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Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« on: September 09, 2017, 10:16:42 AM »
Thirty six hours.

That's how long since I've had a smoke... Thursday night, 07 Sep 17, 7:30 PM MDT,  I found the longest half-smoked butt and got a couple of drags out of it before deciding to quit altogether.

That was it.  Cravings, or at least the mechanical desire to pull a cigarette out of the pack, find a lighter, and take that first drag, ocurred. So I took a half of a Niacin pill, got all flushed and skin-itchy from that.  

Hm.  Decided maybe that wasn't such a good idea for someone my age.  

But I had figured maybe Niacin (nicotinic acid) would give me a substitute for the nicotine withdrawal itself. Drank lots and lots of water, too.   Then I got a rush of brains to the head and realized that subtituting nicotinic acid for nicotine was no way to break the addiction.  Dummy!

Thirty-six hours into it, now, Saturday~7:30 AM MDT 09 Sep 17.

Yesterday wasn't bad.  I busied myself around the house, but because I hadn't emptied any of the ashtrays, everytime my nose passed one, the smell would kick in a Crave.  Took care of that right quick and emptied the ashtrays and put them out on the balcony.  I knew if I went grocery shopping, I'd succumb to the desire to buy a carton of cigarettes, so I dug into my legendary "72 hour supply" of foodstuffs and powdered milk to sustain myself.

I made a game of anticipating what would trigger that mechanical craving as I diddled around the house, and laughing to myself when the Crave was indeed triggered:  "Ha!  Gotcha!  I knew you'd do that!  Out, out, damned Crave!"  Got to be quite a game.  They usually went away in only a couple of minutes, but they were distracting nontheless.
Couldn't do anything creative --which was of course, when I would smoke the heaviest.  Pause to think, light a cigarette, think, solve creative problem, put cigarette down, and continue.

This morning, Saturday, for some reason it was really bad.  Every sip of coffee demanded an accompanying cigarette.  Got up about 5:30 AM, had a cup of coffee and suddenly I was ready to root around in the trash for a butt longer than an inch to light up.  I was even ready to chew on the brown-stained filters.

So, back to lots and lots of water, but no Niacin.

Decided I had better wait on the already-overdue grocery shopping --not sure of my own "strength" in this little project at this point.  I am sure to say, "Oh, what the hell," and buy "just one pack," then change my mind right there at the counter and say, "Oh, what the hell," and go ahead and buy a carton anyhow.

I'm weak, weak as water, and I know it.

"A man's got to know his limitations."

So I'll stick it out, right here at home, working on that 72-hour supply.  After all, I do know myself pretty well, and it seems every time I say, "Oh, what the hell" about something, I get in trouble.

Then I checked, and sure indeedy, that craving is intensified by the second or third day with a lot of folks who quit smoking.

Thus armed, I go forth to face the day.

But I don't think I'll go shopping yet.  I may hit that 72 hours on my emergency food supply, though.



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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2017, 10:37:18 AM »
Good luck.    You'll be tacking on years to your life without those coffin nails. ;)
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2017, 11:22:51 AM »
When you do finally hit the grocery store, buy carrots and celery.  Turn both into sticks.  When the crave hits, grab one (or more).  That helps with both the mechanical (muscle memory) and the oral fixation of shoving something in your mouth.  Also, you gain have the weight gain from eating candy or other items.

I found them to be very helpful when I quit on 15 March 2000.

Good Luck !!!
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2017, 04:10:40 PM »
I wish ya the best of luck and may God grant you the strength to resist that devil Nicotine! My dad quit booze and later smoking and once he achieved sobriety and held it for a while, that wasn't so bad for him (although drying out was HELL). He said cigarettes were harder. Up till he died of emphysema he said he'd smoke a cigarette 3 feet long if he had one. Of course, dad smoked since his early teens and unfiltered Camels were his poison of choice. He claimed smoking filtered cigarettes was like trying to smoke a tampon. XD
I might not last very long or be very effective but I'll be a real pain in the ass for a minute!


