Author Topic: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!  (Read 4769 times)


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Simcox founded the Minutemen.

O'Connell used to be the AZ State Chapter leader.

Simcox kicked O'Connell out (and a huge swathe of people) after they all questioned Simcox's management of finances.

Simcox has had restraining orders in the past, from his ex-wife and son.

A new one is out.

O'Connell owns a security consulting and bounty hunting company here in Phoenix.

Simcox's ex-wife just swore out a new restraining order against him.... firearms and all.

O'Connell is contracted to deliver the restraining order notice.

Simcox is on the lamb, now.

Just priceless.

I don't have any articles yet, but I'm hearing it on KFYI radio here.  O'Connell has sent out numerous condescending emails about Simcox over the last couple years, to folks on the old MCDC mailing list, I'm looking forward to the next bulk email from him. =D

Simcox is such a wanker.
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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 09:22:27 PM »


Chris Simcox, the former leader of the Minuteman movement, and hailed as a hero by conservatives because of his vigilante efforts to guard the border against illegal immigrants, was hit with a restraining order that prevents him from seeing his wife and his children.  He is alleged to have threatened his family several times and was asked to surrender all his weapons.

Simcox was ordered to stay 200 yards away from Alena Simcox, their two children, and his wife’s child from a previous marriage, after she was granted an order of protection by the Maricopa County court commissioner on April 16. The order also forbids Simcox from “possessing, receiving, or purchasing firearms or ammunition,” and requires him to “surrender same” to the local police.

Simcox dropped out of a primary for John McCain’s Senate seat in February 2010 and has since endorsed J.D. Hayworth in that race, even describing himself as a “senior adviser” to Hayworth.  The campaign has not confirmed his role.

Alena Simcox’s complaint alleges that on multiple occasions, after drinking, Chris Simcox threatened her “with a gun. Repeatedly pointed it at me, saying he was going to kill me, and my kids, and the police. Kids were present and saw him. Very verbally abusive to me throughout the incident. Punched my wall in and destroyed [an] office door.”

She also details e-mails he sent that accuse her of “phone sex” and “adultery with many [different] men.” She has since filed for divorce.

This is not Simcox’s first brush with the law. His first wife accused him of molesting their daughter, his second wife said in 2001 that he exhibited “dangerous” behavior after a “mental breakdown,” and he also was convicted of carrying a semi-automatic weapon into a national park in 2004.

Read more:

The only good thing he did was get some honest, passionate people onto the border to augment the BP in the small way they could within the law's confines.  Too bad he tried to rip us all off, financially.

I do, however, suspect that the McCain campaign is somehow behind the recent filing of the restraining order.  The timing is perfect to besmirch Hayworth with guilt by association with Simcox.  It was dumb of Hayworth to even associate with the asshat.  He had a restraining order before, and it was pretty common knowledge if you take 15 minutes to research Simcox's past.  Simcox was a terribly weak Senate candidate from the get-go, and getting into the ring was a guarantee for him to receive a serious knocking-about like this.

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 11:22:23 PM »
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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2010, 02:34:03 AM »
lol... Stacey sent out an email to the old MCDC mailing list tonight.


MINUTEMAN FOUNDER SOUGHT BY BOUNTY HUNTERS, Refuses to be served Order Of Protection.

10 June 2010

Phoenix, Arizona

Christopher Allen Simcox, DOB 11-29-60 is being sought so that an Order Of Protection may be served upon him by local law enforcement. On 16 April 2010, Mrs. Alena Simcox sought and was issued this OOP from Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County. Mrs. Simcox alleges Chris  Simcox has threatened her and their three (3) children with a loaded handgun, and to kill them and any police officers that may come to their home in a recent events.

The OOP demands that Chris Simcox shall not contact Plantiff Alena Simcox or their children except through attorneys or the court, must stay away from their home and must surrender all firearms to the Scottsdale Police Department. Chris Simcox may still be in possession of a firearm, and should be considered Armed & Dangerous. Mr. Simcox is aware of the OOP and is currently evading any form of proper service, and is now considered in-hiding.

FRS of AZ has been retained by Alena Simcox for the purpose of tracking down and locating Chris Simcox and to report that information to local law enforcement so that the OOP can be served upon him without delay.

FRS of AZ is seeking information that would lead to Chris Simcoxs whereabouts so that local law enforcement may properly serve the Order Of Protection. There are no current active Warrants on this subject, apprehension is not required. FRS of AZ asks all concerned citizens to contact us with any detailed information they may have on his exact location, or contact their local law enforcement agency with those details. All contact will remain strictly confidential. A cash reward of $500 is being offered for any information that leads to Chris Simcox being properly served.

Chris Simcox is the founder of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and is past President. Mr. Simcox also recently ran for US Senate against Senator John McCain, dropping out of the race earlier this year.


