Author Topic: The Weatherperson said...  (Read 4436 times)


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The Weatherperson said...
« on: December 07, 2005, 04:36:30 PM »
...we are supposed to get snow.

Now most folks shrug and go " so, no big deal"  , in the South where I am, it is the Cannonball Rally to the  Grocery Store.  You would think we are being invaded by Mutant Zombies or something.  I mean Milk Bread, Hamburger meat for Chili  fly off the shelves...

Then they attack the video stores...

Spirits, I mean they cannot fight off snow without getting Booze, might have to heal a snow cut or something...

Oh, our weatherfolks sensationalize this for a few days before. Plant the idea seed, marinate it real good, and really play this up.

Okay, it is 'supposed" to be 26*F tonight.  Who knows, depends on where the dart lands on the dart the various stations...

I'm getting this from Radio btw , I can just imagine what the teevee folks are up to.

Supposed to warm up to 38* F tomorrow, sounds like the end of the world ...gee...I hope the chili, booze and movies last until all this melts...

Me?  Well I guess I might consider getting my heavier coat where it is more handy. My fingerless wool gloves were last in that coat.  I have food, and one extra pack of smokes. I need to buy gas, then again not planning on going anywhere tomorrow, unless I decide to venture out and get smokes, a candy bar, maybe just see how all 1- 3"  'possible projected coverage' damages this big city.

Boots? why? I wear my tennis shoes and that way they get cleaned as I walk.  I like this work smarter not harder stuff...


Can you tell I am really worried?  *smirk*

Ex-MA Hole

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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2005, 05:14:20 PM »
Where are you?

I remember one time (at band camp? Nope, wrong movie), about 25 years ago, I was in Savannah, GA and they got about 1/2" (closer to 1/4, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt).  The mayor declared a state of emergency.  You should have seen the little ones try to have a snowball fight!!!
One day at a time.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2005, 05:24:35 PM »
Central AR.

Oh we get some serious snow, we had a devasting ice storm a few years ago...power lines down all over, had folks from other states come in and assist. We get tornados too.

Just - well sometimes they really over sensationalize this stuff. We get a cold wet snow. Sometimes we get the lighter powdery stuff...not often. The snow itself is not so bad, it is the ice and black ice from the melt, refreeze at night.

We are not really set up for snow like most places...SNAFU is our state motto on all levels.

Most difficult place I ever encountered snow? Dallas.  At least the folks slowed down to 70 mph...and that was in the  parking lot trying to get out...*grin*.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2005, 05:24:46 PM »
BWAHAHAHHAHAHA  Man, you Southern folk sure do get all worked up over a little nip in the air and a bit of precipitation.  26' F, LOL.  This afternoon coming into work it was a balmy 9' F in the full sun (good to get the 1 inch of dusting snow to sublime off).  Did'nt even need to wear my heavy coat or gloves, just the light pull over on top of the tee-shirt.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2005, 05:34:23 PM »
I figured someone would get a kick out of this.

I can laugh at myself, very reason I posted it.

Now I will admit as I get a bit older, I do not do the colder temps , especially with wet (rain/ snow)  as I used to.

Interesting how various folks acclimated to various climates fair their weather. Once out of their 'norm' - quite uncomfortable.

We have those hot and humid summers. Folks from colder regions come down are miserable when it is only 75*...if here when 105* then add heat index making it 115*...miserable is not the word.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2005, 05:44:45 PM »
Hey sm, I'm in Hoosier land. We're supposed to get the northern leading edge of the same storm.

It's not even due here for another 18 hours and you wouldn't believe it. I had to run to the store for bread, not cause of the weather, cause the grandkids went through a whole loaf making grilled cheese sandwiches.

I didn't think anything about the weather, but when I got in the store shocked It looks like freakin' New Orleans after the hurricane. The looters had completely emptied the bread aisle.

I swear, any day I expect to see the weatherperson say this forecast sponsored by Kroger's. rolleyes


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2005, 05:50:30 PM »
We got 6" yesterday.  It ain't melting anytime soon, but I didnt see any storms on the forcast to add to it, either.  Nothing sucks like old snow.