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2017, 12:22:24 PM »
H + 62 hours, Sunday, 9:30 AM 10 Sep.  Still playing the anticipation game --figuring ahead when I'd get a spike of craving because I'd always light up when doing that particular thing.  Surprised me yesterday, though, when I got done erranding because all my errands are in places you can't smoke anyhow.

But on leaving the parking lot of the last place, on the way home, I suddenly patted my pocket for the pack.  I hadn't anticipated that.  I suddenly remembered I had a half pack in the glove box for emergencies.  I grinned to myself and left them there.  I figured by then I was strong enough to fight off that temptation.  Will get rid of them later.

Still fighting that mechanical and taste habit of coffee going along with a cigarette.   Also, having a cigarette when "sitting on the throne," if you get my drift without going all scatty-minded about it and without my going into details.

Watched some TV last night, found myself reaching over to my end-table for a cigarette at various moments.

Good movie with a crappy title: "Panic in Year Zero!," with Ray Milland. One of the early SHTF movies, describing the ordinary family's adaptation to a dog-eat-dog, eye-for-an-eye social situation after an atomic attack on the US.  Very good psychological workup, especially regarding the wimminfolk becoming a little more hardhearted after seeing the realities of a dog-eat-dog social situation.

Reminded me of the immortal "a gun is just a tool, Marian" scene in the immortal "Shane."

"Panic in Year Zero!" is an unfortunate title because it resembles "Plan 9 From Outer Space,"  which was, maybe still is, at the top of the lists of Worst Movie Ever Made.  "Panic" is very well done, directed by and starring Ray Milland.

Anyhow, after realizing the "reaching to the end-table" reflex during the TV commercials, I made a game out of that, too.  "Aha !  A commercial.  I'm going to take a sip of coffee, put the cup back on the table, and grope around for my cigarettes."

And then laughing in triumph over the fact that I didn't have any.  Ta-Rah !

And Ta-Rah, it looks like I'm over the hump.

And as soon as I post this, I'm gonna want to reach for a cigarette because I finished a task.  But hold my coffee and watch this.


« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 08:21:11 PM by 230RN »


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2017, 05:26:37 PM »
Yeah,  I have  PANIC IN THE YEAR ZERO  on DVD.  It's a SHTF classic.  I wish they'd  make a movie of ALAS, BABYLON, without changing the setting or the time period.  Guess it's a bit late for that,  though.
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2017, 05:29:48 PM »
I remember reading ALAS, BABYLON is 6th or 7th grade. scared the crap out of me.  I too, would love to see it done as a movie...

Although , it looks like it might be happening now in Florida...
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2017, 08:19:22 PM »
Yeah,  I have  PANIC IN THE YEAR ZERO  on DVD.  It's a SHTF classic.  I wish they'd  make a movie of ALAS, BABYLON, without changing the setting or the time period.  Guess it's a bit late for that,  though.

Oh, drat.  I removed all the stuff about "Panic in the year zero!"

I'll see if I can put it back. Hang in there.

OK, I edited it back in.  I didn't realize that movie might actually be generally interesting, but it sure is realistic, with no super whiz bang weapons and lightning bolts from anyone's left pinky.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 08:45:55 PM by 230RN »

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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2017, 09:51:55 PM »
H + 62 hours, Sunday, 9:30 AM 10 Sep.  Still playing the anticipation game --figuring ahead when I'd get a spike of craving because I'd always light up when doing that particular thing.  Surprised me yesterday, though, when I got done erranding because all my errands are in places you can't smoke anyhow.

But on leaving the parking lot of the last place, on the way home, I suddenly patted my pocket for the pack.  I hadn't anticipated that.  I suddenly remembered I had a half pack in the glove box for emergencies.  I grinned to myself and left them there.  I figured by then I was strong enough to fight off that temptation.  Will get rid of them later.

Still fighting that mechanical and taste habit of coffee going along with a cigarette.   Also, having a cigarette when "sitting on the throne," if you get my drift without going all scatty-minded about it and without my going into details.

