Author Topic: How many women on APS?  (Read 4400 times)

Perd Hapley

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2006, 02:20:20 PM »
I am also very curious about the phone numbers, ages and measurements of these women.  

Couldn't resist.
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How many women on APS?
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2006, 03:47:00 PM »
I'm here too.
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How many women on APS?
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2006, 04:38:23 PM »
Dr. Amazon and Typhoon, I forgot about you! I'm sorry!

I think the number of active posters is what should be considered, not the total number..

Just from our names, I think only mine is obviously female, so presumably, there are other women-people here we don't know about.


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How many women on APS?
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2006, 05:24:44 PM »
>Just from our names, I think only mine is obviously female, so presumably, there are other women-people here we don't know about.<

Is probably because of:

>Look, women on our website! Let's make them a special commodity and leghump them!<

Just a guess... Wink


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How many women on APS?
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2006, 06:58:36 PM »
Quote from: CatsDieNow
Yup, I am female.

I'm not a big fan of the little yippy dogs either, but I swerve my car away from the dogs and towards the cats.

THR is getting a little too political and whiney.  More relaxed here.
The only woman I've ever met in person or on the internet that publically expressed such feelings. I'm intrigued I'll admit. I want to know more about the history or psychological makeup of this lady with what I thought was a trait completely exclusive to (a minority of) men. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're bad, I'm saying you're different. I think some cats are ok myself, but prefer large, loyal, loving dogs. The solution to yippy mean dogs is to wear boots, and step on their feet. Even chijuajuas learn quickly after 155 to 195 lbs of heel comes down on their toes. Being female, perhaps you're substantially lighter than that. Even 90 to 140 lbs would probably do the trick. My little brother though, has the only sweet, gentle, calm cocker spaniel I've ever seen.

i wear a kilt...
If it makes you feel any better, I'm much more messed up than wearing an outfit that is still considered manly in the nation of it's origin. Despite being XY, I think my Y got mixed up in utero. I love macho, manly things like guns, mixed martial arts contests (watching), violent movies, the physical makeup of the XX chromosome bunch, horsepower, typical hornball oversexed male type, my first name meaning "manly" in Greek, etc, and also dig independant and intelligent women, gardening, gushy movies (hint, the faithful dog dying at the end will make me bawl every time), babies (I should have been born catholic), I'm a better 'mother' than at least half the women I know, cooking and some other traits consigned to the xx sex by traditional stereotypes. Joking about birth defects aside, I blame it on growing up the baby of the family clinging to momma's skirts and learning to cook and sew, and change diapers the first 7 - 10 years of childhood, and then being the surrogate father/uncle of a much younger sibling the last years of childhood.

Quote from: bermbuster
Female here.

This place is far more civilized than THR.
I've got to know the meaning of that user name? Are you a rifle shooter?

Quote from: DrAmazon
I'm here too.
Same question. Are you a tall lady with a PHD or an MD?
Yizkor. Lo Od Pa'am

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2006, 07:13:06 PM »
I'm not a big fan of the little yippy dogs either, but I swerve my car away from the dogs and towards the cats.
Careful there CDN.  Not all cat staff are aged widows or prissy fops who faint over a paper cut.  Some of us view purposefully sqashing kitties as warranting the offender being covered in blackstrap molasses and staked out over a handy fire ant colony, then hanging out to watch the villain suffer for their sins.
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Perd Hapley

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2006, 08:28:25 PM »
Blackburn, I promise we've no intention of objectifying or leg-humping you, ma'am.
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Sylvilagus Aquaticus

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2006, 09:12:28 PM »
yeah, I have somewhere around 8 cats that hang around for meals at my house.  Of course, they all think they're dogs.  Then again, they have a goofy yellow Lab for a stepmother and dry nurse/pillow.

When I was a kid, we never had a cat, always a dog. The story I got was that 'my Dad was allergic to them'. After my folks divorced, Dad took up with a cat..and it got worse. At one point he had about 30 he was feeding.

Guess it was Mom he was allergic to.

As far as yippy dogs, one of the canids at my house is a fox terrier, but she's really a great big dog in a little dog's body. She proves it when she hogs the covers or steps on softish parts while one is asleep. Obviously she hides a high atomic mass.

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2006, 10:02:23 PM »
>Oh, and I'm totally not a woman. Although, I can pretend if you want, big guy. =x<

ummm... maybe we should leave you two alone?

Perd Hapley

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2006, 10:11:39 PM »
Who started this thread?  It's getting icky and violent, what with all the animal abuse and sex talk.
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Perd Hapley

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2006, 10:14:21 PM »
Quote from: Blackburn
"Look, women on our website! Let's make them a special commodity and leghump them!"
Actually, I asked the question because it seemed we have very few women here.  But why am I surprised, when it is aimed at gun nuts, and most of us are men?
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How many women on APS?
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2006, 11:47:49 PM »
If you're looking at percentages, there are a lot more women who post regularly here than at THR.

