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Saw an interesting contrast on the way to work this morning...

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--- Quote from: Ezekiel ---s there a situation at the gun range to be escalated?At every range I've been to there have been people. Some armed, some unarmed. My presentation of a firearm never once "escalated the encounters to deadly force levels".

--- Quote from: Ezekiel ---..."By definition, a firearm escalates ANY encounter to deadly force levels."  Better?Better, but still untrue. For example if that were true, police officers would be "escalating" every encounter to deadly force levels by the mere presence of their sidearms. Obviously your statement is a wild exaggeration, a generalization on par with "All men are rapists".

Yup, the police are a great example of a firearm DE - escalating a situation. In MANY cases most people think he's a cop, he's got a gun, guess I'll do what he says. granted this doesn't happen in ALL cases but  bet it does in the majority of instances.

Here's another, knowuing I have a firearm on me, I tend to avoid situations where confrontation could occur. Like the time the guy was ALL worked up because I left my car parked at the pump and went in for a cup of joe. He was being a MAJOR (expletive deleted) over the whole thing. I wanted to slam him in the worst way but I just walked away and let him think he was all tough and everything. Why? Becausde I was armed. So there we have an example where a firearm actually PREVENTED an escalation in a confrontation.


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