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2005, 06:03:48 PM »
It's 4 degrees here.  I was thinking about going out and weeding the garden or maybe sitting in the chaize lounge and workin' on my tan.  Suthren sissies.  Up here in Michigan we like a 6 inch snow so we can put off mowing the grass for another month.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2005, 06:07:40 PM »
For too many years I have tried to tell folks the Grocery Stores, Video Stores, and Liquor store were paying the Weatherfolks to sensationlize the weather.

Grilled cheese??  Yummy!  I put jalapeno peppers on my last one...that was good!  Had 'mater soup too.

Which reminds me...

They sell hot chocolate mix in other areas with itty bitty marshmellows in the mix?  Or is this just another dumb deal they pull down here.

What are them whitish ..."bits?" .  They are not marshmellows for sure.

We could start a thread on the best hot chocolate/ cocoa.

Instant, milk or water, it is Ovaltine or Hershey's or Swiss Miss...??

Dang...I might have to fix a grilled chees sandwich now...


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2005, 06:08:55 PM »
Stock up on tootsie rolls.  You'll be fine.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2005, 06:15:25 PM »
They sell hot chocolate mix in other areas with itty bitty marshmellows in the mix?
Yes, that is sold out here in colorful coloroado (hey, brown is a color, right?) as well.  Usually though we just buy the plain mix and add our own marshmellows.  Best is made with heated milk and Hershey's
I might have to fix a grilled chees sandwich now
Chedder, Swiss or PepperJack?  Please don't say "American" that comes wrapped in individual slices  <<>>.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2005, 06:16:03 PM »
Quote from: grampster
It's 4 degrees here.  I was thinking about going out and weeding the garden or maybe sitting in the chaize lounge and workin' on my tan.  Suthren sissies.  Up here in Michigan we like a 6 inch snow so we can put off mowing the grass for another month.
Oh I ain't in the South.  Utah gets a bit of snow, this was just our latest little snowfall.  Best thing about where I live is that if I really, really want to play in the snow, we're 45 minutes up to the greatest snow on earth.
600" of annual snowfall ain't something to shake a stick at.  Hell, already a 4'+ base up there.

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2005, 06:25:09 PM »
That reminds me.
Cotton Kills.  Anyone going to play in the snow should get some real winter clothing.  Synthetic blend outer wear that is waterproof and designed for snow.  Ankle cuffs, wrist cuffs, and hoods are niceities.  
Underwear made of silk blends, modern wool, or synthetics.  Designed for wicking.  
Fleece, microfleece, or wool in-between.

The biggest kicker is waterproof and breathable.  

Oh, and its 12* here right now.



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 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”

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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2005, 06:54:14 PM »
Lessee...10:37 PM, it's 24 in Dallas right now. Weather says it's 25 outside; wind is blowing and the chill factor is 12. Folks say the only thing between the North Pole and north Texas is a barbed wire fence (of course, it's really a bobwahr fence around here). They started turning folks loose to go home as soon as I went in to the office today.  At 10ish this morning it was raining, with a little sleet mixed in, and the speed range was 40 to 80 mph on 635, with the inner (left) lanes being the slower, of course.  So far I'm ahead on the over/under pool at work on how many SUV's on their sides off the highway will be shown on the news stations tonight (I picked 7).  

It'll turn to snow in about 5 hours or so.  Texans really don't know anything about driving on ice, no matter what they say. I'll call in on the 'emergency weather number' in the morning to hear that wither they've delayed the start time to 30 minutes before I'm scheduled to come in or much less likely, don't bother. No snow day for Rabbit.

What's bothering me is that the Lesser Incubus is scheduled to go in for his graveyard shift at 0300.  He can't hardly drive on dry pavement, let alone wet.  Guess who gets to take him to work to make his mother happy?


To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2005, 07:05:19 PM »
Down in AZ right now and it is funny listening to the talking heads complaning that it is going to be below freezing.
There are five things, above all else, that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar.

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.  One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Bacon is the candy bar of meats!

Only the dead have seen the end of war!


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2005, 07:14:25 PM »
Sorry, Munchies hit.