Silver Bullet

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« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2006, 03:10:59 AM »
If THR were a town hall, APS would be the break room.
Well said.


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« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2006, 07:56:29 AM »
In general, I try to use a "screen name" that isn't very identifying.  I actually used this name first back when I used to play Diablo online.  I'm actually surprised that on other boards some don't pick up that DrAmazon is female, oh well.

On a bboard related to my job I use an even less identifying name, and I'm surprised at how many times I'm quoted and referred to as "he".  I don't know if it is that I have a masculine "voice", or that people assume that since I'm a science professor that I must be male.  It really cracks me up because the bboard is mostly academics and overwhelmingly liberal and PC.  

Sorry I've been out of touch for a while.  Work got busy. No time to read and post, no time to shoot.  Finals in 2 weeks, then summer research, reading and writing kicks in.
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How many women on APS?
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2006, 08:58:19 AM »
I taught 3 month "semesters" on basic electricity to adults. I know how exhausting it can be. I was always ready for that 2 week break between  "mods". First thing us teachers would do was get real toasted on shots of tequila at the bar after the latest graduation ceremony. We were a hardy bunch. Tongue

I stopped drinking long ago, thankfully.
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Perd Hapley

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #40 on: April 22, 2006, 12:30:20 PM »
Quote from: Barbara
If you're looking at percentages, there are a lot more women who post regularly here than at THR.
You think so?  I thought it was the other way around.

I'm actually surprised that on other boards some don't pick up that DrAmazon is female, oh well.
I think "Amazon" sounds masculine to a lot of people because it reminds them of the jungle, Tarzan, etc.  And doctors are usually men, unless that has changed recently.
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How many women on APS?
« Reply #41 on: April 22, 2006, 05:30:25 PM »
I adopted a gender-neutral screen name a while ago, so as to not be immediately identified (stereotyped, in extreme cases) as a WOOMAN.  This was not just on shootin-type boards, but on technical ones as well.  In the early days, it helped getting certain points across (unfortunate, but true).

On the other hand, I immediately outed myself in my first post on THR, but that was more because I had taken a class or two with other members, and I did not want to seem overly coy.

My postings on both THR and APS come in fits and starts, usually when I am doing a late night/all nighter upgrade, or when I have something to say and am feeling chatty.  Or, when I come across something pretty good (todays joke, for instance).

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #42 on: April 22, 2006, 05:46:18 PM »
Uvakat is still registered here, but doesn't post anymore.   Combo of busy real life and a large number of biased folks.   Can't say I blame her.   I kinda avoid THR myself these days.

Of the few lady friends I've introduced to THR, none of them want to post.   One of them made a comment I found hysterical, "You know, some of these folks make themselves the best case for gun control."  My hats off to the ladies that put up with the stupidity.
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« Reply #43 on: April 22, 2006, 06:17:48 PM »
Quote from: Sylvilagus Aquaticus
yeah, I have somewhere around 8 cats that hang around for meals at my house.  Of course, they all think they're dogs.  Then again, they have a goofy yellow Lab for a stepmother and dry nurse/pillow. Regards,
That's funny. It reminds me of a friend's Rottweiler who is for some reason unable to have puppies that steals kittens and wetnurses them. Same guy (who's home/dooryard/barnyard looks like he's Dr. Doolittle) has a pig that alternates between dog and sheep/goat behavior depending on who it wants to play with (whoever said pigs are smart was right). It will play wrestle with the dogs and practice headbutting with the goats and rams.

or that people assume that since I'm a science professor that I must be male.  It really cracks me up because the bboard is mostly academics and overwhelmingly liberal and PC.
That IS funny. So much for touchy feely people being less likely to stereotype. I wonder if (and I can never remember which side of the brain it is) people that are right (or left) brained are more likely to be interested in shooting. I've noticed as a hobby/sport it seems to attract a heavy math/science contingent.

... And doctors are usually men, unless that has changed recently
I know there are more (in America anyway) MD's who are male, but I'll bet the ratio of women is much higher regarding PHD's. In fact I'll bet there are some professions that have more female than male PHD's. My brother-in-law is working on his pharmacy PHD right now, and I think he mentioned that there are a lot more women than he expected in his field.

