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Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on May 02, 2024, 08:24:43 AM »
"She is a paid instructor & PhD candidate at Columbia studying "theories of the imagination & poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens"

Given her new set of bonafides, I'm wondering whether her first job will be at Yale or Harvard or at McDonald's...
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by WLJ on May 02, 2024, 08:24:16 AM »
Fell asleep but reviewing how this went down last night with my morning coffee.
Police were taking their time which was probably a wise move and largely out flanked the blockers by moving through the buildings. The protesters talked a big game but once the flash bangs started going off most of them pissed their pants and after that it was just a matter of mostly going around rounding them up. A few resisting here and there but most of just standing there with a "I want my mommy" look on their faces. Police herding large groups off. Still ongoing at this moment.

Next the clean up.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on May 02, 2024, 08:21:58 AM »
In a bit of make you feel better news:

Commies at UNC Chapel Hill tried to do the "cut down the American Flag and replace it with the Palestinian flag" thing, and some frat boys objected, kept Old Glory from hitting the ground, and put it back up the pole.

Just to drive home to the Commies how much everyone hates their stunts, someone started a gofundme to throw that frat a party.  At the time of this post 7000 people have donated $217,000 to buy those kids a beer.

I'm SHOCKED that we've not been subjected to 48 hours of "WHITE SUPREMACIST FASCISTS AT UNC VIOLENTLY OPPOSED PEACEFUL PROTESTORS blah blah blah" from CNN, MSNBC, NY Times etc.

I'm even more shocked that GoFundMe hasn't pulled this down as a completely unallowable project supporting white supremacist fascist violence.... but I guess they still have time to do that.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by Ben on May 02, 2024, 08:12:27 AM »
Recall the woman who suggested students would die if they didn't get catering:

Her background:

I did a quick search and found that this lady, who refused to reveal her name, is named Johannah King-Slutzky.

She is a paid instructor & PhD candidate at Columbia studying "theories of the imagination & poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens"
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by Ben on May 02, 2024, 08:02:53 AM »
In a bit of make you feel better news:

Commies at UNC Chapel Hill tried to do the "cut down the American Flag and replace it with the Palestinian flag" thing, and some frat boys objected, kept Old Glory from hitting the ground, and put it back up the pole.

Between the frat boys and the "Lotion NOT SUNSCREEN!!!!!!!" crowd, I want the frat boys next to me in the foxhole during Civil War 2.

Looks like their gofundme is well North of $300K now. I would crack up if they used like $5K for a major rager, donated like $95K to their frat, then donated the rest to whatever charity would completely enrage the commies.
The Roundtable / Re: What do you get when you cross a teenager with a...
« Last post by Boomhauer on May 02, 2024, 06:45:44 AM »
I thought "civilian" towing on interstates (and probably other places) was illegal ITFP.  Main thing about vehicle towing and water skiing is never let the line go slack.

LOL doesn’t stop the Mexican convoys

Picture a ratty vehicle flattowing two other shitboxes using some slapped together towbars, usually all with body damage, no taillights, at night on the interstate, and usually about 3-5 of these in a line, all leaving a car auction bound for the border. Sometimes you’ll see it with old school buses as well. You’ll also see them towing three Toyota tacomas but instead of towbars the beds are removed from two trucks and they are “decked” with the second and third ones lashed to the frame rails with rear tires on ground and the two beds precariously stacked in the bed of the third one.

Laws don’t do *expletive deleted*it if not enforced and the cops don’t do anything to a non commercial vehicle.

The Roundtable / Re: "Fallout" on Amazon Prime
« Last post by zxcvbob on May 02, 2024, 01:35:58 AM »
If you want to maximize fallout you go for ground bursts. If you have no plan to occupy the land poison it. Plus ground bursts are more effective at taking out bunkers and shelters.

Yes, plus ground bursts are easier if you have no delivery system.  That's why I think Vault Tec was behind it   [tinfoil]   :laugh:

Watching it now, end of episode 6 is getting weird.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by WLJ on May 02, 2024, 01:30:45 AM »
Looks like the police are flanking them through the buildings
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by WLJ on May 02, 2024, 01:27:00 AM »
The Roundtable / Re: "Fallout" on Amazon Prime
« Last post by WLJ on May 02, 2024, 01:22:57 AM »
and it's interesting that they were ground bursts.

If you want to maximize fallout you go for ground bursts. If you have no plan to occupy the land poison it. Plus ground bursts are more effective at taking out bunkers and shelters.
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