Two Grilled Cheese made with Extra Extra Sharp Cheddar with slivers of jalapeno peppers. Cup of hot Twinings Irish Breakfast tea , *crunch* opps sorry, found a Heath Bar *crunch, crunch*.

Clothes: is like this. I am not far from the Duck Capitol of the World and Rice Capitol of the World.  
So I know about freezing wet temps ( had my mustache break one than once) and I know about Big Skeeters in the Summer.

Some of my winter wear is gone, fire does that. Silk underwear, Wool pants, Wool shirts and such.
I have stuff in Storage, just not been out to get it, just finished up the Fall semester. My boots are in storage, as are some other stuff in silk, wool and the like.  Yeah I know better, when I head that way I plan on getting some stuff I need to keep handy.

Hot Chocolate: Prefer the milk with Hershey's.  Tried Ovaltine and not bad, used to drink this as a kid and thought- why not?.  Now I get these instant mixes give to me in various places I am prone to hang out. The lesser known, like Shurfine or the Commercial "Royal" brand is not bad.

I get the BIG bar of Hershey's chocolate, slice off slivers into the hot chocolate. I just came up with this for some reason - seems to add some character. I like the small marshmellows - not the fake ones in the mix.  Whip creame out of a squirt can is good too.

Now I like hot tea, I had this big tin of peppermint sticks give to me - the good stuff by Leos.  Just regular hot tea, and toss a peppermint stick in there...good stuff on a chilly night.

So yeah if I get out tomorrow , most likely wear the faded blue jeans, the older tennis shoes with the hole in them, and my waxed cotton.  My ugly wool hat and my nice Stetson burned up fact I do not think I have a hat...

I have a hood on a zippered sweat jacket - that'll work.

11pm here, and nothing yet. It rained for about 2 minutes around 9pm. At the moment 34* F.  Not supposed to "start falling"  until after midnight. Then in my area we  "could get accumulations reaching 1"- 2" "  Read that last part in your best sensationalized voice - what the radio weather guy did...he was so dramatic.

Problem here is - we are not properly prepared with road crews and such. We have hills, and shady areas stay wet and re-freeze at night. It is the ice that gets us.

 Most folks get hurt just getting mail, taking out and down they go.

Funny , I was watching the animals , kind of interesting to watch animals to get an idea of weather.  Not much unusual today.

Now somehow where I am staying in the city, someone / somehow we got 3 chickens in the area.  I know roosters crow in the morning, I know how chickens sound at night and a predator comes around...I go to check outside on the weather and I got one rooster crow-ing...and the other two pecking in the neighbors yard down the way...
Not sure I have ever heard or seen this behavior before.

This weekend supposed to be in the 50* F again.  Oh...we are tornado prone this time of year of too.

Interesting how we all carry on in our environments. How we each are set up in our own - in anothers we are not.

Tomorrow sounds like a good day to make homemade soup, pot of pinto beans, cornbread and baked apples.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2005, 07:18:17 PM »
when is dinner sm
There are five things, above all else, that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar.

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.  One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Bacon is the candy bar of meats!

Only the dead have seen the end of war!

K Frame

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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2005, 07:26:06 PM »
"Now most folks shrug and go " so, no big deal"  , in the South where I am, it is the Cannonball Rally to the  Grocery Store."

You should try living in a part of the country where probably 100,000 or more residents don't even have a word in their native language for snow.
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2005, 07:42:43 PM »
Where would that be Mike?

They have other situations that cause them panic and rush to stores?

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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2005, 08:05:48 PM »
Washington, DC, metro.
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2005, 12:02:02 AM »
Its 1 here. It gets much colder, I'm going to have to dig out my gloves.


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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2005, 02:19:36 AM »
I got you all beat...wait until you have a huge Cat 5 bearing down on you then report back about panic and empty grocery shelves and long lines at the gas station.  Florida sucks BTW.  Anyone interested in a cute 2/2/1 in west Broward?



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The Weatherperson said...
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2005, 02:23:42 AM »
Around here (just a tad south of the Mason Dixon line) when it MIGHT get below 32 the weather reader faces the camera with a look of deep concern and says "please make sure your pets are inside". My brother lives in Wisconsin. The first day that it MIGHT get above 32 they have a cookout. Just what you get used to I guess.
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