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For the Dogs


I usually give Steve-o a half a Kirkland dog biscuit every day, but I think I'm gonna try and make some of Cowboy Ken's dog treats.

I’ve been dogless for a few years now but I always made dog jerky treats out of deer liver, lamb or beef liver. I like liver once in awhile but my wife hates it can’t even stand the smell of it.
Friends of our were training a young golden retriever. I gave them a big bag of it. Dog loved it. They would give a piece when she told them she had to go outside and do her business in the fenced in yard then came back to bark at the door to get back in.
It worked very well until they realized she was scamming them for liver jerky treats. She didn’t have to go, she just figured out how to get treats.
I still make them when I have liver and give it to people with dogs.


--- Quote from: Kingcreek on February 19, 2024, 09:06:29 AM ---I like liver - - -
--- End quote ---

That was a "bone of contention" between my mother and her mother.
Grandmother loved liver, esp. chicken, as well as the crops and gizzards yet her daughter (my Mom) couldn't stand them.  While I don't like the crops and gizzards, I do like the livers.  I've eaten livers from a variety of game animals as well - rabbit, squirrel, dove, quail, duck, geese, groundhog/woodchuck, and deer.
My ex-wife made excellent "liver & onions" that, after browning, was crockpotted and cooked until it was "fork tender" with brown onion gravy.

The dog I had at the time was always waiting to like the plate whenever we had that.  :rofl:

I am “allowed” to make liver and onions in the garage, on the welding table, with my vintage Coleman camp stove and cast iron skilllet.
I am forbidden from cooking it in HER kitchen. She is very territorial about HER kitchen.

The first time we had a lamb butchered and we got the liver, she wanted to throw it out. I said I would fix it for the dog. I was doing it in the garage (no onion) and it smelled so good I told the dog he would have to share.


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