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Griddle cooking i.e. Arteflame for Webber kettle. Anybody familiar with these?


I'm seriously thinking of trying one of these as part of my Webber charcoal kettle resurrection for this season. I've always liked my old Webber and the kettle is fine except the leg sockets weakened and failed. I want to build a welded steel and wood cart and put the kettle back in service. A friend of ours is quite the patio chef and has gone about 80% black stone griddle with a collection of about 5 different smokers, cookers, and grills.
With my charcoal pit barrel cooker and my Webber spirit lp gas grill and its IR grill grates conversion, I would be pretty well equipped and versatile with my patio kitchen. Sometimes the gas grill is nice for the convenience and time but I much prefer charcoal if we have the time to do it right.
We are also thinking about tearing out our 22x14 concrete patio and redoing it with new concrete and a cooking gazebo (partial wind shelter) with outdoor electric and lights. Wife is seriously frugal but likes the idea so far. I might be able to roll the arteflame purchase into that. I grill year round but less during the northern Illinois winter.
And we live out in the sticks on a 40 acre lot, so we have absolutely no zoning or neighbor considerations.

That is a really interesting concept, and I like how you still have exposure to open flame in the middle.  There are times that I am looking for a good char, usually on a steak, and molten fat dripping onto the flames gives me the char I want.

K Frame:
So, $179 for the unit (cost plus shipping).

For less than half that I'd go with this.!5468!3!294731637074!!!g!368951546532!&product_id=2845626&merchant_id=3173333&creative=294731637074&target=&placement=&device=c&campaign=1558352392&adgroup=64643329132&source=google&medium=cpc&species=shopping-ad&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkoDmBRCcARIsAG3xzl9V_ZFLUAuwlZ01an0vupYzqVwSMdpxkM2lexYMbzvtz1JpwLAgU3kaAqtLEALw_wcB

A lot more versatile, really.

Or this one...

I have to say, that is a really interesting idea for a charcoal grill.

Mainly I like it for the form factor, though. I don't really see any benefit other than "looks cool!"

If that's sufficient for you, go for it. Otherwise, the grill pans provide more versatility. (Or a Blackstone Griddle provides MUCH more grill space.)

Just found this. Looks same for much less.


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