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Lawn Darts are ILLEGAL? I didn't get that memo!

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Aw, geeziz, bountyhunter. Looks like we're about to go 'round again.

How many things should we ban for "the children?" Frankly, I'm surprised that baseball bats aren't banned yet.

I think that a big factor in whether an object is banned or not has to do with how long said object has been around. It's often been suggested, and I agreee, that if motorcycles were just being introduced to the market today, they'd be banned.


--- Quote ---Kids tend to throw them straight up in the air... and ER's had a steady stream of kids arriving with "lawn dart lobotomies".Wow, the deaths of 3 children, that sure does sound dangerous! I hear children have a tendency to swing bats at each other, too. Musn't have anything that can be used incorrectly and cause danger about!

Wimps.  When I was a lad we used to play dodge lawndarts.  And dodge bottlerockets, and...  Yeah, okay.  So we were bored, but we threw them more in a softball-like, underhand fashion, so likely the worst that would have happened was the loss of a leg.

Man.  I just told my wife that story and she gave me the Look.  

I'm gonna go look for some now.



Did you ever play the game where two people threw knives, or other sharp and pointy things, near each other's feet?

You start out with your feet about shoulder width apart.  One person throws a knive to make it stick in the ground next to his opponents foot.  If successful, the "recipient" must move his feet a little wider apart.  The winner is the first one to make his opponent fall over or unable to spread his feet any more.

Ah, life before video games.  I still have all my fingers and toes, though

i played lawn darts all the time...  never managed to kill anyone... not even a puncture wound...

we also had bottle rocket fights all the time too, still do...


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