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Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade

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It appears that the Women's March is pro "I had an abortion! It was fun and it's time to party!"

At least it seems they got as much pro-choice pushback as they did pro-life pushback.

Perd Hapley:

--- Quote from: Ben on September 30, 2022, 10:32:04 AM ---It appears that the Women's March is pro "I had an abortion! It was fun and it's time to party!"

At least it seems they got as much pro-choice pushback as they did pro-life pushback.

--- End quote ---

Moloch has a wonderful plan for your life!

Dems: Banning abortion is racist
Also Dems: Abortion is racist

--- Quote ---While speaking to PBS’ Firing Line with Margaret Hoover, Bush said that at 19 she went into a clinic to have an abortion done, (not her first one) and after telling nurses that she wasn’t ready, Bush says that she was forced to have the procedure done against her will.
--- End quote ---
Because she's black

Cori Bush Claims Her Abortion Was the Result of Being Black

She told the nurse she wasn't ready yet- probably wanted to wait until the 8th month to have it done.

This flew under my radar until today: Montana voted "no" on an amendment that would require doctors to care for all living, breathing babies, including those that lived through an attempted abortion. Not stopping abortion, but if the baby lives, no requirement for medical care.

In MONTANA. That Yellowstone show must have upped the Bozeman population by 500,000 lefties or something. I would not have expected Montana to take such extreme views. From what I read, the wording of the bill, or how it was explained on the voter pamphlets, was potentially confusing, but still, do your due diligence before voting.


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