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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: yesitsloaded on February 07, 2008, 05:10:39 PM

Title: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: yesitsloaded on February 07, 2008, 05:10:39 PM
After watching in horror as the formerly conservative Republican party trainwrecked on nation television over the last few days I have come to a conclusion. Within the next four years the Neocons will split from the conservatives and we might have at least three if not four main parties. I can see the Democrats being big government nanny staters with a splinter enviromental/pacifist party. Neocons keep the Republican party and the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Finch on February 07, 2008, 05:25:47 PM
I can see something like that happening. But I don't think any splintered parties will be considered a main party for quite some time. It will (and has to) start small. Local elections and state senates.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: seeker_two on February 07, 2008, 05:26:35 PM
With the events of today, we'll be lucky to have TWO political parties anytime in the next 20 years.....
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Sergeant Bob on February 07, 2008, 05:32:35 PM
With the events of today, we'll be lucky to have TWO political parties anytime in the next 20 years.....

After today, you'd have a hard time convincing me that there are two parties. sad
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Paddy on February 07, 2008, 06:35:12 PM
Neocons keep the Republican party and the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives.

Not a chance.  Neoconservatism is as dead as Communism.  Both have failed everywhere they've been tried.    Bush is still hanging onto the remnants as the ships sinks, only because he doesn't know any better.  That's why he was put in the Whitehouse in the first place.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Bigjake on February 07, 2008, 06:50:57 PM
the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives. 

not while 9/11 truthers and Paulians cling to that ship....  If they figure out how foreign policy works past, oh say, 1938, then we can talk.  Oh, and a nice big DMZ between us and Mexico is not necessarily a Bad Thing.  Get that stuff fixed, and I'm all over it.  Til then, Libertarians are no different than "WAR FOR OIIIIL!"  and "No Womyn is Illegal" Democrats.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: yesitsloaded on February 07, 2008, 06:53:54 PM
Perhaps you are right. I can see a right wing party, a left wing party, and a moderate mishmash of fence sitters that can't decide if they have guts to make a choice or not. I like the lifeboat theory. You can only save so many before the whole ship sinks and kills everyone.
Oh, and a nice big DMZ between us and Mexico is not necessarily a Bad Thing.
Hmm I was under the opinion YouKnowWho was actually for taking the troops out of Iraq and putting them on the border as with the Constitution and so on.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Bogie on February 07, 2008, 07:18:03 PM
Well, the truly sad thing is, there are likely people still active in the Republican party who wish Dan Quayle was running, and who actually think that he'd have a chance.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 07, 2008, 07:22:33 PM
the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives.

I can't see that happening.  A big chunk - I would say most - of the disgusted conservatives would have a hard time coalescing with the Libertarian party and vice versa.  Immigration, abortion, foreign policy, social issues, drug laws.  Won't happen.  It's kind of like the Constitution Party wanting Ron Paul to be their candidate this year.  If he accepts their offer, he loses half his support.   
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: seeker_two on February 08, 2008, 01:40:25 AM
Well, the truly sad thing is, there are likely people still active in the Republican party who wish Dan Quayle was running, and who actually think that he'd have a chance.

Yeah.....but they're voting for McCain....
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: LAK on February 08, 2008, 02:13:52 AM
Neocons will split from the conservatives and we might have at least three if not four main parties. I can see the Democrats being big government nanny staters with a splinter enviromental/pacifist party. Neocons keep the Republican party and the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives.
I think it will be conservatives splitting from the neo-cons. The "democrats" will likely stay under their current umbrella, with some of them finally realizing their folly when the dollar falls like a lead balloon - along with their standard of living. They will then perhaps form a new party themselves.

The fleeing conservatives are not going to flock to the LP unless they eliminate their "open borders" platform and make up their minds whether or not they want a sovereign nation called the United States with a distinct ideology, culture, Constitution and government, or living in a province of the coming Pan Americas.

However, I think it will be much too late. Everyone that has danced with the devil and thought they can walk away are going to find out that the notes are going to be called in and it's time to pay.

Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: The Rabbi on February 08, 2008, 03:00:04 AM
Given that there hasnt been a significant win by a third party candidate in probably 100 years it wont happen.
Conservatives will remain in the GOP tent because there is nowhere else to go that doesnt involve political suicide and impotence.
The GOP has historically not been the conservative party, just look at Teddy Roosevelt and Richard Nixon.
SO I'd say the original idea ranks right up there with tobacco as a health food and states minting their own gold coin.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Standing Wolf on February 08, 2008, 03:46:33 AM
Within the next four years the Neocons will split from the conservatives and we might have at least three if not four main parties.

