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Anyone over 30 should be dead

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You know, I'm only 20, and have done almost all that and far more.

Heh. As a teenager on an eastern Long Island farm, I confess to the following:
1. Standing in a winter potato field 100 yards apart, we shot high-trajectory arrows at each other. Closest hit wins.
2. Spraying Malathion in the summer, the sprayer would often clog; off the tractor, open the hatch on the sprayer, reach into the Malathion up to my armpit, clear clog, resume spraying. Think I was wearing a respirator?
(PS: none of my kids were born with extra limbs or tics).
3. Hunt down the wild feral dogs left behind by summer people, who were surviving and littering in barns or dens in the woods and eating poultry. With shotguns.
4. Going "uppa Sound" after school with .22s to shoot whatever we felt like.
5. Drag-racing tractors on icy county roads, delighting in spinning the machine by stomping on one wheel brake.

Still survived, graduated, went to college, served in the Corps, successfully married and raised a family, and am looking forward to retirement.


My sister told one of her in-laws not to feed honey to my infant nephew, and she had the same reaction, "It's a wonder we all survived!"

Honey has small amounts of botulism toxin in it.  Not enough to affect anyone over the age of 1.  Enough to paralyze an infant's respiratory system and kill him.

Perd Hapley:
I wasn't saying I agreed with great-aunt what's her name.

Why is it you have to wear a helmet now just to ride a bicycle?  I rode all over the place as a kid, and never even thought about wearing a helmet.


--- Quote ---Honey has small amounts of botulism toxin in it.  Not enough to affect anyone over the age of 1.  Enough to paralyze an infant's respiratory system and kill him.Almost correct.  Honey is a source of spores for the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which once ingested germinate and grow in the infant GI, producing the toxin as part of its metabolic processes.  The problem lies in that the infant GI tract that does not yet have resident bacterial population of sufficient numbers and make up to fend off the C. botulinum introduced.  

Small nit-picky point, but then so the difference 'tween an assault rifle and an "assult weapon".

And yes, anyone over 30 should be dead, since they've in most cases already passed on their DNA to the next generation.  Once the kids can fend for themselves, biologically parents are superfluous.


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