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COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread

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The Michigan AG has announced that effective immediately, the POTUS is persona non grata in the state of Michigan. She is also looking at bringing the Ford Motor Company up on charges for not forcing POTUS to wear a mask. How exactly were they supposed to order him to do that?

Angel Eyes:

So Katie figured out her method of social distance drop of and pick up for pets. She bought a kennel run with two outer gates and one gate in the middle. Customer goes in one side with dog, removes leash and collar, we open middle gate and call dog through to our side, put on our leash and then take the dog into building. For pick up, reverse the procedure. It was even featured on the local news.

Katie is now trying to figure out how to keep it once quarantine is over. We think with a little fancy verbal trickery we can keep it until end of summer. It's glorious. No customers allowed in the building is awesome.

Not all of this quarantine stuff is bad.

lee n. field:

--- Quote from: BlueStarLizzard on May 22, 2020, 06:56:14 PM ---No customers allowed in the building is awesome.

Not all of this quarantine stuff is bad.

--- End quote ---

So true.

French G.:

--- Quote from: BlueStarLizzard on May 22, 2020, 06:56:14 PM ---So Katie figured out her method of social distance drop of and pick up for pets. She bought a kennel run with two outer gates and one gate in the middle. Customer goes in one side with dog, removes leash and collar, we open middle gate and call dog through to our side, put on our leash and then take the dog into building. For pick up, reverse the procedure. It was even featured on the local news.

Katie is now trying to figure out how to keep it once quarantine is over. We think with a little fancy verbal trickery we can keep it until end of summer. It's glorious. No customers allowed in the building is awesome.

Not all of this quarantine stuff is bad.

--- End quote ---

It's Cville, you could surely convince someone to roll in a kiddie pool of essential oils or something to ward of the virus. I really do know someone who is burning sage like mad and picking out the appropriate crystals. Some of us are rooting for the virus.


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