Watched some TV last night, found myself reaching over to my end-table for a cigarette at various moments.

Good movie with a crappy title: "Panic in Year Zero!," with Ray Milland. One of the early SHTF movies, describing the ordinary family's adaptation to a dog-eat-dog, eye-for-an-eye social situation after an atomic attack on the US.  Very good psychological workup, especially regarding the wimminfolk becoming a little more hardhearted after seeing the realities of a dog-eat-dog social situation.

Reminded me of the immortal "a gun is just a tool, Marian" scene in the immortal "Shane."

"Panic in Year Zero!" is an unfortunate title because it resembles "Plan 9 From Outer Space,"  which was, maybe still is, at the top of the lists of Worst Movie Ever Made.  "Panic" is very well done, directed by and starring Ray Milland.

Anyhow, after realizing the "reaching to the end-table" reflex during the TV commercials, I made a game out of that, too.  "Aha !  A commercial.  I'm going to take a sip of coffee, put the cup back on the table, and grope around for my cigarettes."

And then laughing in triumph over the fact that I didn't have any.  Ta-Rah !

And Ta-Rah, it looks like I'm over the hump.

And as soon as I post this, I'm gonna want to reach for a cigarette because I finished a task.  But hold my coffee and watch this.



One of the easiest methods to quit smoking is a near death experience...
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I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2017, 10:16:51 PM »
Good luck to ya,  Those are a mother *expletive deleted*er to quit.

Haven't had the Breakfast of Champions  (cowboy killer and coffee) in 4 years.  Miss it every time I get  a whiff.
"Leftism destroys everything good." -  Ron

There is no fixing stupid. But, you can line it up in front of a wall and offer it a last smoke.

There is no such thing as a "transgender" person.  Only mental illness that should be discouraged.


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2017, 12:28:40 AM »
A friend of mine often said about quitting stuff or doing stuff was "You gotta wanna".  About smoking he always told himself this:  "Why in the world would I crave a cigarette, I'm a non smoker."

I started to stop smoking around 15 years ago.  I chose particular places where I would not be allowed to smoke.  Then I slowly increased those spaces until there were no more spaces where I was allowed to smoke.  Worked for me.  Took awhile.  Don't miss it at all.  In fact, when you stop, after awhile cigarette smoke will begin to smell terrible.  The people who smoke will smell even worse.  Then you'll realize that's how you smelled when you smoked.  Sobering.

Now Swmbo, she smoked 3 packs a cigs a day.  lit one up upon awakening, smoked the last one when going to bed.  One morning in 1985 she woke up and said "I'm not smoking anymore."... and she stopped.  Never had another.  Mentioned the other day that she still thinks of smoking but knows if she put one in her mouth, she'd be back to 3 packs a day.

Something a friend of mine once said about trying or using cocaine.  He asked me if I had ever tried it.  I said no, but I'd allow that I was curious about it.  He then said something that scared me badly with respect to that.  He said "Don't ever try it".  I said why?  He said "Because you'll like it."  I think that comment was one of the most profound things I ever heard.  I never tried it.  I knew if I did I would like it.  I know me and that would not end well.

Hang in there.  It's a good thing you are doing.
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2017, 03:16:53 AM »
Mom and Pop both smoked but of course forbade me.  When I was fifteen in high school, the cool kids hung out in a candy store nearby where they sold loosies for 2¢ each and I got started because of peer pressure.  There were no age restrictions at all, and I remember running to the store to buy a pack for my father at even 7 or 8 years old.

I remember some of us in the chemistry program used to grab a smoke under the fume hoods of our lab benches, with a compatriot playing chickie if the teacher came by, and we'd just flick the butts in the suction holes.

Big secret from Mom and Pop, of course, but one day I cut my hand real bad and while they drove me to the hospital I asked them for a cigarette and my Mom lit one of hers up for me and passed it to me in the back seat like it was all normal.  After that they still didn't want me to smoke, so I didn't smoke around the house.

