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Are they putting "Chips" in guns yet?

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Perd Hapley:
Guys, don't sweat it.  Just wrap your guns in tin foil.  Works for my noggin. 

You need more layers.  Tighter layers.

You know, piezo barbecue igniters produce a nice fat high-voltage spark...

Alternately, start sticking probes from a taser in interesting places on that chip.  Won't stay working long, with no real external sign of damage. 

But I think the people to answer this question are white-hat RFID hackers - the sort of people building keyless door locks and getting microchip implants for fun, or to do it first; the people sending letters to Mobil warning them Speedpass is easy to sniff, if anyone cared.


--- Quote from: fistful on February 15, 2008, 01:04:47 PM ---Guys, don't sweat it.  Just wrap your guns in tin foil.  Works for my noggin. 
  At the Ron Paul campaign office we were handing out tinfoil along with instructions on how to prevent the CIA and the Bush administration from listening to your thoughts through your cell phones.

Perd Hapley:
You know it was the manufacturers of tin foil that torpedoed Paul's campaign, right?  I mean, they can't have the conspiracy ending all of a sudden.  It would ruin them. 


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