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Gun dream

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wow jamz, that's quite some dream...

I had this dream not too long after my wife and I moved into a new apartment in a part of town that I wasn't entirely familiar with.

It was the middle of the night.  I "woke up" hearing a noise at the front door, and picked up my stainless 92FS (the only handgun I owned at the time) and went out the bedroom door, which opened on to the living room around a sort of corner.  As I rounded the corner, a dark, hooded figure emerged from the open front door and began to advance on me.  I raised the pistol and began to tell the intruder to stop repeatedly.  He made no sound, but continued to advance on me menacingly.

I found myself backed up against the wall, and I told him, "If you don't stop, I will shoot you.  I don't want to, but I will."  He didn't stop.  Just as he gets within an arm's reach of the muzzle, I pulled the trigger.  The muzzle exploded with a flame and a roar, and I woke up.

I had the shakes for a while after and felt like I was going to vomit.  I couldn't go back to sleep.  It was the most vivid, realistic dream I've ever had, and it cemented the fact that using a firearm for self defense is no game, no joke, and no little thing to have to do.  There's no mall-ninja commando-wannabe bravado here.

You guys are wierd, you need a new hobby :p


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