I taught 3 month "semesters" on basic electricity to adults. I know how exhausting it can be. I was always ready for that 2 week break between  "mods".
I could really use a class like that for my work. I'm already up to above average 'homeowner' on electrical stuff, but I could really stand to be up to about a 'journeyman' electrician. Same with welding, plumbing and small engine repair. People hear 'chemical process operator' and they think of a guy wearing a lab coat with test tubes, but it's really about keeping machinery running properly, and when a machine goes down after hours and I can't fix it, it costs my company a 200 buck a pop callout bill to get one of the maintenance guys out of bed. Can you tell me what the format of your teaching was? A tech college classroom? Workplace? Are you an electrician? If so, is your email on your APS current? I have an idea that I'd like to bounce off somebody that is up to snuff on current market plant machinery, and is electrically inclined.

I adopted a gender-neutral screen name a while ago, so as to not be immediately identified (stereotyped, in extreme cases) as a WOOMAN.  This was not just on shootin-type boards, but on technical ones as well.  In the early days, it helped getting certain points across (unfortunate, but true).
A very fair concern.
Yizkor. Lo Od Pa'am

"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers"

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2006, 02:34:37 AM »
Oops, almost missed that. I was teaching at a tech school. My email is current. There are actually several (I think) around here that may have answers for you. Try posting your question as a new thread here. We've hashed over a few electrical questions in the past. By trade I am a heating and cooling contractor.

I wanted to add how I deal with techie women on a fairly regular basis and find that some of them are quite up front about saying things like, "I can answer your question but if you'd rather talk to a man about it it's ok." then there's the ones that are TOTALLY offended should you give the slightest hint that the male gender might be more adequate at answering your question. THEN Cheesy there's the one I just ran into just recently that was acting like she had all the answers and I was believing her but I got her to a point where I could tell she was totally lost and she said, "Hold on a minute." and suddenly there was a man on the end of the line. What's a guy to do? All I want is to stay out of trouble best I can.

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How many women on APS?
« Reply #45 on: April 23, 2006, 03:04:11 AM »
Quote from: Stand_watie
Quote from: bermbuster
Female here.

This place is far more civilized than THR.
I've got to know the meaning of that user name? Are you a rifle shooter?
I shoot pistols.

Instrument rated pilots are sometimes referred to as "cloudbusters."  I am an IR pilot and I shoot pistols at targets surrounded by berms, hence "bermbuster."

I read webboards related to pistols but seldom post.  Same as with other webboards I read.  They are male dominated.  Not that that is a bad thing.  No, not at all.  I rather enjoy listening to and reading posts written by men.  I love men.  They are funny, entertaining, all that good stuff.  That is not why I shoot or fly.  I do those things for probably the same reasons men do.  They are fun.  And "why should boys have all the fun?"  I also acknowledge that I am relatively new at this sport/hobby and have far more to learn than I have to contribute at this point.

This place is far better than THR.  There are so many, um, strongly worded posts there it takes too much of my time to sort through to the stuff I would be interested in reading.  This place is interesting and entertaining.


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How many women on APS?
« Reply #46 on: April 23, 2006, 03:38:12 AM »
But 280, isn't it possible she put a "person" who knew more than she did as a "person" on the line, rather than putting a "man" on the line as a "woman?" What difference did either of their genders make in the conversation, except perception?

Cripes, I don't know everything about everything, and its not because I have an X chromosome. It's because I don't know everything (although I'm perfectly willing to make things up from time to time! Smiley )


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« Reply #47 on: April 23, 2006, 03:55:02 AM »
Oh, I absolutely agree. What I'm getting at is that type of thinking is pervasive, throughout the industry I work in anyways. Some women accept it and others get all riled up. I just thought the latest one was an interesting twist on an old plot. I'm perfectly happy to get the answers from the first "person" I talk to and make no gender never minds, as long as they know what they're talking about. IIRC your job might be cosidered more "male" oriented. Do you find this biased thinking from men on a regular basis? Especially ones that are meeting you for the first time?

Just fwiw, a while I talked to the lady who answers the phone down at Georgia Arms where I buy some ammo on occasion. She IMMEDIATELY says to me, " I'm going to put a man on because even though I can answer your questions I know you guys would rather talk to a man. " I'm like, "What? I never said that." But still I found myself talking to a guy. So apparently it's not just occuring in the HVAC field. Cheesy
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« Reply #48 on: April 23, 2006, 04:05:15 AM »
Just FYI - There's nothing I like better than a person of the female persuasion that can teach me a thing or two about a complicated piece of machinery or can mix it up with all the techie boys. I'm quite fond of those lady's that do that explosive demolition stuff and drop all those big buildings. I think it's cute. Tongue

Does that make me some form of chauvinist or something? shocked

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« Reply #49 on: April 23, 2006, 04:23:42 AM »

Well, only if you're looking for a demolition expert and making the decision based on whether or not the person has boobs. If you're looking for a date and basing that on whether or not the person can blow things up or not, well, I'd say that was a sound personal decision.  Smiley

Women are often our own worst enemy. I try to be patient with them because I know its what we've been raised to believe/accept but sometimes I want to throw things at them.