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Gain of function

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I don't think it escaped the lab.
I think it was seeded into the population, with a pre-prepped propaganda blitz about an epidemic, to cover for the execution, and cremation, of thousands of Hong Kong protesters.
And American media ate it up, and prompted the politicians to act, or else.
It kills the heck out of people who are terminally ill with "co-morbidities."
It empties hospices and skilled-nursing-facilities whose patients have to be turned to keep them from developing pressure ulcers.
Most other folks get the snifflies. Or, if their doctor panics, and decides that they need to be on a ventilator, because they've heard so much about how that is the treatment (it isn't...), and get their lungs shredded like tissue paper by increasingly high pressures, then they show the "lasting damage" that they crowed about.
Yeah, it whups your ass. Past few Santa seasons, I pretty much needed a month vacation time to get over all the crud that I'd catch from the kids during the last week. Whiskey and movies...
I suspect that geriatric morbidity numbers will hit a trough for the next year. They already got the easy ones...
I do think it was cooked up - likely as a bioweapon to be largely non-fatal to a population, to soften resistance.


--- Quote from: Bogie on May 11, 2021, 10:30:19 PM ---I don't think it escaped the lab.
I think it was seeded into the population, with a pre-prepped propaganda blitz about an epidemic, to cover for the execution, and cremation, of thousands of Hong Kong protesters.
And American media ate it up, and prompted the politicians to act, or else.
It kills the heck out of people who are terminally ill with "co-morbidities."
It empties hospices and skilled-nursing-facilities whose patients have to be turned to keep them from developing pressure ulcers.
Most other folks get the snifflies. Or, if their doctor panics, and decides that they need to be on a ventilator, because they've heard so much about how that is the treatment (it isn't...), and get their lungs shredded like tissue paper by increasingly high pressures, then they show the "lasting damage" that they crowed about.
Yeah, it whups your ass. Past few Santa seasons, I pretty much needed a month vacation time to get over all the crud that I'd catch from the kids during the last week. Whiskey and movies...
I suspect that geriatric morbidity numbers will hit a trough for the next year. They already got the easy ones...
I do think it was cooked up - likely as a bioweapon to be largely non-fatal to a population, to soften resistance.

--- End quote ---
That makes way too much sense.

If China were using it to conceal mass deaths, why would they pretend that their death rates were so low?

Because, overall, there weren't really all that many Hong Kong protesters to get rid of... Under 100,000. And when they saw how other places were self-harming by going with the quarantine strategy, they sure were not going to interrupt them.
"See! The quarantines work! You should weld your apartment building doors shut! See us do it! See our roving medics scraping people off the sidewalks... But we had low numbers, because quarantines. You should shut all the things down. Until you get $80/sheet plywood! Then you have low numbers like us! Now, pay attention to the cases!!!!!

At the very minimum we can say:

The USA was, in part, funding the research at the Wuhan lab through a third party.

Dr. Fauci was in charge of signing off on the funding that eventually ended up at the Wuhan lab.

The Wuhan lab was modifying bat viruses in such a manner that could increase their ability to infect human beings.

The Covid-19 pandemic started in Wuhan China.

Am I overstating anything above?


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