Author Topic: Meet Corey Booker  (Read 709 times)


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Meet Corey Booker
« on: January 16, 2018, 06:17:53 PM »
Hypocrite extraordinaire

One of the newest members of the Judiciary Committee, New Jersey Democrat Sen. Cory Booker, used his full time for questioning to talk about the consequences of the President's words, clearly getting emotional at times.

He took Nielsen to task, quoting Martin Luther King Jr. on the ills of bystanders remaining silent.

"This is very personal to me," said Booker, who is black. "I sit here right now because when good white people in this country heard bigotry or hatred, they stood up."

"Why am I frankly seething with anger? We have this incredible nation where we are taught it doesn't matter where you are from, your race, your color, your religion, it is about the content of your character," he said. "The commander in chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from African nations and Haitians with them most vulgar language ... that language festers."

"Your silence and your amnesia is complicit," he added.

So, Mr. Booker, where were you and what were you condemning when the Black Lives Matter terrorists were burning down neighborhoods and calling for the killing of whites? Were you going to them and telling them that "it doesn't matter where you are from, your race, your color, your religion, it is about the content of your character"?

No, I didn't think so.
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