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COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread

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--- Quote from: charby on February 16, 2020, 09:03:05 PM ---I picked a half gallon of whisky.

--- End quote ---

A fine dual purpose disinfectant,  good thinking.


--- Quote from: charby on February 16, 2020, 09:03:05 PM ---I picked a half gallon of whisky.

--- End quote ---

Here I thought I was fine with the couple months of food we keep on hand, but I've only got 1 shot of Maker's Mark left!

I hang my head in shame.

Beans, rice, canned chicken, cooking oil, n95 masks, gloves, antiseptic lotion and wipes, multivitamins...

Im not sure any if it is going to do much good tbh, we have school aged kids, and I works in a place that draws workers from hundreds of sq miles.

What about markets? Aside from the general "panic and uncertainty" sell-offs, are there any commodities or stock sectors which might take a hit? Will this, assuming it gets worse that is, boost the healthcare sectors or tank them?

How much daily food stuff do we as a country actually get from China?


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