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Well, if it ain't one thing it's another...

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Swmbo and I were taking our pre lunch 1.5 mile walk around 11 this morning.  We live in the country so no curbs or sidewalks.  Country folk walking etiquette requires the walker to move onto the shoulder when there is an oncoming car, who is to slow and move over toward the centerline.  Well, that all happened properly except swmbo lost her footing on the unstable shoulder, turned over her ankle and fell down.

You guessed it!  She fractured the ankle in two places, but thankfully, did not displace any of the bones.  She has a good pulse in the foot, but a little numbness, cool to the touch and the outside of the left ankle is swollen and really sore.  Doc thinks the nerve is pinched a bit by the swelling at ankle near the break and will be ok when the swelling goes down.

Swmbo has a splint and a wrap and orders to stay off it for a week.  Back to doc for more x-rays, evaluation and action on a proper cast next monday.  She's in pain and pissed at herself.  I've got her in bed, propped up and leg propped up above her heart and gave her a double shot of Darvacet.   I think she's sleeping right now.  

Damn, it hurts to have your partner in life to be dicombobled and in pain.  I'd like to just curl up next to her, except she'd hit me with her crutch.  Did I mention she is not a good patient?

Well, anyhoo, looks like baloney sandwiches and I'll have to wear my underwear for an extended period of time as my assigned tasks around the grampster's keep have been handling whatever occurs in the basement, garage and in the yard.

 Sigh.......Does anyone know what a washer and drier looks like?  Why is the dishwasher making them funny noises?  Where does the silverwear go?  Maybe I'll just leave all that stuff in the dishwasher after it quits making them funny noises. Lord knows I won't be dirtying anything up except paper plates and I can throw those away.  Sigh.....

I'm pretty sure if you can understand the workings of an internal combustion engine, you can figure out the intricacies of washing machine water levels. If you need help, let me know and I'll create a diagram involving stick figures and one syllable words.

I hope Mrs.Grampster gets better soon..You're is hard to have someone you care about hurt like that. Take good care of her.

Grampster-- sorry to hear that.

while I know nothing of her case nor her age, I will say one thing. Be weary of osteoporosis. Of course, turned ankles at any age can cause fractures depending on the severity of the strain on the bone. However, osteoporosis frequently presents as a moderate strain that probably shouldn't break a bone but does. I also have no idea of your insurance state or finances, but perhaps it would be worthwhile for her to get a "DEXA scan" just to make sure. The DEXA measures bone density and lets a person know if they have abnormally low density indicating osteoporosis as there are treatments to help.


She's had the bone density stuff.  She's in good shape generally, and particularly good in the bone density arena.  Thanks for the tip, though.

She's 65, looks 45 and has the figure of a 25 year old.  (she does read my posts sometimes)  Actually, it's the truth.

You put water in a washing machine?    The stick figures might be a bit complicated.

Sorry to hear that Dick but relieved no compound comminuted fracture - then there would be some prob's.

Hopefully a good cast and some impatience while knitting will see it all pan out OK.

Meantime - well see if you can find any of that disposable paper underwear?!  Be nice to her - even if she is not a good patient - and notch up a good load of Brownie points for later


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