What gulag are you referring to, Longeyes?

Seriously.  I want to know.

When is this revolution and/or cataclysmic social event you've been blathering about gonna happen? 

I need to mark my calendar, and let the rest of the APS staff know you've really got the lowdown info and the trauma plates w/ duct tape all squared away.

Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: longeyes on July 04, 2009, 03:57:04 PM
Speaking of "neural misfires"...

No, you don't seriously want to know.

The cataclysmic social event has been happening for decades.  It is happening right in front of you.  And there are many types of gulags, including "soft" ones.  Obama's just the spearpoint of a movement that is able to put a fool like FrankenSenator into office.   You have major legislation pending that will radically transform America, possibly irreversibly, with more, no doubt on the way (I am referring to immigration "reform," the crackdown on talk radio, and stiffer gun restrictions), and you really think I am an alarmist???  Franken, to me, represents the triumph of entertainment over the rational virtues that make a viable Republic endure.

As for Palin, we don't know the truth yet, but who would be shocked to learn that she's disgusted with what politics has become.  Look to the margins for the real action.

Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: FTA84 on July 08, 2009, 12:16:32 AM
In the land of the Unserious the unfunny comic is king.

Franken represents the ascendancy of a culture that can't think straight and prefers easy entertainments to reason and sober truths, the fundaments of a sound republic.

We've had clowns in office for a long time; now we have a professional, admitted one.  When Stuart Smalley and Air America converge and actually reach political power we have reached the edge of the precipice in America's political history.

Maybe, just maybe, we are reaching the nadir, though.  I'd like to believe that.

It seems to me to be the reflection of a usual sentiment on this board:

"I get to choose between big government trying to control me with fear or I get to choose big government trying to control me with fear".

I think that the people (TM) are sending the signal, by electing a two-bit like Franken, that they think both parties are a joke.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: RocketMan on July 08, 2009, 12:34:27 AM
I think that the people (TM) are sending the signal, by electing a two-bit like Franken, that they think both parties are a joke.

Sorry, The People (TM) are not that sophisticated.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: FTA84 on July 08, 2009, 12:40:25 AM
You underestimate.

Edit: I should elaborate -- no one elected Franken because he is funny or famous.  They elected Franken because it is funny to elect Franken.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Balog on July 08, 2009, 01:14:42 AM
You're saying they did it for the lulz?
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: RocketMan on July 08, 2009, 01:18:39 AM
I should elaborate:  The electorate collaborating, working together in masse to elect Franken, would require a sophistication that they, as a group, would never have.  There was never any movement or organization showing such.
Franken was elected simply because he was more appealing to the electorate than Coleman, albeit by a very small margin.
That does not say much for those that voted for him.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: FTA84 on July 08, 2009, 11:30:15 AM
I never said it was a conspiracy en masse.  I stopped visiting this board because of people inventing what was said in my posts.  I already regret having posted once again.

Franken already had an up because he was a (D) on the Obama election night.  With the youth vote turn out, the swing voting people would do it for the so called 'lulz'.  There is nothing sophisticated about a popular disenfranchisement, "Franken can't do any worse than those other guys.  They're all clowns".

Maybe I hang out with a younger crowd, but I was anxious to see if Colbert was on the South Carolina ballot, how many people would turn out to vote for him.  I bet it would be a considerable number.
Look at how many people voted for James Traficant in 2002.  15% after he was convicted, expelled from congress and on his way to jail! Which was all highly publicized in his district and was also the talk of the town.  15% of people thought it was amusing or fitting to elect such a person to congress.  It was no conspiracy but a reflection of the sentiment that 15% of people thought it was some version of 'lulz' to the current state of the system.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Balog on July 08, 2009, 11:32:10 AM
 ;/ No one is inventing what was said in your post dude. I think there is just some disagreement as to whether people voted for Franken as a joke.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: HankB on July 08, 2009, 11:38:09 AM
Franken was elected simply because he was more appealing to the electorate than Coleman, albeit by a very small margin.
I thought he was elected because of 1) a significant third-party candidate supported by Jesse Ventura; AND 2) Voter fraud, including stuffed ballot boxes in dozens of precincts?
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: longeyes on July 08, 2009, 11:42:44 AM
Minnesota voters were doing the equivalent of a write-in for Bozo the Clown as a protest vote?

