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Politics / Re: The 2024 Circus
« Last post by Ben on Today at 06:11:51 PM »
The Roundtable / Re: Samsuck refrigerator
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 06:02:52 PM »
Unfortunately, problems are limited to Samsung.  :facepalm:
I have a 43" Sharp Aquos LCD TV (15-18 y.o.) that is going nuts.  When I turn it on, I get a good picture and sound - for about 30 seconds.  Then I spend the next 7-8 minutes cycling it off & on with the sound OK but the picture looks like a kaleidoscope for a fraction of a second, then goes black.  Finally, after about 25-30 cycles, the picture comes on clear with now other problems.
The Roundtable / Re: Seeking Audiophile Turntable Advice
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 05:54:36 PM »
HankB - similar problem but on the video side.  I have a 4-head VCR that MAY have broken a drive belt but can't find anyplace to work on it.  It's about 35-40 years old so a broken drive belt (a fancy rubber band) doesn't surprise me.
The other is a 10-15 y.o. JVC combo unit.  The DVD side still works fine but, for an unknown reason, the tape side is eating cassettes.  JVC told me to ship it to Atlanta WITH a check for $XX (don't remember) for them to work on it.  :O
Never sent it.
And, I have a fruit crate FULL of 33 LPs that I would LOVE to digitize and burn to CDs.  I just don't have room in this computer room to set up a turntable.
The Roundtable / Re: Restarting Three Mile Island to power AI
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 05:40:38 PM »
What could possibly go wrong with AI having their own reactor?

Like this?

Politics / Re: Chicago Teacher's Union contract demands...
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 05:36:08 PM »
FYI - -  >:D  :facepalm:

Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 04:59:45 PM »
Cordex and K Frame - Well put !!  =D
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 04:45:13 PM »
Just put pistol powder in a rifle cartridge.

 ??? What would 4F black powder do if loaded in a rifle cartridge?  >:D
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 04:40:57 PM »
  Will they drop down to passenger pigeons next?

Get a bunch of 12 gauges with #6 - #8 birdshot and go hunting.  >:D
Politics / Re: Biden showing more symptoms . . .
« Last post by Perd Hapley on Today at 04:24:16 PM »
Jill Biden is leading cabinet meetings. Nothing to see here.

We should ask Nancy Pelosi about how Jill was elected.
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