Author Topic: More casualties in the drug war  (Read 2625 times)

Glock Glockler

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More casualties in the drug war
« on: May 27, 2005, 01:23:37 PM »

I just can't fathom how anyone would think they could smuggle 9lbs of pot in their gym bag and get into a country which leads me to believe this is shady.  Granted, the country she was trying to get into is, IMO, barbaric and we should therefore not expect too much from them but if this was a set up it would have seem that it was either Australian baggage handlers looking to make a score or some part of the Australian law enforcement apparatus looking for a pinch.

It seems she will get lucky and only do 20 years and not be executed, but her life and many of those close to her will definitely be destroyed for the equivilant of my bringing a keg of beer to a friend's house.  We have, hopefully, learned that prohibition was a disaster and have no desire to return to the insanity of the 1920s gangland days but why is it that we cannot get through our heads that imprisioning people like Shapelle Corby does not produce anything good.  

I hope that civilized peoples will correct the injustice that is the drug war.

The Rabbi

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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 02:38:59 PM »
I wonder what the drug addiction rate is like in Indonesia.  I'd bet pretty low.  Maybe we should draw the right conclusion and follow suit.
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Glock Glockler

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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2005, 03:29:55 PM »
Ever hear the phrase "the cure is worse than the disease"?  You're worried that people might do drugs and harm their lives so in order to prevent them harming their lives you will execute them or send them to jail for decades, good thing we have people like you around in order to make sure we don't mess up our lives.


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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2005, 05:11:36 PM »
I know, why don't we have roving bands of police/judges, anyone found with illegal narcotics will be immediatly be given an administrative hearing on the spot.  No annoying juries or lawyers.  Guilty, BOOM, bullet, in the head.  That would fix the "drug problem" in about a month.  If it took a few hundred thousand dead stupid druggies until they figured it out, oh well, America would be better off with out them.

So depressing.  Even more depressing that some Americans are so blinded by ignorance they would wish the above scenario on Americans.  



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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2005, 05:40:52 PM »
Here we go again....
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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2005, 05:47:45 PM »
Saudi Arabia Beheads Marijuana Smuggler

Good enough for Saudi Arabia, good enough for us.

And I don't wanna hear weenie crap about human rights, due process, etc., from any of you anti-American lib'ral weenie hate-America-firsters.  It's a war, damnit, and it's time we acted like it was a war.

So long as you leave the coffee beans alone, I don't care what you do to my neighbor.



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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2005, 06:17:43 PM »
i think Rabbi must have had something horrible happen to someone close to him, and i am very sorry for that- my cousin died of cancer accelrated by herion abuse after she gave birth to a baby with aids, i have lost countless frineds to cocaine speed and heroin, so its not like this hasnt affected me, but really what is with your stance???
it is pretty disturbing someone called the Rabbi is so quick to call for executions over such a trivial, non biblical crime.

THE REAL DEAL= parents and friends who refuse to accept that their kid/ friend is an IDIOT.
i've been around more different types of drugs than probably most highroaders, at times in wacked out groups of people doing all kinds of horrible stuff.
did i EVER EVER EVER touch coke speed heroin or anything else with the potential to completely control and ruin my life? NEVER. why not? cuz i am not an Idiot.
I know i am not indestructable, that addiction is a very real consequence of using.

IF you could get the people around you to know the same, they wouldn't be having problems.

if you are upset at the crimes committed by addicts in search of drugs- get already know legalization would lower the cost dramatically, and BETTTER=
free up tons and tons of jail space, so REAL crimes would carry real weight.

as it is= stragiht from the idiots in the park=
these clowns steal stuff out of cars all day long to get money to shoot speed into their arms.

the speed they get in private, hide out and do it quick ,get rid of the evidence.

the stealing is often in broad daylight, and obviously always somewhat in public.

SO= get caught with speed get like 5 months in jail.

get caught breaking into a car- get two weeks.
get caught trying to break in to my house- get a few days

and we get to have these thieving druggies all over the place for years before they finally really get caught.

so cool- you do something to yourself , you go away, but you do something to sombody else, actually harm/ rob someone you get no time at all.
a girl hits a homelss guy with a WRENCH in the HEAD and gets THREE DAYS. da wont prosecute, man doesnt press charges.

Worse- since jails are full of druggies, sure we hope we get all the real criminals in jail on drug charges but besides that not making a lot of sense, the non drug using burglar/mugger
looks at less punishment.

Gun Runner

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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2005, 07:26:50 AM »
Quote from: The Rabbi
Maybe we should draw the right conclusion and follow suit.
Yeah, that's about as good an idea as following 1930's and 1940's Nazi Germany's lead.  

Brilliant.  Are you still down?
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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2005, 11:05:07 AM »

Maybe I'm full of [deleted] but I think that was pure, vitriolic sarcasm.

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2005, 04:29:27 PM »
Glock Glockler wrote: "I hope that civilized peoples will correct the injustice that is the drug war."

+1 big time, bro.

My dad is a retired FBI agent from the J. Edgar Hoover era (OLD school)...
HOWEVER, his one observation after 30 years with the Bureau is that the .gov spends an obscene amount of resources unnecessarily chasing down and ruining the lives of otherwise peaceful drug users, often putting them away for longer, harsher sentences than child molesters and rapists.

