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I Trust Nancy Pelosi

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cassandra and sara's daddy:
folks have been predicting the "revolution" for 50 plus years. different folks same tune.  can't dance to it

Naw, there won't be a revolution.  We don't have the co jones for it.

But when this house of cards comes tumbling down (tick, tock) and the bread & circus show folds its tents, we better be ready to protect our families as best we can.

Plant gardens, serfs.  Your masters have spoken.

Maybe there was no revolution because there was a WW II.

To assume things will just drag on ignores the tumult that is history.

As long as the lights stay on, there's food on the shelves and American Idol can be watched, the status quo will continue indefinitely.

People only get fed up to the point of revolt if they have nothing more to lose. And people still have too much to lose. So they won't.



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