Fugitive Recovery Services of Arizona / 602.705.7947


Stacey O'Connell
Cell 602.705.7947

"You can run, but you cant hide"
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2010, 02:35:05 AM »
Fisty:  Can you explain the etymology, lam versus lamb?
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
--Lysander Spooner

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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2010, 02:56:25 AM »
"flight," as in on the lam, 1897, from a U.S. slang verb meaning "to run off" (1886), of uncertain origin, perhaps somehow from the first element of lambaste, which was used in British student slang for "beat" since 1596; if so, it would give the word the same etymological sense as beat it.

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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2010, 07:27:16 AM »
Well, in theory he could be sitting on some meat... :)
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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2010, 03:00:36 PM »
Just got an email from Simcox (


Although my attorney has advised me to withhold detailed public comment until an upcoming Court hearing is held on matters pertaining to the dissolution of my marriage and the future care of my children, I would like to offer some brief items of accurate information.

Many colleagues and supporters have called and written asking why I am silent in the face of highly charged and wildly theatrical allegations that have been made against me, and which seem so damaging.

The short answer is I am deeply concerned for the welfare of my children, and wish to make it possible for the Court to perform its tasks in a direct, unemotional, and evidence-based manner. Mud-slinging in public is not my style.

My wife has refused me any contact with my children, and that has been emotionally agonizing for me, as I am sure it is for my daughters. However, I have abided by Alena Simcox's request that we have no contact until we meet in Court.

The allegations being made against me and retailed in the media are, nonetheless, wholly false.

I have not been served an Order of Protection. There is no warrant for my arrest and the police are not involved. I have done nothing wrong, I am not a fugitive and I am not hiding in the desert.

So what is the source of these false allegations, being broadcast widely about me?

On or around the first of June, a character by the name of Stacey O’Connell, AKA "Fugitive Recovery Services" was apparently hired by my wife. This person has gone to the media and alleged I was running from "bounty hunters" to avoid being served an Order Of Protection. Mr. O’Connell has also falsely alleged that I am armed and dangerous -- and that is also wholly untrue.

By law it is the burden of my wife and her attorneys to hire a licensed process server to deliver any OOP to me personally and for me to sign it, if she wishes to smear me with this form of belated "complaint" in an effort to harm my reputation. Since my wife had the address where I was residing for the first 30 days of our separation, and at no time did she send a process server to deliver OOP paperwork to me, it is evident to me that these public allegations now are simply part of a recent legal strategy to defame me, and harm my position vis a vis custody of my children. 

O’Connell has been hammering the media to bring undeserved attention to a concocted story, with lurid descriptions of me as evading service, drunk, armed, dangerous and a threat to society, my family and myself. Again, all these allegations are false, strategized personal attacks.

Moreover, O’Connell is not a licensed process server; he is a self-described “bounty hunter” with an over-active imagination, a shady past and -- it would seem -- a grim determination to libel and slander me.

Again, if there is indeed an Order of Protection, it is not a warrant and I am in no way compelled to seek it.  I have gone about my business, living my life in a normal way. In May I spent two days with six public representatives and numerous Arizona State law enforcement officials touring the border. I also conducted a town hall-style public gathering in Naco, Arizona, where I met with ranchers and interviewed with media. I also traveled to St. Louis , Missouri to support candidates for state office, and participated in another town hall meeting attended by over a 100 people. I conducted at least 5 interviews with local media. During the past 70 days I have been working, visiting with friends and I just recently was in California on business.

I also want to address a published claim by Washington Times writer Jerry Seper that I refused to return phone calls or emails.  In fact, I have not received either a phone call or email from Mr. Seper seeking comment. Since we have tangled many times before over his journalistic practices in crafting his "news" stories about me, it seems particularly unfortunate and unprofessional that he chose to print Mr. O’Connell’s libelous accusations without soliciting a response from me.

In any event, I am not unduly concerned about the attack campaign against me -- I remain most concerned in all this nonsense about the emotional well-being of my two beautiful little daughters. Contrary to much false reporting, I look forward with eager anticipation to justice being done, and reason prevailing, at the earliest date possible in Court.

For Liberty and Justice,
Chris Simcox
U.S. Citizen

So he moved after the 30 day period, deliberately, so his ex-wife wouldn't have his contact info?

Seems like an odd way to provide for your two daughters that you care about so much, IMO.  In the event of an emergency, your ex-wife can't contact you to take care of the kids.

Funny how Stacey's original email says the OOP will be delivered by a local PD process server and not by FRS, and that Stacey's job is to FIND Simcox so that the OOP can be given to the PD closest to Simcox's location.

Simcox has a forked tongue.  Very adept at mincing words to attempt to present an inaccurate meaning.
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
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Re: Chris Simcox on the lamb.... Stacey O'Connell is hunting him!
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2010, 08:04:48 PM »
Well, in theory he could be sitting on some meat

It has happened before and will probably happen again.  :O

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 08:10:08 PM by BobR »