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Politics / Re: The Trump Arrest Thread!
« Last post by Ben on Today at 05:35:23 PM »
From the "It can't be real but it is" files, MSNBC is comparing Stormy Daniels to a nun.

Lawrence O'Donnell talks about this wearing a "punch me" smirk. You kinda want Trump to win just for what it will do to MSNBC personalities.
The Roundtable / Re: Why would anyone voluntarily travel to Mexico?
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 05:15:57 PM »
In the early summer of '76, we had a busload of students on a month-long zoology field trip.  We went 9500 miles in 29 days, the driver, the Prof., his 11 y.o. son, and 36 students - co-ed.  >:D  :facepalm:
Three of those students were from Venezuela (1 M, 2F).  When we walked over the border into TJ (Prof.didn't want the trouble with taking the bus over), we had a problem coming back.  It turns out that one of the Venezuelan girls student visa had expired and several of the girls spent the night in TJ.  At this point, we were maybe halfway through the trip.  :facepalm:
The Roundtable / Re: Central Oklahoma in High Pucker today
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 05:07:08 PM »
While the sun is out now (4 p.m.) in the St. Louis area, from noon to 3 has been "disturbing".  Multiple tornado and flash flood warnings, mostly 30-100 miles southwest of St. Louis, moving east at 25-50 mph.  There MAY have been a tornado in St. Genevieve, MO, (wine country) but it hasn't been confirmed yet.  Thousands out of power, hail as big as a tennis ball (TV news had pictures!), winds, etc.  Had one or two thunderclaps so close and so loud that I could feel the floor "bounce" under my feet.  Power glitched those two times for a fraction of a second each, causing me to have to reset 3 clocks and an answering machine both times.
I think that people going into regions where they are likely to be exposed (such as people in the military) may still be given additional "boosters" for a variety of reasons including potentially mistaken records of previous vaccinations, variations in individual immune systems, and so forth.  Easier to just give the additional vaccine.

True, and I can understand that thought, especially in a military setting but generally any American going to a place where diseases that are normally "one and done vaccinations" are endemic is recommended to "update" their vaccines.

I would just say, especially in the context of this thread on not having, shall we say, 100% confidence in Public Health officials and pharma companies, that when they say "Yeah this vaccine gives you 99% protection from this rare disease you are unlikely to ever encounter for life!  Totally!" and follow that up with "Oh, you are going somewhere you might actually get exposed to the disease?  You should get a booster, just in case."  I question the lifetime protection claim.

FWIW MMR and Yellow Fever were both added to the DOD "Vaccines that need to get boosted/redone" in the mid 20teens.  I had a heck of a time convincing the local Walgreens that I really did need an MMR at 35.  I think it's mostly Measles they are worried about with that one.  Interestingly, COVID is one the DOD isn't requiring us to update.  Someone decided the disease wasn't bad enough anymore to be worth the publicity, lawsuits, and hit to retention. 
I am very suspicious of any vaccine that requires booster after booster after booster, every few months to ensure its efficacy.  Sorta makes me wonder if it really works at all.
And before anyone gets their panties in a wad, yes, there are some exceptions to my suspicions.  Tetanus vaccines for one.

Tetanus boosters are only "suggested" if you have suffered an injury that might allow the bacteria to grow.  They aren't needed every few months like this "experimental vaccine".
And, for the government to give "blanket immunity" for any potential problems this "vaccine" caused tells ME that it isn't to be trusted.  :facepalm:

ETA: And Ben is right about the polio vaccines.  I had both the Salk and Sabin vaccines while in elementary school, somewhere between 1959 and 1963.  In that same time period, I had the TB shot where they make a little bubble of solution under your skin to see if you react to it, indicating you may actually HAVE TB.
Never had anything TB-related since.
I had a metric boatload of vaccinations before making eventually cancelled excursions to Panama and the Philippines at Uncle Sam's request in 1975.  They were cancelled because of the evacuation of Saigon in April that year.  I had a bunch of the vaccines repeated, likely for reasons cordex mentioned, just before a float to Australia in Sept. 1976.  Lots of holes in my shoulders during that time.
Politics / Re: To combat a "crisis in roadway deaths "
« Last post by JTHunter on Today at 04:35:34 PM »
It ain’t kids trying to run me off the road on a daily basis. It’s adults. Often illegals and the shitheads of society running around no license, no insurance, no tags/stolen tags, on four different size donuts and a car made of dents and three or four different colors of quarter panels and primer.

The real problem is the cops and courts not doing *expletive deleted*it about these rolling road hazards. And when they run red lights and hit you, you and your insurance company bear the pain.

In June of '73, a 75 y.o. man in a Ford 4-door p/u made a rolling stop at a yield sign in front of my motorcycle.  In trying to brake, I went into him sideways and broke both bones just above my left ankle.  Two weeks later, when my brother took me back to the PD in that town to collect some of my possessions they had picked up off of the pavement, we saw this "yay-hoo" and followed him.  His rear passenger door was caved in from the bottom to just below the window.
When my insurance company sued him, he swore in court that I had swerved out of my lane to hit him.

He lost.
I stand somewhat corrected.  Many vaccines require two doses to achieve lifetime protection.  Others multiple doses to continue protection.  It depends on how the vaccine is designed.  From the CDC website:

"A single dose of vaccine provides only partial protection. The number of doses needed to achieve immunity depends on whether the antigen in a vaccine is alive or not. Because they contain living bacteria or viruses, live-attenuated vaccines can provide enduring protection with only two doses. By contrast, non-live vaccines typically require at least three doses to achieve protection that fades over time and must be restored with booster doses."
The article goes on to state that some live-attenuated vaccines do provide lifetime protection with only one dose and one follow-on booster.
Research on this subject is time consuming because most everything that comes up with the googles and duckz is related to the covids.  Very little comes up unrelated.  There may be some one-and-done shots out there that just don't come up due to the overwhelming bunch of covid related stuff that results from most search terms.
If you are aware of a vaccine that actually offers indefinite protection from one series, according to CDC, WHO, or the vaccine maker, I would be interested in learning of it.
A quick search brings up Yellow Fever and MMR as a couple of examples.  Apparently live-attenuated vaccines are more effective in the long-term than non-live vaccines, which makes sense as they are more similar to actually catching the disease and therefore your body would be more adapted to learning from them.

I think that people going into regions where they are likely to be exposed (such as people in the military) may still be given additional "boosters" for a variety of reasons including potentially mistaken records of previous vaccinations, variations in individual immune systems, and so forth.  Easier to just give the additional vaccine.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 04:22:59 PM »
I, for one, am so glad congress has solved the border crisis and the economic and budget issues facing the US so they have time to circle jerk each other for media hits.

You mean just like they do for the border and budget?
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