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Obnoxious co-worker

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There's an intern that sits in the cube next to mine.  I'm about ready to throttle the guy.  He belches constantly throughout the day, and also constantly coughs like he's trying to clear a huge luggie.  I know he'll be out of there by sometime in August, but I'm not sure if I can take much more without doing something to get him to realize the problem.  I consider it very un-professional, and if I were his boss I'd make a note to never hire him no matter the quality of his work.  Head phones to drown out the noise won't help much since a) I can't stand to constantly wear them, b) I'd have to track down too many CD since they block streaming audio/video and c) I shouldn't have to.

I know that everybody belches.  I do too.  I also fart from time to time.  But I at least try to stifle the belches, particularly when it's not right around lunch time.  If I have a problem with coughing I get a cough drop.  I get annoyed by my own coughing enough that I do whatever is necessary to keep it to the bare minimum.  

What you all recommend as the best way to address the issue so that I can resolve it without creating a situation that winds up involving HR or security?  I've considered leaving some Gas-X and cough drops with an anonymous note about the belching and coughing, but I'm not sure that's the best route.

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle:
Don't know that there IS a tasteful way to approach the subject.

Anonymously leave some Beano and Gas-X on his desk?

be like Monte Python and fart in his general direction

Torch his cubicle.

No WAIT!! I forgot this was the internet again

DO NOT, under any circumstances, TORCH HIS CUBICLE!!

Is that clear?


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