Author Topic: Why must weddings always go wrong?  (Read 2336 times)


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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« on: July 18, 2005, 05:58:47 AM »
I am to get married in less than 1 week. (Sat. July 24th)  The place where we were to honeymoon has been directly hit by the northern eye wall of Hurricane Emily.  (COZUMEL)  So now it seems that we need to find a new place to honeymoon.

Waiting is killing me.  All I keep reading and hearing is that the strongest part of the hurricane went over Cozumel.  I assume the damage is pretty bad but a confirmation would be helpful.

No we have to figure out how to scrounge up enough money to go somewhere else, and WHERE TO GO???
We spent all the money to get passports and now we probably won't be able to use them.

Also -
My father (who is the Best Man) is not going to be showing up until Wednesday night or Thursday do to his job. (He works in the oilfield and they keep screwing up.  He has only 150 ft until the job ends but at 3 foot an hour its not going to end soon and nothing we can do about it.)  He was supposed to be here already.

Guests started arriving last night and my Dad isn't here.  Is brothers and sisters (my aunts and uncles) will be coming in Wednesday.  This makes me feel worse for my father who hasn't seen most of them in over a year.  

I swear everyone is conspiring against us.. (or so it seems)
All of this is almost enough to make a grown man cry.


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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2005, 06:09:07 AM »
No we have to figure out how to scrounge up enough money to go somewhere else, and WHERE TO GO???
See how things are doing on the mainland across from Cozumel.  Playa Del Carmen was lovely when I was there back in 2001.  Of course, it too would've been hit by the hurricane, but maybe damage was less...  

Either way,  you'd be flying into Cancun, so that part wouldn't change.

As for the other things, well, it's a wedding and nothing's certain until you get back home from the honeymoon. Smiley  We were changing plans right up till the day.  Good luck!



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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2005, 06:59:33 AM »
We were supposed to fly into Cozumel.  And as far as I know Cancun got hit hard too.

I just got off the phone with continental and we can transfer our tickets to another place.  The Bahamas possibly?  I dont know.

I just think we are going to be screwed.  We found a great bed and breakfast for a total of $350 for 7 nights in Cozumel.   We need to scrounge up more money anywhere we go probably.


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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2005, 07:09:06 AM »
We found a great bed and breakfast for a total of $350 for 7 nights in Cozumel
Wow, that's a good price.  

Can you negotiate a credit to stay there after things have recovered?  Maybe delay the honeymoon a few weeks...

Not ideal, but you might be able to salvage your investment.



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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2005, 07:30:57 AM »
Have you looked into Belize?

It's not as nearly developed as the Cancun-Cozumel area, but the beaches are nice and the diving is excellent.

Belize also has lots of tropical jungle with a huge cave system to explore as well as Mayan ruins similar to Mexico.

Bahama islands are nice enough and easy to get to, but they are a little run down in the bigger cities.  If you go there, look into the outer islands.

Since you're considering the Caribbean, check out the US and British Virgin Islands.  Kinda pricey and may be hard to find a good deal on short notice.

You might check out the west coast of Mexico, also.  Puerto Vallarta is pretty popular as is Cabo San Lucas at the end of the Baja Peninsula.  How about Zejautinejo (sp?)?

Maybe try a internet search for last minute deals that interest you.  Lots of cruise companies do this as well as many resorts.

Good luck.  And remember, you can take a honeymoon anytime.  It doesn't need to be immediatly after the wedding.
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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2005, 10:09:01 AM »
JJ, forget the incidentals.  You're getting married because (hopefully) you and your bride-to-be love each other, want to give yourselves to each other, and plan on spending the rest of your lives together.  Nothing else is really important besides that central reality.  Guests, honeymoon, all of them, are of secondary importance.  Don't sweat the small stuff.
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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2005, 11:06:25 AM »
Preacherman is right.

I got married a little over two weeks ago and it may seem bad right now, but it does calm down pretty quickly.  We got smacked by Dennis on the tail end of our Honeymoon, but that's life.

Just remember, you're not getting married for the wedding.  Or the honeymoon, for that matter.  You're getting married for the wife.  So long as she's there, some qualified preacher is there and you've got the license the rest really doesn't matter.


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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2005, 11:48:16 AM »
Run away now, and really turn it into an adventure for just the two of you.  Have the party later when everything settles down.
Go to Key West and make a reservation at the Cafe Sole'.  Tell me the date and I'll buy you a bottle of wine.
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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2005, 01:20:15 PM »
Please take Preacherman's advice. The wedding is a party that is so complex it is gaurenteed to have some problems. The following decades are what's important.

BTW Preacherman, have you read any of Robert Fulghum's books? One of his stories is about a hugh wedding that was planned down to the last detail. The MotB and the MotG were difficult to deal with because of many request about tiny but perfectly planned items. The wedding was a disaster. EVERYTHING went wrong. The one thing that I remeber was one of the mothers throwing up at a critical moment. The moral of the story, the marriage turned out fine.

Congratulations and good luck JJ.
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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2005, 08:11:04 PM »
I am to get married in less than 1 week. (Sat. July 24th)
Sounds like you've got bigger problems than the honeymoon...  50/50 chance of seriously buggering that one.  Sorry, I just love to nitpick Smiley


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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2005, 08:30:34 PM »
I am to get married in less than 1 week
RUN while you still can.
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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2005, 12:02:58 AM »
LOL, got married in march and felt your pain, it'll sort out as long as you don't take it out on each other. You can always have a renewal of vows if this one ends up messed up Smiley. Honeymoons can happen anytime.
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Why must weddings always go wrong?
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2005, 04:10:24 AM »
All marriages must go wrong as it is proper training for the divorce, which will go VERY wrong.
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