You give today's voters far too much credit.  Do you protest restrictive gun laws by shooting your toe off?

One suspects the election was rigged, but it wouldn't be that surprising that in a traditionally liberal state like Minnesota--and one that is probably becoming more so because of demographic changes--that even a truculent stand-up comic could win a big political job these days.  Let us hope that more of the SNL crew doesn't plan political careers, because they, in today's America, will probably win too.  There was a time in this country when people could separate entertainment from more sober aspects of life, but that time is fast fading, and I at least expect this trend to continue to play out until the kids are finally all sent to their rooms after a series of major disasters.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 08, 2009, 12:00:03 PM
You underestimate.

Edit: I should elaborate -- no one elected Franken because he is funny or famous.  They elected Franken because it is funny to elect Franken.
Even that is a stretch.  It's hard to say that he was actually elected.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: longeyes on July 08, 2009, 12:36:21 PM
My question is why the GOP isn't ostracizing him in protest at what they have to know was very likely an illegitimate election.  If the GOP keeps playing the game by the other guy's rules they will have a very short life expectancy as a viable party.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: 41magsnub on July 08, 2009, 01:03:07 PM
Minnesota voters were doing the equivalent of a write-in for Bozo the Clown as a protest vote?

You give today's voters far too much credit.  Do you protest restrictive gun laws by shooting your toe off?

One suspects the election was rigged, but it wouldn't be that surprising that in a traditionally liberal state like Minnesota--and one that is probably becoming more so because of demographic changes--that even a truculent stand-up comic could win a big political job these days.  Let us hope that more of the SNL crew doesn't plan political careers, because they, in today's America, will probably win too.  There was a time in this country when people could separate entertainment from more sober aspects of life, but that time is fast fading, and I at least expect this trend to continue to play out until the kids are finally all sent to their rooms after a series of major disasters. (

Alec Baldwin could be the next US actor to enter politics after saying he was giving "serious thought" to running for Congress.

The film and TV star told Playboy magazine that he was determined to run for office, but a lot depended on whether he'd be given the opportunity.

He said: "The desire is there; that's one component. The other component is opportunity."

In his blog for political website The Huffington Post, Alec denied speculation that he was preparing to run against former vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman.

He told the magazine that he would love to run against Mr Lieberman, but added that at this stage it was "all fantasy".

Alec later confirmed that he would not be running in Connecticut. On his blog, he wrote: "As much as I think Lieberman is an enormous letdown to the party that gave him their nomination for vice president, I am sure the Democrat Party leaders in that state will take care of themselves."

But he did not rule out a more active political role going forward.

"Running for public office involves among the most sacred trusts that one can enter into and I would like to give that a lot of serious thought before I decide if that is right for me and the voters I would potentially serve."

But given his past controversies - including a leaked answerphone rant in which he berated his then 11-year-old daughter - Baldwin appears to be under no illusions over the scrutiny a move into public service would place him under.

He told Playboy: "If I run for political office, they'll have a forest of material to kill me with."

Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: HankB on July 08, 2009, 03:40:56 PM
My question is why the GOP isn't ostracizing him in protest at what they have to know was very likely an illegitimate election.  If the GOP keeps playing the game by the other guy's rules they will have a very short life expectancy as a viable party.
But they'll be able to shake hands with one another and congratulate themselves on the courtesy they showed their opponents . . . as they're vacating their own offices.

I think it was Ann Coulter who said words to the effect that while she didn't want GOP politicians to become shrieking lunatics like Howard Dean, she wished they'd behave like men once in a while.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: RocketMan on July 08, 2009, 08:26:29 PM
I never said it was a conspiracy en masse.

I never said it was a conspiracy, either.  Never mentioned the word.  I never thought it was.  A collaboration does not a conspiracy make.
I didn't put words in your mouth.
Title: Re: Minnesota senate win for Franken
Post by: RocketMan on July 08, 2009, 08:28:48 PM
I thought he was elected because of 1) a significant third-party candidate supported by Jesse Ventura; AND 2) Voter fraud, including stuffed ballot boxes in dozens of precincts?

Mmmm...could be some of that, too.