May it be so.

Single-party government, not only even when it masquerades as two-party government, but especially when it masquerades as such, is a disaster.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Manedwolf on February 08, 2008, 04:20:32 AM
Neocons keep the Republican party and the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives. about "not a chance"?

At least in this area, Conservatives = successful businesspeople with families who want to keep their own money and have a gun on their hip and in a safe. Libertarians = wild-eyed bearded loons who live in the woods, read Turner Diaries and pray to Ron Paul.

Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: MrRezister on February 08, 2008, 04:54:03 AM
Neocons keep the Republican party and the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives.

Very unlikely.  Repubs and Democrats will continue to pretend to disagree on the big issues while the Rep. continue to inch to the left.  Conservatives may or may not realize what's happening, and then they may or may not abandon the party.  Unfortunately, the Libertarian platform can't support true conservatism as it stands now. 

Conservatives will be Ronin, supporting whoever throws them the largest bone, waffling between the two major parties and complaining about how they have nobody to vote for.  Truly conservative candidates will emerge occasionally, but get laughed off the stage because of one or two unpopular beliefs, and the entire movement will probably die within a few generations.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Bigjake on February 08, 2008, 06:03:47 AM
Conservatives will be Ronin, supporting whoever throws them the largest bone, waffling between the two major parties and complaining about how they have nobody to vote for.  Truly conservative candidates will emerge occasionally, but get laughed off the stage because of one or two unpopular beliefs, and the entire movement will probably die within a few generations.

Dream on  rolleyes.  Conservatives' identity is founded on NOT WAFFLING.  To hell with the GOP, its going to take another Perot (sp?) for them to come up with another Gingrich.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: MechAg94 on February 08, 2008, 06:17:42 AM
10 years ago, weren't people predicting doom for the Democrat party also? 
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Bogie on February 08, 2008, 07:11:29 AM
Prob is that there's umpty different kinds of "conservatives."

There's the 'rollers, who are upset that the government isn't making sure that Little Betty doesn't get exposed to rap music. Then there's the "hands off" folks who think the government should run the roads, etc., and that's it... The financial folks, and the folks who are worried about "those" art majors... There's the ones who want to nuke the middle east, and the ones who want to buy it. And the ones who think we can rent it...

And nobody likes anyone else.

And then there's the rest of the Republican party... The "middle of the road" folks, who, if they ever got together with the middle of the road folks from the democratic side, could be dangerous. "Okay. We're electing you. Sit there. No new laws, okay?"
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: beatnik on February 08, 2008, 07:17:06 AM
Nope, the conservative wing isn't going to the Libertarian party or the Constitution party or the America First Party, or any of the contenders.
The reason is simple.  They all suffer from the exact same problem as the Republicans and Democrats.

"I'm going to browbeat people with the constitution when it serves my purposes, and conveniently ignore the constitution when it goes against my purposes."

If Libertarians changed their "dope and abortions for everyone" stance to "we'll let you decide whether you want it in your state according to the 10th Amendment", then they might get some members.

If the CP or the AFP changed their "dope and abortions for nobody" stance to "we'll let you decide whether you want it in your state according to the 10th Amendment", then they might get some members.
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Werewolf on February 08, 2008, 07:50:04 AM
After watching in horror as the formerly conservative Republican party trainwrecked on nation television over the last few days I have come to a conclusion. Within the next four years the Neocons will split from the conservatives and we might have at least three if not four main parties. I can see the Democrats being big government nanny staters with a splinter enviromental/pacifist party. Neocons keep the Republican party and the Libertarian party will catch all of the disgusted conservatives.
If other states are anything like Oklahoma then that absolutely will not happen.

We've got a number of laws on the books that strongly discourage not only organized 3rd parties but independents. If it isn't Dem or Rep it pretty much isn't gonna get recognized here.

In other words the FIX IS IN!
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 08, 2008, 08:44:28 AM
10 years ago, weren't people predicting doom for the Democrat party also? 

It's been much more recent than that.  You gotta love the people who don't seem to understand that the major parties have been around for about one hundred and fifty years now.  I'm not saying they're indestructible, but they won't disappear overnight.  Nor will a third party replace either one very easily. 

That being said, the ball game has changed significantly from 1860. 
Title: Re: Who thinks I am right on this one.
Post by: GigaBuist on February 08, 2008, 09:02:17 AM
Don't worry.  Come November folks that side with either party will get whipped up into a frenzy just long enough to actually get them to the polls.