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How do you clean your keyboard?

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Strip completely every now and then, wash with hot water and dish soap, dry, reassemble.

At least Microsoft got their keyboard design right.

Unscrew the screws on the back, lift off the top cover. Pop off the keys (make sure you know where they go), take a look at the internals and memorize before separating 'em. Clean the keys and casing with hot water and soap. Wipe down everything else that needs it, reassemble.

At least, that's how I did it. Be careful you don't lose a key in the process! :shock:

lee n. field:
I pop all the keycaps off and hand wash them in clean dish water.  I clean out the part underneath the keycaps with a swab.

I like the original MS ergo keyboard, but it's a cootie magnet.

You can buy a can of compressed air with a nozzle on it.  Blows compressed air onto the keyboard and keeps it dust free.  Do it every couple weeks and it will stay clean.


--- Quote ---Strip completely every now and then, wash with hot water and dish soap, dry, reassemble
too many people in my office whine when i strip down.
ohhh wait, thats not what you were referring to.....

theres an easier solution. swap keyboards with someone who is cleaner than you are.
i do it with my mouse every couple of months.


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