Author Topic: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?  (Read 3148 times)


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Re: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2020, 11:32:06 PM »
We actually keep track of things like that, so lets inject some numbers in here.

According to the 2018 US Criminal Victimization report from 2018 (The most recent published) There were 563,940 "violent incidents" where the victim was black.  Of those in 10.6% of them, the offender was white.  So 5977 Blacks victimized by whites.  The 2018 total Violent crime rate was 382.9/100,000 and murder was 5.3/100,000 so murder is 1.38% of all violent crime.  To make life simple we are going to call that 1.5% and assume that it holds +/- steady across races.

If we do that we can assume that 1.5% of those 5977 victimizations by racist whites were murder.  which is [abacus sounds] 89.6.  Call it 90 ish.  one every 3 or 4 days.  The media has the chance to push this narritive that you think they are twice a week.  Go ahead and name all 90 black people killed by whites in 2018 from the voluminous news coverage.

Sure, this one is more tragic because the victim is a kid, and it appears to be one of those truly random attacks that hit american's psyches pretty hard because there's no way to reassure yourself you aren't next.

But there's no evidence of a racial bias either in the reporting or racial motive (yet) in the attack.  Trying to make one is, ironically, actually doing what you are accusing the news of doing.

If you have evidence beyond vague "I know it would be different if the races were reversed" by all means, share it as I'd like to see it.  But I have 90(ish) deaths per year that say the news media doesn't run with, and neighborhoods don't burn, for every incident of white on black murder.

Your analysis is flawed. 90 deaths per year and I will put money on it being ZERO deaths of children.1

You honestly believe that if some white tweaker walked up to a black child and murdered him in cold blood, the news wouldn't plaster it all over the country?

.... Were you in a coma for the Zimmerman trial? Because that's what they claimed happened. Imagine what it would have been like if it were actually true.

1: Unless you count Hispanic gang bangers in that number. I will bet that at least one child is murdered by Hispanic gangs in crossfire with black gangs every few years given the proximity of such gangs in most urban areas.
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Re: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2020, 12:09:18 AM »
Also, in addition to to criminal-on-criminal violence, we should know how many killings were the result of domestic violence and how many were robberies of innocent folk turned lethal.

The last two, like the first would not have the racial angle so would not interest propagandists.
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Re: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2020, 10:24:36 AM »
A few paragraphs down, there is a partial list of "white lives" no one cares about.

I agree with those who see something askew with the coverage of this story, compared to how other stories are covered. I'm just not sure you understand why you see something wrong.

Should this be a national news story? Maybe. It's not the first time a local murder story was so heart-rending or strange or tragic or frightening that the whole country wanted to know about it. Harambe got more press than this kid. His story has just as much to recommend it as the George Floyd story. Except for not being filmed, of course.

Is there any evidence Hinnant's killing was racially-motivated? No, but we could say the same for George Floyd.

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Re: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2020, 01:38:54 AM »
Very few murders should be national news.  They should be top-story local news.  If murders become too commonplace to lead (or is it lede?) the local news, then that's newsworthy.

Over-reporting of murders that do support a narrative is a problem.
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Re: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?
« Reply #29 on: August 17, 2020, 02:59:30 AM »
my right friends and left friends both have really different takes.
poor kid  :'(
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Re: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2020, 08:43:07 PM »
Very few murders should be national news.  They should be top-story local news.  If murders become too commonplace to lead (or is it lede?) the local news, then that's newsworthy.

Over-reporting of murders that do support a narrative is a problem.

And under-reporting murders that counter such...
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Re: Have you heard Cannon Hinnant's name?
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2020, 02:41:03 PM »
A Breonna Taylor billboard getting defaced with red paint is getting far more coverage here as in big banner headlines vs a towards the bottom barely noticeable little box
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