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Report: Dems discussing five-year amnesty plan for illegal aliens

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I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that this amnesty plan does not, in fact, shut down the existing avenues which legal immigrants already follow.

I'm going to further assume that the legal path will remain in place with funding, and the illegal amnesty path will get a whole new acronym, separate funding, and separate personnel.

Lastly, I'm going to assume that the amnesty path will be much easier than the legal path, and that we'll end up with what amounts to two legal paths to citizenship, only one won't be used at all.

One more issue on which the gov is paralyzed - amnestyeers refuse to enforce and enforcers refuse to amnesty because each side does not trust the other to keep its end of the bargain. Last time I checked, fedgov cost-of-gov was about 300 billion an year. Money well spent? 


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