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Why kids break into cars

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Our court just did an interview/survey of all kids charged with breaking into vehicles, in an effort to try and learn the motivation for the crimes.  No, it won't be published anywhere, at least at this point.  Some interesting points for you all:

- Kia and Hyundai break ins by far and away are by kids who have seen or heard about the videos online showing how to break in and steal the cars.  Dumb kids will break in now even if the car has a steering wheel lock.

- if it's a car with a trunk, and they see either a dash button for the trunk release, or a latch to lower the back seat, they will break a window just to access the trunk looking for valuables to steal.  Any bag or package in the trunk is fair game.

- Pick up trucks and large SUVs are targeted looking for firearms.  Word on the street is 4 wheel drive = gun in the vehicle.  Also, beat up trucks mean gun in vehicle.  Oh, and these days the thugs are stealing ammo they might find.  Use, sell, or trade for the right caliber.  Glock mags sell for more than we pay for them, especially the giggle sticks.

- Many of the thugs are now carrying bolt cutters in case they find one of the lock boxes with the cable to secure it.  Cut the cable and take off with the box.

-Window stickers are like a preview guide.  Conservative and military stickers means guns or weapons in the car.  Liberal stickers mean electronics or dope.

If they get into my car's trunk they'll see left over range targets with ragged holes and a bag of recycling that hasn't made it to the recycling drop off yet.

So #1 is that no one ever taught them to respect other people's belongings and not to steal.  That and they don't seem to fear the consequences.

I had a console vault in a previous truck.  I imagine a good crowbar could open it if someone was determined to get in.  It wouldn't be easy.  The screws holding it together were not huge.

It is interesting that you don't mention breaking into vehicles if they see something, but just breaking in because they can.


--- Quote from: MechAg94 on April 22, 2024, 09:39:39 AM --- . . . That and they don't seem to fear the consequences . . .

--- End quote ---
This is the most important and IMHO telling portion of your post. Not only will the law not punish them in any meaningful way, the law will PROTECT them from any negative response by their intended victims. In many jurisdictions, the legal system (including LEOs) has allied itself with the thugs.

K Frame:
I long for the days when horsewhipping was a viable option.


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