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So, South-Central and Southeastern Wisconsinites, how did you fare?


Where I live (about 1.5 miles west and about .5 mile south of Interstate 94 and Oklahoma Ave.), believe it or not, we just got an ordinary rain with a few rumblings of thunder. I did see some impressive cloud to ground lightning a little ways south of where I live, and the news was reporting that someone called in with a report of a funnel cloud at the intersection of Cleveland Ave. and Calhoun Rd. (yeah, right. That's probably just about 1.5 miles directly west of where I live).

The news is reporting tons of flooding all over the place, though, and they even reported some massive flooding in Madison, with pics.

How did you fare?

It actually stormed out today? I pretty much work in a cave with no windows so I missed it. When I got home, my lawn was too wet to mow, so I missed the rain.

I work in Brown Deer. It was not much of anything, just a light right and some flashes of lightning.


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