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Democratic Presidential Candidates - Tote Board

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--- Quote from: Ben on April 09, 2020, 08:27:33 AM ---I also saw Biden is apparently going after Kamala Harris for his VP.

When this all started, I was firmly in the, "They're going to push Harris for president" camp, until she made stupid statement after stupid statement, showing how she's only where she is because California. Now I may have to go back to my original thought: Biden is elected*, then found incompetent due to dementia, and Harris is president.

*Narrator: "He's not getting elected."

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I also called Kamala as the nominee. I'm fairly certain the DNC was going to put in the fix for her. Of course, that's why they have been trying to destroy Gabbard, because she ruined their plans.


--- Quote from: DittoHead on April 08, 2020, 11:30:27 AM ---Sanders is out.

--- End quote ---

Got it and then there was one.


--- Quote from: Jamisjockey on April 09, 2020, 08:22:56 AM ---Me too.  I was looking forward to the chaos.  But, antifa still might make a stink and set some *expletive deleted*it on fire.

--- End quote ---

But for Antifa that's just thursday  :lol:

I'm with WLJ,  it really wouldn't surprise me if he ran 3rd party as a fairwell fuckyou.  He cucked out in 2016, but he has to know this is his last throw of the dice politically.


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