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The MoveOn smear ad...likely to hurt Hillary?

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Wow, even a democrat strategist on this morning had no idea why Hillary hadn't denounced the MoveOn smear ad of General Petraeus.

The silence from her on it has been deafening, in fact.

What I wonder is, since the dems are so scared of MoveOn, (if they speak against it, they get slammed by it), is it in fact possible that their little nasty ad could derail her campaign?

She's stuck. She can't speak against them or they'll destroy her among leftists. She can't not speak against them or it looks like she supports what they said, which was despicable.

I love it. 

Hoist by their own petard...

Doesn't this assume this will still be news by Monday? The MM will ignore this story until it goes away. Hill and the rest who did not speak out will not be affected in the slightest. 

The NY Post did find out that MoveOn got a fantastic deal on the price of the ad. Normally a full page ad is in the $180,000 range, MoveOn only had to pay around $65,000. Again this story will also go unnoticed by the rest of the MM and by Monday just be old news and not worth noting anymore.

El Tejon:
Where's the ad???


--- Quote from: El Tejon on September 14, 2007, 05:11:52 AM ---Where's the ad???

El Tejon:
Thanks much.

Wow, that's putting it all out there.  Fairly bold for American politics.


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