Wife1 just quit cold one day while she was pregnant with Son1, just like that.  No muss, no fuss, and I didn't even realize it for a couple of days. She just up and quit, like grampster's wife.  Go figure.

I quit about eight-nine years later when the aforementioned Son1 was entering a father-son race for some charity and he and I started running across the pasture and I got winded after only a hundred yards.  'Twarent easy, but I had a lot of self-discipline in those days, so I quit with some additional help from some chewing gum substitute.
I soon started running and actually ran the 10K Bolder Boulder race.  Wife1 and I divorced in about '86 and I was smoke free until about 1992 or '93 when I took up with a woman who smoked.  We discussed it:  "Oh, I'll only smoke outside, honey.  I've got to quit too, anyway."

That lasted until the first drizzling freezing rain, and after that it was only in the bathroom with the exhaust fan on, and after that it was only with the windows open and we got married after a year of that and by then I'd started smoking again anyhow.

So here it is Monday 01:00AM MST 11 Sep 2017 (about H + 77 hours) and I'm doing pretty good, but I got back in my normal mode of doing things so the anticipation game is wearing a little thin because I'm doing more things.  So it was somewhat rougher today.  And there's still that coffee-cigarette link.

I've been feeling real dopey, kept taking one hour naps all day long, which I don't understand.

I started all this at 192.5 lb, hope I don't gain too much during this process.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 03:44:01 AM by 230RN »


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2017, 08:30:36 AM »
I started all this at 192.5 lb, hope I don't gain too much during this process.


Two things:

1.  Drink water if you feel "hungry".  It will fill you up, and help get rid of that "I want something to eat" urge.

2.  Carrot and Celery sticks.  They have several things going for them.  A) You won't get fat eating them, B) It helps with the hand to mouth urges, C) also helps with the oral fixation of having something in your mouth.

3. One day, one hour at time.  The nicotine should be out of your system (which causes the cravings) after 21 days.  After that it's psychological...  Keep going you're doing great !! 
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2017, 08:32:06 AM »
Good work!

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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2017, 10:20:19 AM »
Good on you. Keep it up.

I quit for a bit over 3 months before I fell off the wagon because of the stress of dealing with Mom's estate.

I'm trying to climb back on the wagon, but so far it's not taken.

I'll have to admit that, compared to some of the stories I've heard, I've got it REALLY easy. As far as I can tell, I don't have a nicotine dependency that mainfests itself in any of the ways that people describe.

I get mild headaches and get a bit antsy the first couple of days, but nothing like the fierce withdrawal symptoms people describe, and no real actual cravings... just a "wow, I'd really like to have a smoke right now" feeling that pops up every now and again.
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2017, 10:34:06 AM »
Ohhhh, I've been drinking water a lot.  To the point where I can't go more'n an hour or two without having to do wee-wee.

Celery I like, but ran out.  I don't like carrots.  For some reason they give me hiccups.

21 Days !!!??!!  I thought the half-life of nicotine was two hours !  You sure you don't mean 21 hours?  That would make about 10 half-lives, which would mean only about a tenth of a percent (~0.09765625%) of the original dose would be left in my tender little pink body:  (0.510) X 100.

"Two things," and then you list three.  Indicative of your math ability?   Just kidding.  Thought that was funny:  "I see what you did there."

Thanks, jamisjockey.  Appreciate that.

And Mike, I suspect "Wow, I really want to have a cigarette" is the craving.  Too bad you fell off the wagon, and I'll let that be a warning for my own abstinence down the line. Keep on punchin'.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 10:48:32 AM by 230RN »


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2017, 10:41:50 AM »
Nope, 21 days to to get it out of your system.

And yes, No one expects the Spanish Inquisition !!!
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2017, 10:58:45 AM »
Nope, 21 days to to get it out of your system.

I guess that depends on how many decimal places and original dosage you use.  Not challenging you on it, but I wonder how that 21 days was derived.  I get 1.34e-74 % remaining for 21 days' worth of two-hour half-lives.  Where did I go wrong, bearing in mind it's all based on estimations anyhow?

And yes, No one expects the Spanish Inquisition !!!

