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War in Eastern Europe, what's it good for ....

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Angel Eyes:

--- Quote from: Jim147 on April 05, 2024, 01:46:14 PM ---

Know who gets to be the one with the hammer hitting them on the nose to check for duds.

--- End quote ---

I 100% agree with Rand Paul here. Get those *expletive deleted*ing Ukrainian flags out of that building. I'm sick of seeing respect for, and everyone's flag but ours flying in America.

Rather than list it all myself, here's a link to where the Uki aid money is going:

I notice a half BILLION dollars are going towards assisting illegal immigrants to enter the country. Considering that most of the "no" votes to this bill were based on only voting "yes" if there was money for border enforcement, that's a nice slap in the face.

Lots of other maddening stuff too, including pretty much guaranteed loan forgiveness for the money going directly to Ukraine. Which I guess was expected regardless. Nothing called a "loan" going there will ever be paid back.

The lighter side of Putin

The war of attrition seems to have dropped out of the headlines.

Russia's inability to maintain a long sustained operation appears to have been oversold to us.



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