I personally know of a lady right here in Alabama with chronic pain syndrome who was just put away for 12 years because 1) her doctor would not provide her with adequate pain medication, so 2) she was buying Oxycontin on the street and had bought enough to last her 6 months, because there are times when it was very difficult to find and she didn't want to run out.

I don't disagree with prosecuting pushers and drug traffickers to the full extent of the law, but I am sickened by the stories of lives ruined by these oppressive drug laws.  

And this is from me-- a family guy, Christian, conservative, RKBA supporter.

Glock Glockler

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« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2005, 09:42:49 PM »
Felonious Fig,

Thanks for your imput, I find a lot of value when people on the inside of the machine tell me how it's operating and it turns out that it's not just make believe that we're spouting.  It was rather odd when I found out what China was doing to combat their drug problem, you see they were first executing the dealers but the problem was that new people began dealing when they saw there was money in it.  No amount of dealer execution made a difference, and then China realized that suppy follows demand and not vice verse, so they began executing the addicts and the dealers went away.  Pushers only exist because an addict will want to buy their stuff at an inflated price, we don't see dealers push Bud or Sam Adams pushing on school children because there is no money in it, because the stuff is legal and I can buy it anywhere for cheap.

I guess we really arent serious about winning this war unless we are fully committed to executing every last person that has done any illegal drug.


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« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2005, 11:27:58 PM »
Ummmm, lets take another look at this.

This women among others, tried to smuggle drugs into a country with draconian laws, what did they think would happen if they got caught? Yup, the woman is cute and all and makes for a nice 'legalize pot' poster, but I have a hard time dredging up any sympathy.

I just can't fathom how anyone would think they could smuggle 9lbs of pot in their gym bag and get into a country which leads me to believe this is shady
When people get caught with drugs, they almost always deny that the drugs belong to them.
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Glock Glockler

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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2005, 04:29:33 AM »
When people get caught with drugs, they almost always deny that the drugs belong to them

You can deny it all you want but it doesnt help you get the drugs into said country, which makes that course of action very unlikely to suceed.  We're not just talking about a few ounces in someone's shoe, this is 9lbs, not exactly inconspicous, hence the shady bit.  Also, look into the details of her "trial" which seemed about as fair as those that the enemy of the state got in Stalin's day.

Something to keep in mind is that the post was directed towards civilized peoples to end this insanity.  The US is a major engine in the global drug war and many other countries will change what they do when we stop funding this nonsense abroad as well as militarily intimidating them to stay in line.


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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2005, 04:33:35 AM »
The United States has nothing to do with this. Indonesia is a sovereign country which I believe follows strict Muslim laws, not the US' laws.

When you travel to countries that do beheadings for a myriad of different offenses and which has a kangaroo court, you are travelling at your own risk.
"now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb" -Dark Helmet

"AK47's belong in the hands of soldiers mexican drug cartels"-
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Glock Glockler

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« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2005, 05:44:04 AM »
A lot of the wind would be taken of the sails of the global drug war without our pushing it.  Indonesia is soverign country but would they have the policy they do if everyone else wasnt following suit?  I knwo of an American bodybuilder than immigrated to Thailand, so he was no longer under US jurisdiction, but the DEA was pressing the local govt. to cooperate with them on an attempted steroid bust on him.  Why the DEA was involved with something overseas I have no idea, though I have even less idea the govt cares if some bodybuilder wants to juice.  

Peronsally, I wouldnt go to any Muslim country, with the possible exception of Turkey, because I wouldnt want to be subjected to their barbaric rule, but the question remains about what civilized peoples are doing to end this.

The Rabbi

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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2005, 06:28:17 AM »
Peronsally, I wouldnt go to any Muslim country, with the possible exception of Turkey, because I wouldnt want to be subjected to their barbaric rule, but the question remains about what civilized peoples are doing to end this.
Wait.  So allowing people to do drugs is a libertarian virtue.  But allowing people to have their own laws and customs is barbaric?  Hmmm.....
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Glock Glockler

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« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2005, 08:08:57 AM »

Please reread my posts.  I never said any such thing that the Indonesians can't have their own laws, all I said was that because of their laws I choose not to go to their lands to be subject to them.

The Rabbi

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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2005, 09:05:39 AM »
So what does this mean:
but the question remains about what civilized peoples are doing to end this.

You are certainly free to avoid Moslem countries.  Many of them wouldnt give me a visa to begin with.  But I think everyone would agree that if you do go you are obligated to obey their laws while there.  Something this drug smuggler obviously forgot.
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Glock Glockler

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More casualties in the drug war
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2005, 09:21:37 AM »

As I said, reread my posts, my point is what we are doing to clean up our own backyard and set an example, I don't intend on invading all muslim countries nor committing genocide on them.

Also, I reject the claim that this person was indeed a smuggler and will call her an "alleged smuggler", as anyone with an IQ over my shoe size can see that her "trial" was not in the slightest fair or impartial.  Why should a judgement be given legitimacy when a trial is so obviously not?