Yeah, you're right on that one.  You never know what's going to hit the fan a little down the line.  Being the executor must have been a stressor.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 11:13:46 AM by 230RN »

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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2017, 11:01:52 AM »
"And Mike, I suspect "Wow, I really want to have a cigarette" is the craving. "

By craving, I meant nicotine craving.

My "I want a cig" was more a psychological response to a moment of stress well after passing the nicotine flush period.
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2017, 11:24:41 AM »
Found a pack with four left in it.  Dipped them in the toilet and discarded them.  Just being vengeful against these "escapees," which were hiding in the couch cushions.

Almost a week now.

Have to watch I don't knock my halo askew going through doors.

On the other hand, I've screwed up a couple of mental tasks.  I wonder if there's some kind of effect on mental acuity due to the rather substantial metabolic changes, or are I just getting stoopit?

Hacking and coughing a little this AM because they're putting a new roof on the building and the rather substantial banging and workman-stomping up there is apparently dislodging thirty-year-old dust and pollen and whatnot from everywhere.  Turned on 19" fan with a furnace filter clamped on the intake side which I use whenever I have to do any particularly dusty household things.  Also turned on air conditioner, with its filter, but with the compressor off.  Add to all that the smoke from the fires, although that's much reduced today.

Boy, you should have seen how red the sun looked the other afternoon.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 12:14:32 PM by 230RN »


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2017, 11:29:44 AM »
Found a pack with four left in it.  Dipped them in the toilet and discarded them.

Almost a week now.

Have to watch I don't knock my halo askew going through doors.

Good job!  Stay strong.  =)


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2017, 11:43:00 AM »

On the other hand, I've screwed up a coupe of mental tasks.  I wonder if there's some kind of effect on mental acuity due to the rather substantial metabolic changes, or are I just getting stoopit?

Spelling and typing are the first skils to go.  Asx me how I now.
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2017, 11:56:51 AM »
^"Spelling and typing are the first skils to go.  Asx me how I now."


H + 137, I think.  Maybe I'll shift to D+ reckoning.

Actually, I was wondering about the effects of all the water I had been drinking.  Turns out too much water does affect brain function, but it takes a hell of a lot.  I doubt that's it, though.  For right now I'm chalking it up to distractions due to the mechanical impulses to grab a cigarette when completing a task --as opposed to any actual chemically-derived "cravings*."


*I changed my mind about that from a previous post.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 12:38:18 PM by 230RN »


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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2017, 06:54:18 PM »
Stick to it, those things will kill you.

On the other hand, I've screwed up a couple of mental tasks.  I wonder if there's some kind of effect on mental acuity due to the rather substantial metabolic changes, or are I just getting stoopit?

I would not be surprised if there were positive impacts on mental acuity from nicotine (or the other stuff put into commercial cigarettes).  Back when I worked the graveyard shift in the Blood Mines of Boulder, a cup of java and a smoke always perked me up more than either of the two alone.   
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Re: Quitting smoking: H-hour +36
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2017, 07:56:09 PM »
^ Good thought.  Not impossible, I suppose.  Never really checked it out that far, since I've pretty much always had a cig and coffee on awakening.

^"Stick to it, those things will kill you."

Actually, it's surprising how much this little blog-thread is helping.  Being a basically independent SOB, it's good to be able to express my little insights and triumphs to everyone.  A little extra + feedback.

Still discovering more little tasks linked to lighting up, still have coffee and wanting (needing, craving, wishing for) a cigarette.  I wonder why the two tastes are so compatible.  Just long-term association?

Also, taking a dump sans a cigarette is... different.

What are the Blood Mines of Boulder?  

Boulder, CO?

Stretching it a bit, it sounds like police work?

Lived in Boulder ~1963 - ~1990 +/-.  Grew from loving that town to hating it like mad by the '90s.

Speaking of smoke, I used to shoot at the dump up north of town before it became the R + P club.  At the time, there was still smoke coming out of the ground from burning buried trash.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 08:33:30 PM by 230RN »