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Dogs, cats, dead zoo animals and road kill

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K Frame:
I absolutely will not, under any circumstances, leave one of my pets with a vet for disposal after they die. I always have them cremated and bring them home.


--- Quote from: fifth_column on March 08, 2021, 10:25:26 AM ---I've heard that as a rule of thumb if the fleas on roadkill are still alive the meat is probably still good . . .

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If I didn't kill it I ain't taking it home.

Got some bad skunk that way one time.

Right out of High School, I worked for a rendering plant in Long Island City for exactly two and one tenth days.  I was in the chem lab doing Kjeldahl analyses for protein (nitrogen) content.

People would avoid me on the subway ride home.  But not  the flies.  The smell on my clothes was hard to get rid of.  The company moved to someplace in New Jersey  sometime later.

They say the sense of smell "extinguishes" quickly.    But not that smell.

I sure learned a lot I'd just as soon forget in that two and one tenth days.

It's probably lunchtime for some of you, so I won't go into details.

K Frame:
Dan Simmon's book Summer of Night prominently features a rendering truck driven by one of the minions of the evil stalking the town...

Perd Hapley:

--- Quote ---I love this soap being vegan, and not made from dogs, cats, dead zoo animals and road kill by products as is the traditional commercial soaps!
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Somebody doesn't like recycling, sustainability, or proper grammar.

--- Quote from: Jim147 on March 08, 2021, 07:54:09 AM ---Just going by the thread title I thought this was about a new cooking show.

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I thought it was the menu for the restaurants Biden will allow to open after he declares the end of the pandemic in 2032. (animatronic, President for Life Biden)


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